Thursday, June 8, 2023

Assisted Suicide Crisis in NY

 Urgent Alert for all NY State residents regarding Assisted Suicide bill A995/ S2445a. 

## Sakonas Nefashos ##

Below are names and contact information of NY assemblymen in need of immediate pressure to oppose Assisted Suicide bill A995, now threatening to pass before the legislative session closes, as early as today, Thursday June 8th.  Both houses of the legislature need to hear from us, so please also alert your state senator as well, by calling the central switchboard number 518.455.2800 (corrected number).

Ensure that your legislators truly understand that you cannot vote for them if they insist on voting to help murder innocent people. No amount of government goodies can buy off a Torah-true Jew.  Please stand and be counted. 

Assemblymen of particular interest are highlighted below.  Many of those who have Orthodox constituencies of note are bolded.

Please circulate this information ASAP as widely and prominently as possible among those who have a reach into NY.

See for a sample article.

To provide the text of a landmark statement detailing the pertinent Torah imperative, demanding assiduous action against all such legislation, we've copied a statement of Torah Law (Psak) below.  Please forgive any technical glitches or formating errors that appear.

The abortion and same-gender "marriage" battles taught us that if NY falls, G-d forbid, then the rest of the country could likely follow.

To reach us right away, it's may be best to try calling or texting our direct line (771-215-8892).

Thank you in advance.

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

Executive Director,

Help Rescue Our Children


Direct: 771-215-8892

Israeli Helpline: 03-721-3337



(emphasis added here:)


Psak Halacha 

Regarding attempts to pass “Death with Dignity” legislation: 

The chiyuv (Torah injunction) of “Lo sa'amod al dam re’echa”, obligates everyone to do what he or she can, to help prevent assisted suicide and/or euthanasia. 

Allowing the legalization of “assisted suicide”, even if this particular law in practice would only result in assisting a suicide and not euthanasia, is to allow shefichas-domim (bloodshed). Furthermore even rendering such actions not being subject to prosecution, is allowing shefichas-domim (bloodshed), al achas kama vekama (how much more so), in cases of assisted suicide leading to euthanasia. 

Voting on the basis of this issue. This obligation would include: 

1) Thus, when voting for any public official, this issue must be considered as top priority, certainly overriding financial considerations, government programs, etc. By voting for people who support these laws, we become accountable for their actions. This ruling would still apply even if these laws were to be passed, we would still be forbidden to vote for legislators who voted for these laws. This is the most important way to fulfill our obligation. 

2) Urging one’s legislators to vote against these bills, if and when they arise[1] and to urge the governor to veto such bill, were it to pass the legislature. 

3) Helping in efforts to repeal such laws, in areas[2] where such legislation was already passed. 

Even a few votes can make a major difference, both by legislators and the public — sometimes the vote of a single legislator can decide the fate of these laws — as is evidenced by the recent vote in the New Jersey State Assembly (in November 2014), where an assisted suicide bill was passed by just one vote. We have seen in several recent races in Jewish neighborhoods, that even a handful of votes can make the difference in the outcome of the election[3]. Furthermore, some legislators keep track of the calls that are made to their offices on particular controversial issues, and vote according to their results. 

May the Creator of all life grace us with the merit to save innocent lives, fulfilling our role as an or legoyim (light unto the nations). In that merit, may we help usher in the Final Redemption by Moshiach Tzidkeinu. 

  Rabbonim are listed alphabetically.  

Mordechai Chaim Auerbach Boruch Hirschfeld  Avrohom Reich  Monsey Ahavas Yisroel, Cleveland Hatzolas Yisroel 


Eliyahu Ben-Haim Zalman Leib Hollander Dovid Ribiat  

RIETS/Kehillah Yotzei Mashad Khal Nachlas Moshe, Spring Valley, NY  mechaber "The 39 Melochos" 


Haim Benoliel  Shmuel Kamenetsky Yosef Yitzchok Rosenfeld  

Bnai Yosef/Mikdash Melech Talmudical Academy of Philadelphia Monsey Dometz 


Gad Bouskila  Yosef Meir Kantor Chaim Schabes  

Netivot Israel Cong. Agudath Israel of Monsey Knesses Yisroel 


Yitzchok M. Braun Elya Nota Katz Dovid Schustal  

Shaaray Zion Stamford Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood 


Shlomo Breslauer Eliezer Langer Yaakov Shulman  

Bais Tefiloh Cong. Israel, Poughkeepsie, NY Talmud Torah of Flatbush 


Eliyahu Brog Yeshaye Gedalye Kaufman  Moshe Silberberg  

Bais Yisroel Hisachdus Moetz, Kruleh Dometz Shuvu/mechaber “Zichron Tzvi Meir” 


Simcha Bunim Cohen Amram Klein  Moshe Soloveitchik  

Khal Ateres Yeshaya Ungvar Chicago 


Yitzchok Cohen  Shloime Ben Zion Kokis  Yitzchok Sorotzkin  

Yeshiva University RIETS Zichron Mordechai Mesivta of Lakewood 


Moshe Donnebaum Grainom Lazewnik  Tzvi Steinberg 

Hechel Hatorah/Adas Yisroel/Melbourne Khal Adar Gbir Kahal Zera Avraham, Denver 


Michoel Elias Philip Lefkowitz Shlomo Stern 

Kehilas Yisroel, Spring Valley Jackson, NJ; mult. congregations in US, UK & Canada Debreciner Rov 


Eytan Feiner Moshe Tuvia Lieff Elazar Mayer Teitz 

Kneseth Israel, (The White Shul) Far Rockaway Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin Chief Rabbi of Elizabeth, NJ 


Menachem Fisher Shmuel Miller Elya Ber Wachtfogel 

Vien Monsey Yeshiva Bais Yisroel Yeshiva of South Fallsburg 


Noson Yermia Goldstein  Avrohom Yaakov Nelkenbaum  Boruch Hersh Waldman  mechaber of “Migdalos Noson” Mirrer Yeshiva Siach Yitzchok, Suffern 


Avrohom Gordimer  Yechiel Perr Moshe Weissman  

Coalition for Jewish Values Yeshiva of Far Rockaway Ohel Moshe 


Shmuel Gorelick  Steven Pruzansky Benjamin Yudin 

Mesivta Ohel Torah Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, NJ 


Moshe Green Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff  Yeruchum Zeilberger Yeshivah D'Monsey YU Gruss Kollel Stamford Yeshiva 


Yisroel Dovid Harfenes  Gavriel Zinner 

Yisroel Vehazmanim Nitei Gavriel 

Institutions are listed for identification purposes only. 

[1] as is currently in New Jersey [2] such as Washington state and Oregon 

[3] most noticeably (demonstrated) in the Senate election between David Storobin and Lew Fidler, where Storobin won by less than 20 votes. ...


Assuming all the sponsors stay on -- they only need 13 more votes to  pass Assisted Suicide in Assembly (only democrats are on the bill)

2     Republican     Jodi Giglio     2020     Suffolk

3     Republican     Joe DeStefano     2018     Suffolk

4     Republican     Edward Flood     2022     Suffolk

5     Republican     Douglas M. Smith     2018+     Suffolk

7     Republican     Jarett Gandolfo     2020     Suffolk

8     Republican     Michael J. Fitzpatrick     2002     Suffolk

9     Republican     Michael Durso     2020     Nassau, Suffolk

12     Republican     Keith Brown     2020+     Suffolk

14     Republican     David McDonough     2002+     Nassau

15     Republican     Jake Blumencranz     2022     Nassau

17     Republican     John Mikulin     2018+     Nassau

19     Republican     Ed Ra     2010     Nassau

20     Republican     Eric "Ari" Brown     2022+     Nassau

21     Republican     Brian F. Curran     2022     Nassau

22     Democratic     Michaelle C. Solages     2012     Nassau

23     Democratic     Stacey Pheffer Amato     2016     Queens

24     Democratic     David Weprin     2010+     Queens

25     Democratic     Nily Rozic     2012     Queens

27     Democratic     Daniel Rosenthal     2017+     Queens

32     Democratic     Vivian E. Cook     1990     Queens

41     Democratic     Helene Weinstein     1980     Kings (Brooklyn)

42     Democratic     Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn     2014     Kings (Brooklyn)

44     Democratic     Robert Carroll     2016     Kings (Brooklyn)

45     Republican     Michael Novakhov     2022     Kings (Brooklyn)

46     Republican     Alec Brook-Krasny     2022     Kings (Brooklyn)

47     Democratic     William Colton     1996     Kings (Brooklyn)

48     Democratic     Simcha Eichenstein     2018     Kings (Brooklyn)

49     Republican     Lester Chang     2022     Kings (Brooklyn)

52     Democratic     Jo Anne Simon     2014     Kings (Brooklyn)

54     Democratic     Erik Martin Dilan     2014     Kings (Brooklyn)

55     Democratic     Latrice Walker     2014     Kings (Brooklyn)

59     Democratic     Jaime Williams     2016+     Kings (Brooklyn)

60     Democratic     Nikki Lucas     2022+     Kings (Brooklyn)

62     Republican     Michael Reilly     2018     Richmond (Staten Island)

63     Republican     Sam Pirozzolo     2022     Richmond (Staten Island)

64     Republican     Michael Tannousis     2020     Kings (Brooklyn), Richmond (Staten Island)

69     Democratic     Daniel J. O'Donnell     2002     New York (Manhattan)

72     Democratic     Manny De Los Santos     2022+     New York (Manhattan)

77     Democratic     Latoya Joyner     2014     Bronx

78     Democratic     George Alvarez     2022     Bronx

80     Democratic     John Zaccaro Jr.     2022     Bronx

82     Democratic     Michael Benedetto     2004     Bronx

83     Democratic     Carl Heastie     2000     Bronx

91     Democratic     Steven Otis     2012     Westchester

94     Republican     Matt Slater     2022     Westchester, Putnam

96     Democratic     Kenneth Zebrowski Jr.     2007+     Rockland

97     Republican     John W. McGowan     2022     Rockland

98     Republican     Karl A. Brabenec     2014     Orange, Rockland

99     Democratic     Chris Eachus     2022     Orange, Rockland

100     Democratic     Aileen Gunther     2003+     Orange, Sullivan

101     Republican     Brian Maher     2022     Delaware, Oneida, Orange, Otsego, Sullivan, Ulster

102     Republican     Christopher Tague     2018+     Albany, Delaware, Greene, Otsego, Schoharie, Ulster

104     Democratic     Jonathan Jacobson     2018+     Dutchess, Orange, Ulster

105     Republican     Anil Beephan Jr.     2022     Dutchess

106     Democratic     Didi Barrett     2012+     Columbia, Dutchess

107     Republican     Scott Bendett     2022     Albany, Columbia, Rensselaer, Washington

108     Democratic     John T. McDonald III     2012     Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga

109     Democratic     Patricia Fahy     2012     Albany

110     Democratic     Phillip Steck     2012     Albany, Schenectady

111     Democratic     Angelo Santabarbara     2012     Montgomery, Schenectady

112     Republican     Mary Beth Walsh     2016     Fulton, Saratoga, Schenectady

114     Republican     Matt Simpson     2020     Essex, Fulton, Saratoga, Warren, Washington

115     Democratic     Billy Jones     2016     Clinton, Essex, Franklin

116     Republican     Scott Gray     2022     Jefferson, St. Lawrence

117     Republican     Ken Blankenbush     2010     Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida, St. Lawrence

118     Republican     Robert Smullen     2018     Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida

119     Democratic     Marianne Buttenschon     2018     Oneida

120     Republican     William A. Barclay     2002     Jefferson, Oswego, Wayne

121     Republican     Joe Angelino     2020     Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Madison, Otsego, Sullivan

122     Republican     Brian Miller     2016     Herkimer, Madison, Oneida, Otsego

124     Republican     Christopher S. Friend     2010     Broome, Chemung, Tioga

126     Republican     John Lemondes Jr.     2020     Cayuga, Onondaga

129     Democratic     William Magnarelli     1998     Onondaga

130     Republican     Brian Manktelow     2018     Monroe, Wayne

131     Republican     Jeff Gallahan     2020     Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Cortland, Madison, Ontario, Seneca

132     Republican     Phil Palmesano     2010     Chemung, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Yates

133     Republican     Marjorie Byrnes     2018     Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Steuben, Wyoming

134     Republican     Josh Jensen     2020     Monroe

139     Republican     Stephen Hawley     2006+     Erie, Genesee, Monroe, Orleans

140     Democratic     William Conrad III     2020     Erie, Niagara

141     Democratic     Crystal Peoples-Stokes     2002     Erie

143     Democratic     Monica P. Wallace     2016     Erie

144     Republican     Michael Norris     2016     Erie, Niagara

145     Republican     Angelo Morinello     2016     Erie, Niagara

146     Democratic     Karen McMahon     2018     Erie

147     Republican     David DiPietro     2012     Erie, Wyoming

148     Republican     Joseph Giglio     2005+     Allegany, Cattaraugus, Steuben

150     Republican     Andy Goodell     2010     Erie, Chautauqua

the bill with the sponsors:


Members of the New York State Assembly

District        Party   Member  First elected   Counties

1       Democratic      Fred Thiele     1995+   Suffolk

2       Republican      Jodi Giglio     2020    Suffolk

3       Republican      Joe DeStefano   2018    Suffolk

4       Republican      Edward Flood    2022    Suffolk

5       Republican      Douglas M. Smith        2018+   Suffolk

6       Democratic      Philip Ramos    2002    Suffolk

7       Republican      Jarett Gandolfo         2020    Suffolk

8       Republican      Michael J. Fitzpatrick  2002    Suffolk

9       Republican      Michael Durso   2020    Nassau, Suffolk

10      Democratic      Steve Stern     2018+   Nassau, Suffolk

11      Democratic      Kimberly Jean-Pierre    2014    Nassau, Suffolk

12      Republican      Keith Brown     2020+   Suffolk

13      Democratic      Charles D. Lavine       2004    Nassau

14      Republican      David McDonough         2002+   Nassau

15      Republican      Jake Blumencranz        2022    Nassau

16      Democratic      Gina Sillitti   2020    Nassau

17      Republican      John Mikulin    2018+   Nassau

18      Democratic      Taylor Darling  2018    Nassau

19      Republican      Ed Ra   2010    Nassau

20      Republican      Eric "Ari" Brown        2022+   Nassau

21      Republican      Brian F. Curran         2022    Nassau

22      Democratic      Michaelle C. Solages    2012    Nassau

23      Democratic      Stacey Pheffer Amato    2016    Queens

24      Democratic      David Weprin    2010+   Queens

25      Democratic      Nily Rozic      2012    Queens (central Queens)

26      Democratic      Edward Braunstein       2010    Queens

27      Democratic      Daniel Rosenthal        2017+   Queens

28      Democratic      Andrew Hevesi   2005+   Queens

29      Democratic      Alicia Hyndman  2015+   Queens

30      Democratic      Steven Raga     2022    Queens

31      Democratic      Khaleel Anderson        2020    Queens

32      Democratic      Vivian E. Cook  1990    Queens

33      Democratic      Clyde Vanel     2016+   Queens

34      Democratic      Jessica González-Rojas  2020    Queens

35      Democratic      Jeffrion L. Aubry       1992+   Queens

36      Democratic      Zohran Mamdani  2020    Queens

37      Democratic      Juan Ardila     2022    Queens

38      Democratic      Jenifer Rajkumar        2020    Queens

39      Democratic      Catalina Cruz   2018    Queens

40      Democratic      Ron Kim         2012    Queens

41      Democratic      Helene Weinstein        1980    Kings (Brooklyn)

42      Democratic      Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn      2014    Kings (Brooklyn)

43      Democratic      Brian A. Cunningham     2022+   Kings (Brooklyn)

44      Democratic      Robert Carroll  2016    Kings (Brooklyn)

45      Republican      Michael Novakhov        2022    Kings (Brooklyn)

46      Republican      Alec Brook-Krasny       2022    Kings (Brooklyn)

47      Democratic      William Colton  1996    Kings (Brooklyn)

48      Democratic      Simcha Eichenstein      2018    Kings (Brooklyn)

49      Republican      Lester Chang    2022    Kings (Brooklyn) (BP, Bensonhurst)

50      Democratic      Emily Gallagher         2020    Kings (Brooklyn)

51      Democratic      Marcela Mitaynes        2020    Kings (Brooklyn)

52      Democratic      Jo Anne Simon   2014    Kings (Brooklyn)

53      Democratic      Maritza Davila  2013+   Kings (Brooklyn)

54      Democratic      Erik Martin Dilan       2014    Kings (Brooklyn)

55      Democratic      Latrice Walker  2014    Kings (Brooklyn)

56      Democratic      Stefani Zinerman        2020    Kings (Brooklyn)

57      Democratic      Phara Souffrant Forrest         2020    Kings (Brooklyn)

58      Democratic      Monique Chandler-Waterman       2022+[19]       Kings (Brooklyn)

59      Democratic      Jaime Williams  2016+   Kings (Brooklyn)

60      Democratic      Nikki Lucas     2022+   Kings (Brooklyn)

61      Democratic      Charles Fall    2018    New York (Manhattan), Richmond (Staten Island)

62      Republican      Michael Reilly  2018    Richmond (Staten Island)

63      Republican      Sam Pirozzolo   2022    Richmond (Staten Island)

64      Republican      Michael Tannousis       2020    Kings (Brooklyn), Richmond (Staten Island)

65      Democratic      Grace Lee       2022    New York (Manhattan)

66      Democratic      Deborah J. Glick        1990    New York (Manhattan)

67      Democratic      Linda Rosenthal         2006+   New York (Manhattan)

68      Democratic      Eddie Gibbs     2022+   New York (Manhattan)

69      Democratic      Daniel J. O'Donnell     2002    New York (Manhattan)

70      Democratic      Inez Dickens    2016    New York (Manhattan)

71      Democratic      Al Taylor       2017+   New York (Manhattan)(WH). We need black pastors to urge Rev. Al Taylor to remove his name as a cosponsor of Assisted Suicide bill, and to oppose it.

72      Democratic      Manny De Los Santos     2022+   New York (Manhattan)

73      Democratic      Alex Bores      2022    New York (Manhattan)

74      Democratic      Harvey Epstein  2018+   New York (Manhattan)

75      Democratic      Tony Simone     2022    New York (Manhattan)

76      Democratic      Rebecca Seawright       2014    New York (Manhattan)

77      Democratic      Latoya Joyner   2014    Bronx

78      Democratic      George Alvarez  2022    Bronx

79      Democratic      Chantel Jackson         2020    Bronx

80      Democratic      John Zaccaro Jr.        2022    Bronx

81      Democratic      Jeffrey Dinowitz   (sponsor)     1994+   Bronx

82      Democratic      Michael Benedetto       2004    Bronx

83      Democratic      Carl Heastie    2000    Bronx

84      Democratic      Amanda Septimo  2020    Bronx

85      Democratic      Kenny Burgos    2020    Bronx

86      Democratic      Yudelka Tapia   2021+   Bronx

87      Democratic      Karines Reyes   2018    Bronx

88      Democratic      Amy Paulin      2000    Westchester

89      Democratic      J. Gary Pretlow         1992    Westchester

90      Democratic      Nader Sayegh    2018    Westchester

91      Democratic      Steven Otis     2012    Westchester

92      Democratic      MaryJane Shimsky        2022    Westchester

93      Democratic      Chris Burdick   2020    Westchester

94      Republican      Matt Slater     2022    Westchester, Putnam

95      Democratic      Dana Levenberg  2022    Westchester, Putnam

96      Democratic      Kenneth Zebrowski Jr.   2007+   Rockland

97      Republican      John W. McGowan         2022    Rockland

98      Republican      Karl A. Brabenec        2014    Orange, Rockland

99      Democratic      Chris Eachus    2022    Orange, Rockland

100     Democratic      Aileen Gunther  2003+   Orange, Sullivan

101     Republican      Brian Maher     2022    Delaware, Oneida, Orange, Otsego, Sullivan, Ulster

102     Republican      Christopher Tague       2018+   Albany, Delaware, Greene, Otsego, Schoharie, Ulster

103     Democratic      Sarahana Shrestha       2022    Dutchess, Ulster

104     Democratic      Jonathan Jacobson       2018+   Dutchess, Orange, Ulster

105     Republican      Anil Beephan Jr.        2022    Dutchess

106     Democratic      Didi Barrett    2012+   Columbia, Dutchess

107     Republican      Scott Bendett   2022    Albany, Columbia, Rensselaer, Washington

108     Democratic      John T. McDonald III    2012    Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga

109     Democratic      Patricia Fahy   2012    Albany

110     Democratic      Phillip Steck   2012    Albany, Schenectady

111     Democratic      Angelo Santabarbara     2012    Montgomery, Schenectady

112     Republican      Mary Beth Walsh         2016    Fulton, Saratoga, Schenectady

113     Democratic      Carrie Woerner  2014    Saratoga, Warren, Washington

114     Republican      Matt Simpson    2020    Essex, Fulton, Saratoga, Warren, Washington

115     Democratic      Billy Jones     2016    Clinton, Essex, Franklin

116     Republican      Scott Gray      2022    Jefferson, St. Lawrence

117     Republican      Ken Blankenbush         2010    Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida, St. Lawrence

118     Republican      Robert Smullen  2018    Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida

119     Democratic      Marianne Buttenschon    2018    Oneida

120     Republican      William A. Barclay      2002    Jefferson, Oswego, Wayne

121     Republican      Joe Angelino    2020    Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Madison, Otsego, Sullivan

122     Republican      Brian Miller    2016    Herkimer, Madison, Oneida, Otsego

123     Democratic      Donna Lupardo   2004    Broome

124     Republican      Christopher S. Friend   2010    Broome, Chemung, Tioga

125     Democratic      Anna Kelles     2020    Cortland, Tompkins

126     Republican      John Lemondes Jr.       2020    Cayuga, Onondaga

127     Democratic      Albert A. Stirpe Jr.    2012    Madison, Onondaga

128     Democratic      Pamela Hunter   2015+   Onondaga

129     Democratic      William Magnarelli      1998    Onondaga

130     Republican      Brian Manktelow         2018    Monroe, Wayne

131     Republican      Jeff Gallahan   2020    Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Cortland, Madison, Ontario, Seneca

132     Republican      Phil Palmesano  2010    Chemung, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Yates

133     Republican      Marjorie Byrnes         2018    Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Steuben, Wyoming

134     Republican      Josh Jensen     2020    Monroe

135     Democratic      Jennifer Lunsford       2020    Monroe

136     Democratic      Sarah Clark     2020    Monroe

137     Democratic      Demond Meeks    2020    Monroe

138     Democratic      Harry Bronson   2010    Monroe

139     Republican      Stephen Hawley  2006+   Erie, Genesee, Monroe, Orleans

140     Democratic      William Conrad III      2020    Erie, Niagara

141     Democratic      Crystal Peoples-Stokes  2002    Erie

142     Democratic      Patrick B. Burke        2018    Erie

143     Democratic      Monica P. Wallace       2016    Erie

144     Republican      Michael Norris  2016    Erie, Niagara

145     Republican      Angelo Morinello        2016    Erie, Niagara

146     Democratic      Karen McMahon   2018    Erie

147     Republican      David DiPietro  2012    Erie, Wyoming

148     Republican      Joseph Giglio   2005+   Allegany, Cattaraugus, Steuben

149     Democratic      Jonathan Rivera         2020    Erie

150     Republican      Andy Goodell    2010    Erie, Chautauqua


George Alvarez

George Alvarez District 78

2633 Webster Avenue

1st Floor

Bronx, NY 10458


LOB 920

Albany, NY 12248


Khaleel M. Anderson

Khaleel M. Anderson District 31

19-31 Mott Avenue

Suite 301

Far Rockaway, NY 11691


131-15 Rockaway Boulevard

1st Floor

South Ozone Park, NY 11420


LOB 742

Albany, NY 12248


Joe Angelino

Joe Angelino District 121

1 Kattelville Road

Suite 1

Binghamton, NY 13901


Fax: 607-648-6089

LOB 549

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5864

Juan Ardila

Juan Ardila District 37

45-10 Skillman Avenue, First Floor

Sunnyside, NY 11104


Fax: 718-472-0648

LOB 427

Albany, NY 12248


Jeffrion L. Aubry

Jeffrion L. Aubry District 35

98-09 Northern Blvd.

Corona, NY 11368


Fax: 718-457-3640

LOB 646

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4565

William A. Barclay

William A. Barclay District 120

19 Canalview Mall

Fulton, NY 13069


LOB Office 933

Albany, NY 12248


Didi Barrett

Didi Barrett District 106

420 Warren Street

Hudson, NY 12534


Fax: 518-828-5329

12 Raymond Ave.

Suite 105

Poughkeepsie, NY 12603


Fax: 845-454-2408

LOB 724

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5418

Anil Beephan, Jr.

Anil Beephan, Jr. District 105

North Hopewell Plaza, Suite #1

1075 Rt. 82

Hopewell Junction, NY 12533


Fax: 845-221-2225

LOB 528

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5729

Scott Bendett

Scott Bendett District 107

1580 Columbia Turnpike

Building 4, Suite 1A

Castleton on the Hudson, NY 12033


Fax: 518-477-5404

LOB 324

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5923

Michael Benedetto

Michael Benedetto District 82

3602 E. Tremont Ave.

Suite 201

Bronx, NY 10465


177 Dreiser Loop, Rm. 12

Bronx, NY 10475


LOB 836

Albany, NY 12248


Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn

Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn District 42

1312 Flatbush Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11210


Fax: 718-940-0154

LOB 727

Albany, NY 12248


Ken Blankenbush

Ken Blankenbush District 117

40 Franklin Street

Suite 2

Carthage, NY 13619


Fax: 315-493-4045

LOB 322

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5289

Jake Blumencranz

Jake Blumencranz District 15

111 W. Old Country Road

Suite 202

Hicksville, NY 11801


Fax: 516-937-3632

LOB 545

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5477

Alex Bores

Alex Bores District 73

353 Lexington Avenue

Suite 704

New York, NY 10016


Fax: 212-605-9948

LOB 431

Albany , NY 12248


Karl Brabenec

Karl Brabenec District 98

28 North Main St.

Suite 2

Florida, NY 10921


Fax: 845-544-7553

LOB 329

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5929

Edward C. Braunstein

Edward C. Braunstein District 26

213-33 39th Avenue, Suite 238

Bayside, NY 11361


Fax: 718-357-5947

LOB 842

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4648

Harry B. Bronson

Harry B. Bronson District 138

840 University Avenue

Rochester, NY 14607


LOB 847

Albany, NY 12248


Alec Brook-Krasny

Alec Brook-Krasny District 46

2002 Mermaid Ave.

Brooklyn, NY 11224


Fax: 718-266-5391

310 93rd Street

Brooklyn, NY 11209


Fax: 347-497-5372

LOB 529

Albany, NY 12248


Ari Brown

Ari Brown District 20

525 Chestnut Street

Suite 103

Cedarhurst, NY 11516


Fax: 516-295-2498

LOB 544

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5391

Keith P. Brown

Keith P. Brown District 12

6080 Jericho Turnpike

Suite 310

Commack, NY 11725


Fax: 631-261-2992

LOB 719

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5804

Chris Burdick

Chris Burdick District 93

100 S. Bedford Rd.

Suite 150

Mount Kisco, NY 10549


LOB 417

Albany, NY 12248


Kenny Burgos

Kenny Burgos District 85

1163 Manor Ave.

Store Front #1

Bronx, NY 10472


LOB 538

Albany, NY 12248


Patrick Burke

Patrick Burke District 142

3686 Seneca Street

West Seneca, NY 14224


LOB 555

Albany, NY 12248


Marianne Buttenschon

Marianne Buttenschon District 119

207 Genesee Street

Rm 401

Utica, NY 13501


Fax: 315-732-1413

LOB 656

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5928

Marjorie Byrnes

Marjorie Byrnes District 133

79 Genesee St.

Avon, NY 14414


Fax: 585-226-2022

LOB 723

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5918

Robert C. Carroll

Robert C. Carroll District 44

416 Seventh Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11215


Fax: 718-965-9378

LOB 557

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5592

Monique Chandler-Waterman

Monique Chandler-Waterman District 58

903 Utica Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11203


LOB 821

Albany, NY 12248


Lester Chang

Lester Chang District 49

LOB 523

Albany, NY 12248


6904 Fort Hamilton Pkwy.

Brooklyn, NY 11228


Fax: 718-234-0986

Sarah Clark

Sarah Clark District 136

1800 Hudson Ave

Second Floor, Suite 4

Rochester, NY 14617


Fax: 585-467-5342

LOB 746

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5647

William Colton

William Colton District 47

155 Kings Highway

Brooklyn, NY 11223


LOB 733

Albany, NY 12248


William Conrad

William Conrad District 140

34 Peuquet Parkway

Tonawanda, NY 14150


Fax: 716-744-2644

LOB 639

Albany, NY 12248


Vivian E. Cook

Vivian E. Cook District 32

142-15 Rockaway Blvd

Jamaica, NY 11436


LOB 939

Albany, NY 12248


Catalina Cruz

Catalina Cruz District 39

41-40 Junction Blvd

Corona, NY 11368


Fax: 718-478-2371

LOB 652

Albany, NY 12248


Brian Cunningham

Brian Cunningham District 43

249 Empire Blvd

Brooklyn, NY 11225


Fax: 718-771-3276

LOB 631

Albany, NY 12248


Brian Curran

Brian Curran District 21

74 N. Village Ave.

Rockville Centre, NY 11570


LOB 718

Albany, NY 12248


Taylor Darling

Taylor Darling District 18

33 Front Street

Suites 302 & 303

Hempstead, NY 11550


LOB 323

Albany, NY 12248


Maritza Davila

Maritza Davila District 53

249 Wilson Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11237


Fax: 718-443-1424

LOB 844

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5789

Manny De Los Santos

Manny De Los Santos District 72

210 Sherman Ave

Ste A&C

New York, NY 10034


LOB 633

Albany, NY 12248


Joe DeStefano

Joe DeStefano District 3

3245 Route 112

Building 2, Ste. 6

Medford, NY 11763


Fax: 631-732-1798

LOB 430

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5908

Inez E. Dickens

Inez E. Dickens District 70

163 West 125th Street

Suite 911

New York, NY 10027


LOB 734

Albany, NY 12248


Erik M. Dilan

Erik M. Dilan District 54

366 Cornelia St

Brooklyn, NY 11237


Fax: 718-386-4575

LOB 526

Albany, NY 12248


Jeffrey Dinowitz

Jeffrey Dinowitz District 81

3107 Kingsbridge Avenue

Bronx, NY 10463


Fax: 718-796-0694

LOB 632

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4437

David DiPietro

David DiPietro District 147

411 Main St.

E. Aurora, NY 14052


Fax: 716-655-0970

LOB 546

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5691

Michael Durso

Michael Durso District 9

512 Park Blvd.

Massapequa Park, NY 11762


Fax: 516-541-4625

LOB 533

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5024

Chris Eachus

Chris Eachus District 99

34 Smith Clove Road

Central Valley, NY 10917


Fax: 845-460-2185

LOB 628

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5884

Simcha Eichenstein

Simcha Eichenstein District 48

1310 48th St.

Unit 204

Brooklyn, NY 11219


Fax: 718-436-5734

LOB 519

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5948

Harvey Epstein

Harvey Epstein District 74

107 & 109 Avenue B

New York, NY 10009


LOB 419

Albany, NY 12248


Patricia Fahy

Patricia Fahy District 109

LOB 717

Albany, NY 12248


Charles D. Fall

Charles D. Fall District 61

853 Forest Avenue

Staten Island, NY 10310


LOB 729

Albany, NY 12248


Michael J. Fitzpatrick

Michael J. Fitzpatrick District 8

285 Middle Country Rd.

Suite 202

Smithtown, NY 11787


Fax: 631-724-3024

LOB 458

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4394

Ed Flood

Ed Flood District 4

149 Main Street

East Setauket, NY 11733


LOB 428

Albany, NY 12248


Phara Souffrant Forrest

Phara Souffrant Forrest District 57

55 Hanson Place

Brooklyn, NY 11217


LOB 731

Albany, NY 12248


Christopher S. Friend

Christopher S. Friend District 124

1250 Schweizer Rd.

Horseheads, NY 14845


Fax: 607-739-1090

LOB 938

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5922

Emily Gallagher

Emily Gallagher District 50

685A Manhattan Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11222


LOB 818

Albany, NY 12248


Jeff Gallahan

Jeff Gallahan District 131

70 Elizabeth Blackwell St.

Geneva, NY 14456


Fax: 315-781-1746

LOB 725

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-7013

Jarett Gandolfo

Jarett Gandolfo District 7

859 Montauk Highway

Suite 1

Bayport, NY 11705


Fax: 631-589-0487

LOB 426

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5258

Edward Gibbs

Edward Gibbs District 68

55 East 115th St

Ground Level

New York, NY 10029


LOB 532

Albany, NY 12248


Jodi Giglio

Jodi Giglio District 2

30 West Main Street

Suite 103

Riverhead, NY 11901


Fax: 631-727-0426

LOB 629

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4740

Joseph M. Giglio

Joseph M. Giglio District 148

700 West State Street

Olean, NY 14760


Fax: 716-373-7105

LOB 525

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5869

Deborah J. Glick

Deborah J. Glick District 66

853 Broadway

Suite 2007

New York, NY 10003


LOB 621

Albany, NY 12248


Jessica González-Rojas

Jessica González-Rojas District 34

75-35 31st Ave.

Suite 206B (2nd Floor)

East Elmhurst, NY 11370


Fax: 718-335-8254

LOB 834

Albany, NY 12248


Andy Goodell

Andy Goodell District 150

Fenton Building

2 E. 2nd Street, Suite 320

Jamestown, NY 14701


Fax: 716-483-0299

LOB 446

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4328

Scott Gray

Scott Gray District 116

317 Washington Street

Suite 210, Dulles State Office Building

Watertown, NY 13601


Fax: 315-786-0287

3 Remington Ave

Canton, NY 13617


Fax: 315-386-2041

LOB 940

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5751

Aileen M. Gunther

Aileen M. Gunther District 100

18 Anawana Lake Road

Monticello, NY 12701


Middletown City Hall, 3rd floor

16 James Street

Middletown, NY 10940


LOB 826

Albany, NY 12248


Stephen Hawley

Stephen Hawley District 139

121 N. Main Street

Suite 100

Albion, NY 14411


Fax: 585-589-5813

LOB 521

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5558

Carl E. Heastie

Carl E. Heastie District 83

1446 East Gun Hill Road

Bronx, NY 10469


Fax: 718-654-5836

LOB 932

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5459

Andrew Hevesi

Andrew Hevesi District 28

70-50 Austin Street

Suite 118

Forest Hills, NY 11375


LOB 626

Albany, NY 12248


Pamela J. Hunter

Pamela J. Hunter District 128

711 East Genesee Street

2nd Floor

Syracuse, NY 13210-1540


LOB 424

Albany, NY 12248


Alicia Hyndman

Alicia Hyndman District 29

232-06A Merrick Blvd.

Springfield Gardens, NY 11413


LOB 702

Albany, NY 12248


Chantel Jackson

Chantel Jackson District 79

780 Concourse Village West

Ground Fl. Professional

Bronx, NY 10451


Fax: 718-588-0159

LOB 547

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5925

Jonathan G. Jacobson

Jonathan G. Jacobson District 104

436 Robinson Avenue

Suite B

Newburgh, NY 12550


Fax: 845-561-5218

One Civic Center Plaza

Suite 101

Poughkeepsie, NY 12601


LOB 650

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5593

Kimberly Jean-Pierre

Kimberly Jean-Pierre District 11

640 West Montauk Highway

Lindenhurst, NY 11757-5538


Fax: 631-957-2998

LOB 841

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-3976

Josh Jensen

Josh Jensen District 134

2496 West Ridge Rd.

Rochester, NY 14626


Fax: 585-225-6502

LOB Room 722

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-3093

Billy Jones

Billy Jones District 115

202 U.S. Oval

Plattsburgh, NY 12903


LOB 551

Albany, NY 12248


Latoya Joyner

Latoya Joyner District 77

910 Grand Concourse

Suite 1JK

Bronx, NY 10451


Fax: 718-538-3128

LOB 522

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5461

Dr. Anna R. Kelles

Dr. Anna R. Kelles District 125

106 East Court Street

Ithaca, NY 14850


83 Main Street

Cortland, NY 13045


LOB 833

Albany, NY 12248


Ron Kim

Ron Kim District 40

136-20 38th Ave.

Suite 10A

Flushing, NY 11354


Fax: 718-939-1238

LOB 824

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4995

Charles D. Lavine

Charles D. Lavine District 13

1 School Street

Suite 303-B

Glen Cove, NY 11542


Fax: 516-676-0071

LOB 831

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5467

Grace Lee

Grace Lee District 65

64 Fulton Street, Room 302

New York, NY 10038


Fax: 212-227-8054

LOB 429

Albany, NY 12248


John Lemondes

John Lemondes District 126

69 South Street

Auburn, NY 13021


Fax: 315-255-3048

LOB 720

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-3895

Dana Levenberg

Dana Levenberg District 95

2 Church Street

Ossining, NY 10562


Fax: 914-941-9132

LOB 325

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5728

Nikki Lucas

Nikki Lucas District 60

425 New Lots Ave.

1st Floor

Brooklyn, NY 11207


Fax: 718-257-2590

LOB 534

Albany, NY 12248


Jen Lunsford

Jen Lunsford District 135

317 Main Street

Suite 2032

East Rochester, NY 14445


LOB 542

Albany, NY 12248


Donna A. Lupardo

Donna A. Lupardo District 123

State Office Building, 17th Floor

44 Hawley St.

Binghamton, NY 13901


LOB 828

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5693

William B. Magnarelli

William B. Magnarelli District 129

Room 840

333 East Washington Street

Syracuse, NY 13202


LOB 830

Albany, NY 12248


Brian Maher

Brian Maher District 101

6 Depot Street

Suite 103

Washingtonville, NY 10992


Fax: 845-497-0286

LOB 819

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5237

Zohran K. Mamdani

Zohran K. Mamdani District 36

24-08 32nd Street

Suite 1002A

Astoria, NY 11102


LOB 456

Albany, NY 12248


Brian Manktelow

Brian Manktelow District 130

10 Leach Road

Lyons, NY 14489


Fax: 315-946-5229

LOB 320

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5407

John T. McDonald III

John T. McDonald III District 108

LOB 625

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4727

David G. McDonough

David G. McDonough District 14

404 Bedford Ave.

Bellmore, NY 11710


Fax: 516-409-2073

LOB 443

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5559

John W. McGowan

John W. McGowan District 97

1 Blue Hill Plaza, Ste. 1116

POB 1549

Pearl River, NY 10965


Fax: 845-624-2911

LOB 548

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5119

Karen McMahon

Karen McMahon District 146

5500 Main Street

Suite 224

Williamsville, NY 14221


LOB 643

Albany, NY 12248


Demond Meeks

Demond Meeks District 137

614 W. Main Street

Apartments 1-4

Rochester, NY 14611


LOB 619

Albany, NY 12248


John K. Mikulin

John K. Mikulin District 17

1975 Hempstead Trnpke

Suite 202

East Meadow, NY 11554


Fax: 516-228-4963

LOB 550

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4346

Brian D. Miller

Brian D. Miller District 122

48 Genesee St.

New Hartford, NY 13413


Fax: 315-736-3947

LOB 439

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5391

Marcela Mitaynes

Marcela Mitaynes District 51

4907 4th Avenue

Suite, 1A

Brooklyn, NY 11220


Fax: 718-765-4186

LOB 741

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-3828

Angelo J. Morinello

Angelo J. Morinello District 145

800 Main Street, Suite 2C

Niagara Falls, NY 14301


Fax: 716-282-4226

LOB 404

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5694

Michael J. Norris

Michael J. Norris District 144

8180 Main Street

Clarence, NY 14221


Fax: 716-839-4693

LOB 402

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5257

Michael Novakhov

Michael Novakhov District 45

1800 Sheepshead Bay Road

Brooklyn, NY 11235


LOB 527

Albany, NY 12248


Daniel J. O'Donnell

Daniel J. O'Donnell District 69

245 West 104th Street

New York, NY 10025


LOB 712

Albany, NY 12248


Steven Otis

Steven Otis District 91

222 Grace Church Street

Port Chester, NY 10573


Fax: 914-939-7167

LOB 739

Albany, NY 12248


Philip A. Palmesano

Philip A. Palmesano District 132

105 E. Steuben St.

Bath, NY 14810


Fax: 607-776-5185

LOB 448

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4644

Amy Paulin

Amy Paulin District 88

700 White Plains Rd.

Suite 252

Scarsdale, NY 10583


LOB 822

Albany, NY 12248


Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes

Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes District 141

425 Michigan Avenue

Buffalo, NY 14203


LOB 926

Albany, NY 12248


Stacey Pheffer Amato

Stacey Pheffer Amato District 23

9516 Rockaway Beach Boulevard

Rockaway Beach, NY 11693


Fax: 718-945-9549

159-53 102nd St.

Howard Beach, NY 11414


Fax: 718-835-3190

LOB 839

Albany, NY 12248


Sam Pirozzolo

Sam Pirozzolo District 63

2090 Victory Blvd.

Staten Island, NY 10314


LOB 531

Albany, NY 12248


J. Gary Pretlow

J. Gary Pretlow District 89

6 Gramatan Ave.

Suite 201

Mt. Vernon, NY 10550


Fax: 914-667-0209

LOB 845

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5447

Edward P. Ra

Edward P. Ra District 19

825 East Gate Boulevard

Suite 207

Garden City, NY 11530


Fax: 516-535-4097

CAP 444

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4643

Steven Raga

Steven Raga District 30

55-19 69th Street

Maspeth, NY 11378


Fax: 718-651-3027

LOB 921

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5032

Jenifer Rajkumar

Jenifer Rajkumar District 38

83-91 Woodhaven Boulevard

Woodhaven, NY 11421


Fax: 718-805-0953

LOB 637

Albany, NY 12248


Phil Ramos

Phil Ramos District 6

1010 Suffolk Ave.

Brentwood, NY 11717


LOB 648

Albany, NY 12248


Michael Reilly

Michael Reilly District 62

7001 Amboy Road

Suite 202 E

Staten Island, NY 10307


Fax: 718-967-5282

LOB 437

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4501

Karines Reyes

Karines Reyes District 87

1973 Westchester Avenue

Bronx, NY 10462


Fax: 718-931-2915

LOB 327

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-3693

Jonathan Rivera

Jonathan Rivera District 149

65 Grant Street

Buffalo, NY 14213


Fax: 716-885-9636

40 Main Street, lower back entrance

Hamburg, NY 14075


Fax: 716-648-1064

LOB 540

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4890

Daniel Rosenthal

Daniel Rosenthal District 27

159-06 71st Avenue

Flushing, NY 11365


Fax: 718-969-8326

LOB 441

Albany, NY 12248


Linda B. Rosenthal

Linda B. Rosenthal District 67

230 West 72nd Street

Suite 2F

New York, NY 10023


LOB 943

Albany, NY 12248


Nily Rozic

Nily Rozic District 25

159-16 Union Turnpike

Flushing, NY 11366


LOB 941

Albany, NY 12248


Angelo Santabarbara

Angelo Santabarbara District 111

433 State Street

Schenectady, NY 12305


2550 Riverfront Center

Amsterdam, NY 12010


LOB 654

Albany, NY 12248


Nader J. Sayegh

Nader J. Sayegh District 90

35 East Grassy Sprain Rd.


Yonkers, NY 10710


Fax: 914 779-8859

LOB 331

Albany, NY 12248

518 455 3662

Fax: 455-5499

Rebecca A. Seawright

Rebecca A. Seawright District 76

1485 York Avenue

New York, NY 10075


Fax: 212-288-4369

LOB 744

Albany, NY 12248


Amanda Septimo

Amanda Septimo District 84

384 E 149th St., Suite 202

Bronx, NY 10455


LOB 536

Albany, NY 12248


MaryJane Shimsky

MaryJane Shimsky District 92

303 South Broadway

Suite 229

Tarrytown, NY 10591


Fax: 914-631-1609

LOB 827

Albany, NY 12248


Sarahana Shrestha

Sarahana Shrestha District 103

Governor Clinton Bldg. Suite G-4

1 Albany Ave

Kingston, NY 12401


Fax: 845-338-9590

LOB 820

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5576

Gina L. Sillitti

Gina L. Sillitti District 16

44 South Bayles Avenue

Suite 200

Port Washington, NY 11050


LOB 452

Albany, NY 12248


Jo Anne Simon

Jo Anne Simon District 52

341 Smith Street

Brooklyn, NY 11231


LOB 435

Albany, NY 12248


Tony Simone

Tony Simone District 75

214 West 29th Street

Suite 1002

New York, NY 10001


Fax: 212-243-2035

LOB 326

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5939

Matthew Simpson

Matthew Simpson District 114

4 Southwestern Avenue

Suite 3

Queensbury, NY 12804


Fax: 518-792-5584

LOB 721

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5710

Matt Slater

Matt Slater District 94

3 Starr Ridge Rd.

Suite 204

Brewster, NY 10509


Fax: 845-278-2926

LOB 433

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5543

Doug Smith

Doug Smith District 5

4155 Veterans Memorial Highway

Suite 9

Ronkonkoma, NY 11779


Fax: 631-585-0310

LOB 318

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4784

Robert Smullen

Robert Smullen District 118

5659 State Route 5

Suites 1-3

Herkimer, NY 13350


Fax: 315-866-5058

Fulton County Office Building

223 West Main Street, Suite B-2

Johnstown, NY 12095


Fax: 518-762-9871

LOB 635

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5889

Michaelle C. Solages

Michaelle C. Solages District 22

33 North Central Avenue

Valley Stream, NY 11580


Fax: 516-599-3768

LOB 736

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5560

Phil Steck

Phil Steck District 110

1609 Union Street

Schenectady, NY 12309


Fax: 518-377-0458

LOB 627

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5840

Steve Stern

Steve Stern District 10

95 Broad Hollow Road

Suite 100

Melville, NY 11747


LOB 919

Albany, NY 12248


Al Stirpe

Al Stirpe District 127

7293 Buckley Road

Suite 201

N. Syracuse, NY 13212


LOB 622

Albany, NY 12248


Chris Tague

Chris Tague District 102

45 Five Mile Woods Rd.

Suite 3

Catskill, NY 12414


Fax: 518-943-0223

113 Park Place

Suite 6

Schoharie, NY 12157


LOB 937

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5856

Michael Tannousis

Michael Tannousis District 64

7716 3rd Ave.

Brooklyn, NY 11209


11 Maplewood Place

Staten Island, NY 10306


Fax: 718-987-0863

LOB 543

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5970

Yudelka Tapia

Yudelka Tapia District 86

2175C Jerome Ave

Bronx, NY 10453


LOB 432

Albany, NY 12248


Al Taylor

Al Taylor District 71

2541-55 Adam Clayton

Powell Jr. Blvd.

New York, NY 10039


LOB 602

Albany, NY 12248


Fred W. Thiele, Jr.

Fred W. Thiele, Jr. District 1

3350 Noyac Road

Building B, Suite 1

Sag Harbor, NY 11963


Fax: 631-725-2372

LOB 837

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5963

Clyde Vanel

Clyde Vanel District 33

97-01 Springfield Boulevard

Queens Village, NY 11429


Fax: 718-464-7128

LOB 454

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-3740

Latrice M. Walker

Latrice M. Walker District 55

400 Rockaway Avenue

2nd floor

Brooklyn, NY 11212


Fax: 718-342-1258

LOB 713

Albany, NY 12248


Monica P. Wallace

Monica P. Wallace District 143

2562 Walden Avenue

Suite 102

Cheektowaga, NY 14225


Fax: 716-686-3752

LOB 704

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-3962

Mary Beth Walsh

Mary Beth Walsh District 112

199 Milton Avenue

Suite 2

Ballston Spa, NY 12020


Fax: 518-884-8041

LOB 450

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-4650

Helene E. Weinstein

Helene E. Weinstein District 41

3520 Nostrand Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11229


LOB 923

Albany, NY 12248


David I. Weprin

David I. Weprin District 24

111-12 Atlantic Avenue, #5

Richmond Hill, NY 11419


Fax: 718-805-2384

185-06 Union Turnpike

Fresh Meadows, NY 11366


Fax: 718-454-3178

LOB 716

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5977

Jaime R. Williams

Jaime R. Williams District 59

5318 Avenue N

1st Floor Store

Brooklyn, NY 11234


Fax: 718-252-2417

LOB 641

Albany, NY 12248


Carrie Woerner

Carrie Woerner District 113

112 Spring Street, Suite 205

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866


Fax: 518-584-5496

LOB 502

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-3727

John Zaccaro, Jr.

John Zaccaro, Jr. District 80

2018 Williamsbridge Road

Bronx, NY 10461


Fax: 718-409-0431

LOB 530

Albany, NY 12248


Fax: 518-455-5596

Kenneth Zebrowski

Kenneth Zebrowski District 96

151 N. Main St., Suite 204

New City, NY 10956


LOB 422

Albany, NY 12248


Stefani Zinerman

Stefani Zinerman District 56

1368 Fulton Street

3rd Fl., NW

Brooklyn, NY 11216


LOB 553

Albany, NY 12248


Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

Executive Director

Help Rescue Our Children / public account / personal account

USA: 771-215-8892

 845-642-1679 «» 

Israeli Helpline: 03-721-3337

Brutal killings of two young girls show one of India’s biggest problems is getting worse, advocates say

A teenage girl is stabbed and bludgeoned to death as members of the public walk by.

An even younger girl suffers a similar fate, allegedly at the hands of her own father because she and her mother wanted to sleep on the patio.

These two horrifying events took place within 10 days of each other in India last month, but Jayna Kothari, a senior advocate at the country’s Supreme Court, said violence against women has been escalating for the past decade.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Fox News Host Harris Faulkner Caught Telling Whopper About 1918 Pandemic

You know,” she told viewers who could not possibly know such a thing because it wasn’t true, “we didn’t actually close schools in 1918 during the Spanish flu pandemic. We didn’t even have penicillin back then. We did sacrifice. We suffered, but then we pressed on. Our enemies hate us for surviving, but they would love to be like us.”

In fact, a simple internet search reveals Faulkner’s error. A July 2020 PBS NewsHour column, for instance, notes that during the 1918-19 pandemic, “the majority of public schools were closed for weeks to months on end.”

What’s Really Going On With the Crime Rate?

“Multicausal” is far from the world most Democratic candidates are living in these final weeks before Election Day. The CAP study makes a thorough case that the new policies the progressive prosecutors are implementing can’t be blamed for the rising incidence of crime. But the slugfest on the campaign trail underscores an equally important truth: that as long as crime rates are elevated, those criminal-justice reforms will remain politically vulnerable anyway.

Republicans like to talk tough on crime — but they're the ones with a real crime problem

Crime is an American problem, touching the lives of people in cities, suburbs and rural areas. Yet for all its talk about crime, the Republican Party has not delivered an effective strategy to fight it.  

Of course, you would never know that from listening to Republican politicians or the public officials who represent red states. They take every opportunity to try to convince voters that crime is a problem made worse by "liberal" policies, and that it runs rampant in cities and states where Democrats are in charge. 

Not an anomaly: 2020's red states have higher murder rates

The murder rates in Trump-voting states from 2020 have exceeded those in Biden-voting states every year since 2000, according to a new analysis by ThirdWay, a center-left think tank.

Why it matters: Republicans have built their party on being the crime-fighting candidates, even as murder rates in red states have outpaced blue states by an average of 23% over the past two decades.

Four reliably-red states consistently made the top of the list — Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Missouri.

Ron DeSantis Wants You to Be Scared Senseless About Crime (Don’t Be)

DeSantis has also repeated the Republican line that crime has soared in blue cities because of “woke” criminal justice policy. That too just isn’t true. In 2020 and 2021, the homicide rate in GOP whipping boy cities like New York and San Francisco was lower than that of nearly every large Republican-run city, including Omaha, Fresno, Tulsa, Colorado Springs, and Oklahoma City.

Medicine and Torah

 Tanchuma (Yisro  08) G-d said that there is no ailment that does not have its cure; and the cure and drug for every ailment have been predetermined. If you desire your body to be free of pain, devote yourself to the Torah, for it is a healing balm to the entire body. 

EJF fights to stay alive or 3 Belzers & a Blogger trying to understand Daas Torah

I just found out today that some of my most devoted readers are Belzers - even though the vast majority don't understand English. I received a call today from a person claiming to be a employee of Hidabroot  - the Belzer kiruv organization. He mentioned  that he just discovered my blog Daas Torah - even though his wife had to translate it for him since his English is poor. He was interested in my halachic knowledge concerning geirus and kiruv. He noted that his organization is closely associated with EJF. The conversation was strange - a Belzer is calling me up concerning my halachic views on geirus and kiruv because of my blog?! I asked him if knew about Tropper and he said he had heard of Tropper but  was not directly involved with him but was aware that my Blog is very concerned with him. This was really strange. I asked him do you know the scandal with Tropper and he said that he didn't. When I told him he expressed shock but said that really didn't interest him. He wanted to understand my objections to EJF and the halachic reasons. I said are you aware that the Bedatz strongly condemned EJF and he said no. He said we would never do anything that he knew directly went against the Bedatz. I asked him about the ad that Hidabroot runs every year that asks for all mixed couples who are bothered by their situations or those who know them to get in contact with them. I said the Bedatz is concerned about prosyletization and this ad is the classic example. His response is that there was no such ad. I said why don't you come over to my house and I'll show it to you along with the Bedatz's letter and you can hear Rav Reuven criticizing the position of EJf. He said fine and asked if he  could bring a distinguished talmid chachom along who was an expert on geirus.

Two hours later three Belzer's knocked on my door. Really friendly fellows. I played Rav Reuven' recording. "That is exactly our policy at Hidabroot. We never go after goyim or intermarried couples. They are always referred to us by Rabbis after they have come one their own accord." I said well what about your ads and I displayed it on my computer. It clearly is proselytizing and mentions nothing about rabbis or kiruv organization providing recommendations. Their answer was that this was an old ad that had long ago been changed. I said but this has run for the last two years. "On no that is an old ad - we don't proselytize. In fact there has never been any  seminar  that we are associated with here in Israel that tries to attract goyim or had attendees that have not been associated with a kiruv program for 1 or 2 years.

In short we had a great session where we all agreed that proselytization was wrong and that only when dealing with a tinok shebisha who didn't know intermarriage was bad would they allow  him to participate - after he came willingly. (Of interest they brought a laptop which they asked to connect to my WiFi which I did).

Then out of left field they asked me why a blog named Daas Torah was full of shmutz and Tropper's sexual scandal. I explained that it was important that people know what had happened and that this would motivate people to take it seriously and do something about it.  "But how can you have a blog called Daas Torah" - they said in Hebrew since they didn't know English. We have people who are seriously involved in Torah and they go to your blog to see Daas Torah and they get shmutz.  They said they have received a lot of complaints about my blog from Belzer chasidim. This was really surprising. Non English speakers being corrupted by my blog because they thoroughly read through every posting and all the comments and they discover to their horror that it wasn't Hamodiah. After I tried  explaining several times I said lets go ask Rav Sternbuch - whom they had never met. I called his home and was told he was leaving for the 2 minute walk to shul for mincha. We piled into their car and found Rav Sternbuch climbing the stairs  leading from his apartment to the street. I introduced them and told them to ask their question - which they did. Rav Sternbuch explained that of course there was no need to discuss shmutz in regards to Tropper.They looked at me with smug grins and said we told you so. I tried explained to Rav Sternbuch what and why  I was doing because he had never expressed such concerns before - but he just said , "Why mention disgusting things "and went in for Mincha. They talked for few mintues with Rav Sternbuch's gabbai and they left with a condscending, "Don't forget to take off all that shmutz - it is Daas Torah right after mincha because you follow Daas Torah." I went in to daven confused.

After Mincha, I went to ask Rav Sternbuch for clarification. He said, "I thought they were asking whether they needed to read about the shmutz. I didn't realize they were talking about the articles that you are mefarsem. You can use your own judgment about what you write. Just don't be explicit about the nature of the disgusting activities. But there is no problem to say that Tropper is a menuval or a sheigitz (Megila 25) and in fact it should be publicized that he is a menuval."

So now we have a situation where they will claim that I don't listen to Daas Torah when they go to read my blog and see all the postings about Tropper are still there - which was clearly the actual reason they came to see me. In fact, however, Rav Sternbuch thought he was answering a question about what they should do - not what I should be doing.  He felt it was irrelevant and bitul Torah for these chasidim to be reading about the depravity of Tropper when it was enough they knew  about it. On the other hand he felt that there was a to'eles for me to be mefarsum the  nature of the scandal. The lesson is clear - don't ask a posek an important question when he is rushing to daven mincha - unless you can ask him to clarify it afterwards.

Rav Moshe Sternbuch strongly condemns the heter given to Tamar Epstein to marry without a Get

[update - added English translation]

A person who has known Rav Sternbuch for many years told me that he has never seen Rav Sternbuch as outraged about an issue as he is about this "heter".

In Rav Sternbuch's letter he refers to a teshuva which was written to justify the "heter". He said that while he can mention it because he was given the teshuva   - but it can not be publicized without permission of the author.

Rav Sternbuch's letter was distributed by an organization Taam V'Daas that added the following explanation.

מרן פוסק הדור הגר"מ שטרנבוך במכתב חריף כנגד היתר הלכה מפוקפק להתיר אשת איש בלא גט רח"ל – "היא אשת איש לכל דבר והוולד ממזר"

סערה בעולם היהודי: רב באמריקה הנפיק היתר מחודש לאשה נשואה שבעלה סרבן גט, להשתחרר מכבלי העגינות בלא גט בטענת 'מקח טעות' וזאת על אף שהאשה קיימה חיים רגילים עם הבעל תקופה ארוכה כאשר במהלך חייהם המשותפים גם נולדה להם בת * מרן פוסק הדור הגר"מ שטרנבוך במכתבו "אין לי מנוחה שאין שומעים מחאה על כבוד ה' ותורתו: * "לדעת רבנים אלו נאמר כן ח"ו אף בהרבה גיטין שהאשה מביאה חוות דעת מרופאים שסובל וסבל ממחלת נפש, וזהו הירוס הדת וקלקול דיני אישות בישראל" * את דבריו החריפים חתם הגר"מ בפסק הלכה לפיו "היא אשת איש לכל דבר והוולד ממזר" * 

סערה בעולם היהודי: רב באמריקה הנפיק היתר מחודש לאשה נשואה שבעלה סרבן גט, להשתחרר מכבלי העגינות בלא גט, הנימוק להיתר הוא מדין 'מקח טעות', וזאת על אף שהאשה קיימה חיים רגילים עם הבעל תקופה ארוכה אשר במהלך חייהם המשותפים גם נולדה להם בת. 
 ה'היתר' המחודש ניתן לאשה כמובן באורח נדיר מתוך התחשבות במצב האשה העגונה הכבולה בכבלי עגינות זה חמש שנים, ובעלה מסרב לתת לה גט.
פרטי המקרה הגיעו לאוזני מרן פוסק הדור הגר"מ שטרנבוך שליט"א, שמיהר לפרסם את מחאתו החריפה כנגד ההיתר המחודש להפקיע קידושין לאחר חיים משותפים כמה שנים בלא גט, ואף התבטא במכתב החריף "אין לי מנוחה שאין שומעים מחאה על כבוד ה' ותורתו".
את האיגרת פותח מרן הגר"מ בפרטי המציאות - "בדבר מה שנתפרסם כאן פסק של אחד מגדולי ראשי הישיבות באמריקה עם אחד מהפוסקים שם שהתיר רח"ל בלא גט אשה שכבר חיה יחד עם בעלה תקופה, וכבר יש לה ילד ממנו, ועכשיו לדעת הרופא הוא סובל ממחלת נפש שהייתה בו כבר קודם, והם פסקו שנתברר שזהו מקח טעות ויכולה להינשא מיד, וסידרו לה חופה וקידושין בלא גט".
במהלך המכתב נמנע מרן הרב שטרנבוך להתייחס לצדדי ההלכה בעניין, מתוך נימוק מעניין - "שמעתי מפי מרן הגאון דבריסק זצ"ל שכשיש תקלה אוסרים בלי נימוק, שאם מפרש טעם דוחין אותה, וגם כאן לא באתי אלא לחזק מי שמוחה ומקדש שם שמים ששכרו רב מאוד".  
את עיקר מכתבו הקדיש מרן הגר"מ לסכנת הפרצה העלולה לצאת מכך, וכפי שכתב – "בדרך זו יכולים לקלקל כל דיני אישות בישראל, ולדוגמא חולה סרטן רח"ל שתמיד המחלה מקוננת בגופו הרבה לפני שמתברר, נאמר שהוא מקח טעות, וכן כמוהו באלפי מקרים, ובהרבה גיטין האשה מביאה חוות דעת מרופאים שסובל וסבל ממחלת נפש, ולדעת רבנים אלו נאמר שלא צריכה גט ח"ו, וזהו הירוס הדת וקלקול דיני אישות בישראל.
בסיום דבריו הוסיף הגר"מ כי מעיקר הדין היה ראוי לקרוע קריעה על סילוף דין תורה -
"ובשעתו כשרב אחד מהלאומיים התיר ממזר דרש בעל ה"מנחת יצחק" הגרי"י וייס זצ"ל שהתאספו יחד החרדים לדבר ה' וישבו על הארץ וכולם קרעו קריעה כדין.
ובגמ' בקידושין י"ג ע"א מבואר שכשמתירים אשת איש שלא כדין הקב"ה בכעס ומעניש יותר מדור המבול עד כדי שאפילו דגים שבים נכרתים".
את דבריו חתם מרן הגר"מ בקריאה כי "חייבים בית ישראל לפרסם שאין לפסקם שום יסוד, והיא אשת איש לכל דבר והוולד ממזר".
יצויין, כי בימים אלו כבר חתמו כמה רבנים באמריקה מכתב מחאה וקול קורא כנגד ההיתר המחודש, דבר שעומד להתפרסם בימים הקרובים. 

[my unauthorized translation]

Rav Moshe Sternbuch
Protest against heter for Tamar Epstein to remarry without a Get

This is in regards to the recently publicized psak of one of the gedolim (an American rosh yeshiva) together with an American posek. The psak freed a woman from marriage without a Get despite the fact that she had lived with her first husband for an extended period of time and she had born a daughter from him. But now a therapist claims that the husband suffers from mental illness that had existed prior to their marriage. Therefore these two rabbis paskened that they had determined that the marriage was a mistake (mekach ta'os) and that therefore the woman was free to marry immediately without needing a Get. And in fact they [the posek] officiated at a wedding for her without her receiving a Get.

And I saw the teshuva that "freed" her. I hate to say this but the teshuva is total nonsense. Taking the approach of this teshuva it is possible to destroy the whole framework of halachic marriage. For example, if a spouse is found to have cancer – something which begins to develop a long time before it is discovered by the doctors – it would be possible according to the logic of this teshuva to declare that the marriage is a mistake (mekach ta'os) and thus never existed. Similarly there are thousands of other cases of problems that develop prior to marriage but are only discovered after marriage. 

In fact in many cases of divorce, the wife brings a therapist's opinion to beis din, that the husband suffers from mental illness that was a pre-existing condition. Therefore according to the view of these two rabbis there would be no need for a Get (G-d forbid!) in those cases! Such an approach is destructive to Judaism and uproots the basic laws governing Jewish marriage. And this that they claim that they are merely basing themselves on the views of Rav Moshe Feinstein – that is total nonsense. The present case is not comparable to Rav Moshe's cases. But this is not the place to go into the details.

When a certain Religious Zionistic rabbi declared the he had found a heter for  a person who had the status of a mamzer to marry, the Minchas Yitzchok (Dayan Weiss) gathered the people together and they sat on the ground and tore their clothing as a sign of mourning. It is explained in Kiddushin (13a) that when a married woman is declared to be free of her married status against the halacha, G-d becomes very angry and brings about punishment which is greater than that of the Generation of the Flood. To the degree that even the fish in the sea are destroyed.

It is important, therefore that it be publicized that the heter of these rabbis for her to remarry is totally worthless and has no basis. Consequently she is still married to the first husband in every respect and therefore any children born from her relation to the second husband are clearly mamzerim. I have no peace of mind because I have not heard protests against this false heter - which is against G-d's honor and His Torah.

I heard from the Brisker Rav that when there is a serious problem that it be  dealt with by  issuing a categorical prohibition without giving detailed explanations. That is because if a reason for the objections are given, then it is possible for someone to argue and say they are wrong. Therefore also in this case, I am not coming forth except to encourage he who protests the heter and sanctifies G-d's name.  His reward is exceedingly great.

Bombers, molesters & rabbinic guidance with seichel & derech eretz

The purpose of this post is to try and clear up a number of issues from a previous post relating to substance and form of dealing with gedolim and sensitive halachic issues - as well as the need for respect and derech eretz for others - even when you disagree with them.

As most of my readership is aware - I have recently published a 2 volume book dealing with the very sensitive subject of child and domestic abuse. It deals with very sensitive halachic issues such as rodef, mesira, lashon harah. This project was done with the strong encouragement Rav Moshe Sternbuch. While Rav Sternbuch did not read through the material before it was published - we did have a number of discussions. When I asked him to write a teshuva on the material he said simply that I should a write a summary of what we had talked about it and he would review that summary - which he did by carefully reading and annotating and correcting the summary. That corrected material has been included in the book.

It was clear that care needed to be taken in presenting material to him to make sure I presented the context correctly and that I understood the context of his comments. One case which I documented in a post - was when certain chasidim came to me because of their concern with my posting about the Tropper case which they were heavily involved. When they asked him about writing about this while he was walking to Mincha- he told them he saw no need to be involved in the subject. They gleefully pointed out that they had just gotten a psak that I should not write anymore about Tropper and that if I respected Rav Sternbuch's Daas Torah than I should cease and desist from further posting on the subject. I was clearly puzzled by Rav Sternbuch's comments since he had clearly indicated the importance of my writing and publicizing the issue. After Mincha I asked him to clarify his negative comment he had made to the chassidim and the positive comment that I had received. He expressed surprise that I was puzzled. He said he thought he was answering the chassidim what he felt they should do concerning their involvement in the matter while the positive comments were regarding what I should do.

I'd like to address the reason for this post. Franks comments regarding the very serious issue of what to do when faced with a possible life threatening situation - do you need to ask a rabbi's permission to call the police. We are dealing with a case of where there is a real possibility of immediate danger of delaying reporting to the police - in such a case Rav Sternbuch told me one should call the police first.

Frank commented on a previous post about the Santa Monica bomber said...

Micha: Rav Shternbuch specifically said it may only be reported to the authorities in a case where we can determine with certainty that the accused is guilty prior to such reporting. Yes, I have it first hand from Rav Shternbuch. You can ask him directly if you seek to truth.

The above comment is misleading - possible deliberately so. There are a wide number of scenarios that could fit into Franks assertion. (I am assuming that Rav Sternbuch stated what Frank claimed - though it is possible he misunderstood what Rav Sternbuch said.) I am thus questioning what Rav Sternbuch meant to say. For example 1) Did he think that there needs to be 100% certainty or just a reasonable possibility as opposed to merely suspecting that the person was guilty? 2) how likely did Rav Sternbuch think that there might be danger of delaying calling the police? 3) how serious a crime is the person suspected of committing? Are a serial killer treated the same as someone who drives without a driver's license? 4) Is the guilt or innocence readily established by a rabbi or does it need professional expertise. There are a number of other possibilities

Finally Frank tossed in a gratuitous insult "You can ask him directly if you seek the truth" A sneering statement which reveals a basic contempt for me and an assumption that I am not concerned with truth - at least not as much as Frank is.

In sum I stand by my original statement - in the case of the Santa Monica Bomber - one should call the police rather than a rabbi when the bomber was identified and there was even the slightest chance that he might escape or hurt someone i.e., perhaps he had another bomb with him. In addition in reporting molesters or other dangerous people - if there is a possibility that someone will be hurt by the delay or that the rabbis are not qualified to investigate - the police should be contacted.

And yes I did send a letter to Rav Sternbuch with a request for confirmation of my understanding of what to do in a question of doubt in a dangerous situation. If his view differs from what I have understood in the past - I will publicize his answer.