Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Michael Oren: Trump unclear on Israel; Biden is supportive

Trump also hates Netanyahu and does not forgive him for congratulating Biden when he was elected. He also criticizes us. There is no pro-Israeli option here. I don't know, and neither does he, what his policy will be."

Regarding Biden, Oren said: "Really, compared to other people, there's [not a lot bad to say about him], he pays a price for helping us. Decisions were made to force a ceasefire on us and Biden vetoed it, he saved us."

The Utter Ridiculousness of ‘Trump Bibles’

Hence, he’s selling the “God Bless The USA” Bible—a reference to the Lee Greenwood song of the same name—for $59.99 a pop (plus shipping and handling). For those wondering why the price point is so high, a site dedicated solely to selling the books notes that it’s “the only Bible endorsed by President Trump.” Not like those other worthless Bibles that aren’t endorsed by Trump.

Israeli woman who was held hostage by Hamas speaks out on her abduction and sexual assault in Gaza

Amit Soussana has become the first Israeli woman to speak publicly about enduring what she says was a sexual assault and other forms of violence during her 55 days in captivity following the Hamas-led attack on Israel on October 7, according to reporting by The New York Times on Tuesday.

Suspended government spokesman Eylon Levy dismissed from his position

A week after being suspended, the government's spokesman Eylon Levi is dismissed from his position, N12 reported on Tuesday evening. The government's office gave a list of reasons.

Hamas Hails Biden's 'Clear Changes' on Israel Policy

Asenior Hamas official has told Newsweek that the Palestinian movement has identified shift in the United States' position toward Israel after Washington declined to back its ally's stance at the United Nations, a change the group believes is due to pressure being felt by President Joe Biden from at home and abroad.

NBC Drops Ronna McDaniel as Host

Former Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has been dropped by NBC News after fierce backlash from several prominent on-air personalities.

The network reversed its hiring decision on Tuesday after MSNBC hosts including Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Lawrence O'Donnell and Nicolle Wallace all voiced their strong disapproval of the hiring within days of it being announced.

McDaniel was hired on Friday to provide political analysis on MSNBC and NBC as the November presidential election approaches. She left her position at the RNC earlier this month following a request for new leadership from former President Donald Trump.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

'South Africa came to attack Israel': Anti-Israel proposals defeated at IPU

Israel's delegation at the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) annual conference on Monday was able to put a stop to two proposals that condemned Israel's actions in the war against Hamas and called for an immediate ceasefire, a Monday release from Likud MK Danny Danon's office reported. 

Steven Spielberg warns: 'Jews may again have to fight for right to be Jewish'

In an interview with Fox News, he commented on the growing antisemitism in the world. “I find it very, very surprising because antisemitism has always been there. It’s either been just around the corner and slightly out of sight but always lurking, or it has been much more overt, like Germany in the 30s,” he said. “But not since Germany in the 30s have I witnessed antisemitism no longer lurking but standing proud with hands on hips like Hitler and Mussolini.

Everything is a Miracle

 Ramban (Toras HaShem Temima) And when we take a good look, we see that a person has no part in the Torah of Moses until he believes that all our words and actions are miracles  there is no worldly nature in them. That is because the essence of the Torah is complete miracles and wonders, because there is no difference for those who take a good look between a righteous man who lived eighty years quietly and safely and without illness, ... and between the splitting of the Red Sea. …The general rule is everything in the Torah are either miracles or potential miracles and that is why G-d specifies them in the Torah. ..For example, , no man knew that the deliverance of so-and-so from an illness was from charity he gave, and the death of a healthy person was due to eating prohibited fat, but both are equivalent. That is why astonishment was expressed regarding the Rambam because he is always minimizing miracles and emphasizing the natural. He also claimed that miracles are only temporary aberrations when in fact they are permanent – as he himself admitted in his  Letter on Resurrection of the Dead. 

Rabbeinu Bachya (Shemos 30:12) In fact it is axiomatic to remember that a person is not a true believer, i.e. does not really have a share in Moses’ Torah unless he is absolutely convinced of the fact that G-d performs such hidden miracles all the time, that there is no accident and no coincidence in the universe. G-d is aware of all that occurs and has had a hand in it 

Sefer HaChinuch (132) The thing is known amongst us and among every sage that the great miracles that God does for people in His great goodness, He always does hiddenly. And these matters appear a little as if they were truly done by way of nature, or close to nature. 

Palm reading

 Rav Sternbuch (1:454) It seems that there is no prohibition to ask and investigate with a palm reader. In fact  there is a basis in Zohar (Yisro) which states 'and you will see' that in the human body in the palm of his hand that there are hints to his status and luck. Nevertheless he must be fully aware that for Jews everything depends on prayer and good deeds. In addition these non Jewish palm readers their knowledge is not clear and certain in what they see from the palm and they mix truth with falsehoods. It is best not to ask them anything but rather to rely on G-d regarding the future. Through many prayers and giving charity and other good deeds He will have mercy on us in this World regarding children lifespan and parnossa and we should merit the World to Come. 

Is This What True Friendship With Israel Looks Like, America?

By abstaining rather than an explicit veto, the U.S. allowed the Security Council to put Israel in the defendant's docket, alongside Hamas. It's an astounding degree of moral equivalency between an Iran-backed terrorist organization and the democratically elected government of the State of Israel.

Or, as Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan put it, "It was the Hamas massacre that started this war... Nearly six months has passed, and the Security Council still has not condemned the child-murdering rapists that started this war. The resolution just voted upon makes it seem as if the war started by itself... Israel did not start this war, nor did Israel want this war."

Unrealitic belief in being Safe

Making of a Godol (page 365)

 This author came across another instance of blind faith in the safety of Torah sites during times of war in another episode conveyed by Hayyah-Miriam Shulman. She related that her father, R' Isaac Scher, and R' Moshe-Mordkhai Epstein did not believe World War I would erupt because they "could not picture the dismantling  of the essence of holiness  that the Slabodka yeshiva represented

UN Security Council resolution will only harden Hamas stance in hostage talks, envoy says

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan on Monday night slammed the UN Security Council's call for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza during the month of Ramadan.

“Although the American ambassador said they see it as contingent upon the release of hostages, it is no coincidence that Hamas welcomed this and the Palestinians celebrated,” he said in an interview with Ynet.

PM calls off delegation to Washington after US abstains on UNSC resolution

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled Monday a planned trip to Washington by his senior aides Ron Dermer and Tzachi Hanegbi after the United States abstained in a United Nations Security Council ceasefire resolution that was passed.

The UNSC demanded a ceasefire in Gaza during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, its first demand to halt fighting.