Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Hunter Biden to plead guilty in deal with feds


“Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery,” Comer said. “We will not rest until the full extent of President Biden’s involvement in the family’s schemes are revealed.”

Comer’s bribery allegations stem from a tip to the FBI the agency was unable to corroborate.

Trump weighed in on Hunter Biden’s case after news of the plea agreement broke, criticizing the charges as being low-level.

Hunter Biden reaches plea deal with feds to resolve tax issues, gun charge


Under an agreement detailed Tuesday in a filing in federal court in Delaware, President Joe Biden’s son will plead guilty to a pair of misdemeanor tax charges. Prosecutors have also charged him with possessing a firearm while being a user of illegal drugs — a felony — but have agreed to dismiss that charge if he completes a two-year period of probation.

Primary source of Steele dossier Igor Danchenko acquitted of lying to FBI


Igor Danchenko, the Russian analyst considered the primary source of the "Steele dossier," a 2016 opposition research report filled with unproven, compromising personal and financial information about then-candidate Donald Trump, walked out of federal court on Tuesday after a jury cleared him of all charges of making false statements to the FBI. 

Danchenko's case stems from special counsel John Durham's probe into the origins of the Russia investigation. In 2019, Attorney General Bill Barr tasked Durham with reviewing the FBI's handling of the investigation into Russia's connection with the 2016 Trump campaign.

The Steele dossier has always been misunderstood


The story of the Christopher Steele dossier took its latest turn this week with the acquittal of Igor Danchenko, an analyst who worked on the dossier and was accused of lying to the FBI about it. The case that John H. Durham brought against Danchenko was so weak that the judge threw out one of the charges before a jury could deliberate on it, and the jury spent only one day before it acquitted Danchenko of the charges against him.

Steele dossier


Republican Rep. Steube invoked a common refrain from defenders of the President: that the dossier provided "the very basis of the investigation


The dossier was not the basis for the FBI's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Kremlin Bizarrely Claims Goal of Demilitarizing Ukraine 'Largely Completed'


On Saturday, Russian officials claimed that Ukraine had, in fact, been demilitarized—in line with the goals of Moscow's invasion of the Eastern European nation—despite clear and significant evidence to the contrary.

Republicans still embracing losers, would rather be victims than winners

Lawrence: Trump incriminated himself on Fox tonight

Donald Trump Charged in Classified Documents Case: A Legal Analysis

Legal Experts React to Trump's Interview With Bret Baier on Fox News


Several attorneys said the former president admitted to his alleged crimes.

"Mr. Trump's lawyers had to be cringing during that interview, and DOJ lawyers were no doubt taking notes," Moss told Newsweek. "Mr. Trump confessed to personally going through the boxes and had no explanation for why classified records from those boxes wound up in his personal desk. He placed himself at the scene of the retention and obstruction. This is the stuff of nightmares for a defense attorney."

Brit Hume: Trump defense of taking documents ‘incoherent’


“He seemed to be saying the documents were really his and he didn’t give them back when he was requested to do so, and when they were subpoenaed because he wasn’t ready to because he hadn’t sorted them or whatever from his golf shirts,” Hume said. “It was not altogether clear what he was saying, but he seemed to believe that the documents were his, that he had declassified them and therefore he could do whatever he wanted with them.”

Trump defends keeping classified docs in contentious exchange with Fox’s Baier


Former President Donald Trump on Monday defended his retention of classified materials after leaving the White House, telling Fox News he did not have time to go through the boxes filled with the documents.

Donald Trump and Fox News Anchor Bret Baier Clash in Heated Interview


“I’m no great fan of Fox,” Trump said later in the interview.

“You’re sitting here…” Baier said.

“Well, you gotta get your word out somehow, right?” Trump responded.

Monday, June 19, 2023


 Sefer HaIkkarim (4:29) Cabalists argued—that the soul is not a material power but an independent substance and just as the spiritual substance entered the human body when it was created, it is possible that after having functioned in one human body, it may return and live in another. But this is not correct. The divine Wisdom did indeed decree that the spiritual substance, which by its nature is not a free agent, should dwell in the human body in order that it may become a free agent in the body, because this is no doubt a valuable quality in it. So much so that, as we are told by the Rabbis, the angels made a mistake and when God created man, they wanted to worship him … This was because he was a free agent and they were not. Nevertheless, why should a soul which has already functioned in a human body and has become a free agent, return to the body again? And why should the seminal drop have the capacity to receive a soul which has already functioned in a body rather than to receive a soul which has not functioned in a body and is not a free agent? A still less likely view is that of those who say that human souls are transmigrated into bodies of animals. God knows.