Tuesday, March 5, 2024

UN team says Hamas likely carried out sexual violence in Israel on 7 October


In the report, the UN said it had "found clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment has been committed against hostages".

It also said it "has reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing against those still held in captivity".

The UN team visited Israel between 29 January and 14 February.

Florida GOP senators defend DeSantis’ surgeon general amid measles outbreak


Ladapo, who rejected federal guidelines for Covid-19 vaccinations, sent a recent letter to parents at an elementary school in Broward County where six kids were infected with measles. In his letter, he advised parents that they should decide for themselves whether to vaccinate their kids or remove unvaccinated students from schools.

He did not follow federal recommendations to urge parents to vaccinate their children against measles or quarantine those who may have come in contact with the virus. People who have been vaccinated against measles have a very high protection rate.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Russia spreads claims Yad Vashem hides Ukraine Nazi collaboration


Levin, who according to her Facebook page lives in Modiin and runs a nail beautician school, posted on Tuesday the allegations against Yad Vashem on her small one thousand subscriber Youtube channel. The channel posts content in Russian with English subtitles, and mostly on the topic of the Russian-Ukraine War.

Yad Vashem called the blog "strange" and "fictitious" and denied that there had been any concealment, removal, or alteration of its exhibits that obfuscates the collaboration of Ukrainians in the murder of Jews during the Holocaust.

Supreme Court unanimously rules to keep Trump on Colorado ballot


The Supreme Court ruled Monday that former President Donald Trump should appear on the ballot in Colorado, a decision with nationwide implications that follows months of debate over whether the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination violated the 14th Amendment's “insurrectionist clause” because of his role in the January 6, 2021, riot.

New York Bail Reform Laws Reduced Recidivism, Contrary to Critics’ Claims


A study released on March 14, 2023, revealed that New York’s controversial new bail laws have not led to more rearrests of offenders, as some politicians claimed. In fact, according to the study’s authors at the John Jay College Data Collaborative for Justice (DCJ), the opposite is true.

The study focused on the effect in New York City of 2020 bail reform laws, which eliminated a judge’s discretion to impose bail for low-level crimes. What researchers found was that these reforms reduced the likelihood of rearrest, with one exception: The re-arrest rate for those released following a recent violent felony arrest showed a slight increase.

According to DCJ Director Michael Rempel, “Fundamentally, we found that eliminating bail for most misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies reduced recidivism in New York City.”

Parnossa does not interfere with Torah Learning

 Ruach Chaim (5:05) One of the ten miracles that occurred in the Temple was that the rain did not put out the fire burning on the wood for the sacrifices... The claim of most people is that in our times it is not possible to be fully engaged in Torah study because of the concern and effort to earn a living. To this he is responding that this is absolutely wrong! Rather a person needs to have bitachon in G-d that he will be able to engage fully in Torah study. This that it says that the rains will not extinguish the fire is a a metaphor for parnossa, In other words there will be no loss by fully engaging in Torah study which is comparable to fire. 

Ruach Chaim (Avos 1:14) He used to say If I am not for myself who will be for me?  You should know that the yetzer harah blinds the eyes of a person by saying constantly to him “How can you be involved in Torah study since it is required to earn a living for the sake of your wife and children especially at the present time when the burden of earning a living is extremely heavy, While that in truth is the blinding advice of the evil inclination. In reality our Sages tell us that before the baby is formed it has already been decreed whether he will be rich or poor and this is typically for his entire life. Furthermore on each individual year it is decreed from Rosh Hashanna what wealth he will receive. Therefore all his efforts will not get for him more than has been decreed and in fact he will get his portion with minimal effort. In contrast his accomplishment in Torah is proportional to his effort. Thus the Mishna is saying regarding Torah If I am not for myself who will be for me? That is because It all depends on me. In contrast the Mishna continues that regarding this world if I rely totally on myself than what am I 

Rambam (Hilchos Shemitta 13:12–13): Why didn’t the tribe of Levi merit an inheritance in the land of Israel as well as the spoils of war like the other tribes? It is because they were given the responsibility to serve G d and to teach His righteous ways to the masses… Therefore they were separated from the ways of world and were not involved in war like the rest of Israel and they neither inherited nor obtained things by means of physical endeavors. They were G d’s army and G d provided for them. However, this way of life is not exclusively for the tribe of Levi but in fact any person in the world whose spirit moves him. He understands by himself to separate and stand before G d to serve Him in order to know G d. If he goes in the upright path, as G d desired then the yoke of constant worry characteristic of mankind will be taken from him. He will be sanctified, as holy of holies and G d will be his portion and inheritance forever. He will consequently obtain in this world that which he needs in the same way as the Cohanim and Leviim…

Astrology is harmful

 Rambam (Letter on Astrology). The reason that we lost our kingdom and the Temple was destroyed and we arrived at our present condition is the result of our ancestors sinning. This is because they found many astrology books which are essentially avoda zara…and they thought they were magnificent science which would be very helpful. Consequently they did not study warfare and military strategies but thought that astrology alone would save them. That is why the prophets described them as fools and idiots…

Supreme Court decision on Trump’s 14th Amendment case could come Monday


The Supreme Court in an unusual announcement signaled it will release at least one opinion on Monday morning, a signal the justices could hand down a decision on former President Trump’s 14th Amendment case that kicked him off the Colorado ballot.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

It’s Nuts That Trump Will Soon Have Classified National Security Intelligence Briefings Again


In a normal world, this wouldn’t happen. No responsible party would nominate for president a person who had disclosed classified information in the past, is under credible suspicion of having stolen and concealed classified information in the present, and who is under immense pressure to sell classified information in the future.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Why Is Trump Getting Special Treatment From the Supreme Court?


Start with the weakness of Trump’s argument. There is absolutely no constitutional text, no precedent and no authority in the original debates over the Constitution’s ratification to support the idea for a former president’s absolute immunity. The argument advanced by Trump’s counsel is patently absurd. The idea that senators could impeach a president who threatened them with deadly violence and so no criminal justice process is needed, is facetious. The District of Columbia Court of Appeals rightly ridiculed it — and issued a comprehensive, tightly reasoned and unanimous opinion that presented no good cause for further review.

IDF soldiers sentenced to 20 days in prison for making hot dogs on Shabbat


Two soldiers have been sentenced to 20 days in military prison after being caught warming up hot dogs in a military kitchen on Shabbat, according to a KAN11 report on Friday.

The pair were caught by a third soldier who entered the kitchen and saw them committing the act.

They were summoned to trial, where they initially denied the charges but later confessed and were sentenced to at least 20 days in prison.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Can a ‘Kosher’ Phone Cure Your Tech Addiction?


Today, smartphone addiction is widely acknowledged, and most people I know are actively seeking to minimize screen time and shield their children from the highly addictive nature of technology. However, across the world, ultra-orthodox Jews have consistently refrained from adopting smartphones as a community and maintain a cautious approach to internet usage.

Ultra-orthodox groups are relatively secluded and are characterized by their strict adherence to Jewish law, particularly those concentrated in Israel and America but also found in various countries such as Australia, Canada, and England. They have chosen to eschew the internet and smartphones, and perceive these technologies as excessively addictive and incongruent with their traditional way of life.

Rabbi, teen hitchhiker killed in terror shooting at West Bank gas station


Two Israelis were killed when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire at a gas station in the West Bank on Thursday afternoon before being shot and killed by the proprietor of a nearby business on leave from fighting in Gaza, the military and medics said.

The attack, the second deadly shooting at the spot outside the settlement of Eli since June, comes as security tensions around the West Bank have risen ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, even as the military remains focused on fighting in Gaza and escalating skirmishes on the northern border.

Poll finds nearly 1 in 4 Americans hold antisemitic views, highest in 60 years


Nearly a quarter of Americans hold antisemitic beliefs, with a disturbing reversal in trends showing that younger generations are more likely to believe in antisemitic tropes than previous generations, the Anti-Defamation League found in a survey released Thursday.

The poll of more than 4,000 US adults asked respondents the extent to which they agree with statements such as “Jews have too much power in the business world,” “Jews have too much control and influence on Wall Street” and “Jews are more willing than others to use shady practices to get what they want.”

The results showed that 24 percent of Americans agreed with at least six of the statements, up from 20% in 2022, and the highest figure since the 11 statements were first polled in 1964, when 29% agreed. Only 9% to 11% agreed with the statements from 2014 to 2019 before spiking this decade.