Monday, May 2, 2022

Avraham as source of magic

 Zohar (1:133b)  BUT UNTO THE SONS OF THE CONCUBINES THAT ABRAHAM HAD ABRAHAM GAVE GIFTS  What sort of gifts were they? They comprised the sides of the low grades, that is to say, the names of the powers of the unclean spirit, so as to complete the whole list of grades. (Isaac was raised above those grades by the power of the true faith.) “The sons of the concubines” are the sons of Keturah, who had formerly been a concubine and was now once more a concubine.’ R. Hiya said that the term “concubines” here in the plural must be taken literally. AND HE SENT THEM AWAY FROM ISAAC HIS SON , so that they should not be on a par with Isaac. WHILE HE YET LIVED , that is, while Abraham was yet alive and vigorous, so that they should not complain against him after his death, and so that Isaac might strengthen himself in the side of rigour so as to prevail over them all and make them all submit to him. EASTWARD, UNTO THE EAST COUNTRY : for the reason that there are the haunts of the impure practitioners of magic and witchcraft. Observe this. It is written: “And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the East” (I Kings V, 10). Herein is an allusion to the descendants of the very children of Abraham's concubines, who, as already said, inhabit the mountains of the East, where they instruct the sons of men in the arts of magic and divination. It was this very land of the East from which came Laban and Beor and his son Balaam, who were all magicians.’

Rashi (Bereishis 25:6)  ABRAHAM GAVE GIFTS — Our Rabbis explained (Sanhedrin 91a) that he transmitted to them the names of impure things. 

Chizkuni() “Avraham gave substantial gifts;” Our sages (in Sanhedrin 91 understand the word מתנות as referring to the names of different types of pagan deities, ”

Bennett to Russian FM: No war is like the Holocaust

Israel's Diaspora Affairs Minister, Dr. Nachman Shai (Labor), also castigated Lavrov over his comments, saying in a statement Monday: "No, Mr. Lavrov, Hitler did not have ‘Jewish Blood’, and repeating this abhorrent falsehood puts blame for the worst antisemitic crime in history on Jews. Blaming Jews for crimes against Jews is intrinsically antisemitic. You must retract these comments immediately."

Fallen Angels

 Zohar (1:58a)  THE NEFILIM WERE IN THE EARTH. R. Jose says, following a tradition, that these were Uzza and Azael, whom, as already mentioned, God deprived of their supernal sanctity. How, it may be asked, can they exist in this world? R. Hiya answers, that they were of the class of spirits referred to in the words “And birds which fly on the earth” (Gen. I, 20), and these, as we have said, appear to men in the form of human beings. If it is asked, how can they transform themselves? The answer is, as has been said, that they do in fact transform themselves into all kinds of shapes, because when they come down from heaven they become as concrete as air and take human shape. These are Uzza and Azael, who rebelled in heaven, and were cast down by God, and became corporeal on the earth and remained on it, not being able to divest themselves of their earthly form. Subsequently they went astray after women, and up to this day they exist and teach men the arts of magic. They begat children whom they called Anakim (giants), while the Nefilim themselves were called “sons of God”, as has been elsewhere explained.

Zohar (1:126b)  Said R. Jose: ‘Why is it that many kinds of magic and divination are only found in women?’ R. Isaac replied: ‘Thus I have learnt, that when the serpent had intercourse with Eve he injected defilement into her but not into her husband.’ R. Jose then went up to R. Isaac and kissed him, saying, ‘Many a time have I asked this question, but not until now have I received a real answer.’ R. Jose further asked him: ‘In which place and from whom did Balaam derive all his magical practices and knowledge?’ R. Isaac replied: ‘He learned it first from his father, but it was in the “mountains of the East”, which are in an eastern country, that he obtained a mastery of all the arts of magic and divination. For those mountains are the abode of the angels Uzza and Azael whom the Holy One cast down from heaven, and who were chained there in iron fetters. It is they who impart to the sons of men a knowledge of magic. Hence the Scripture says: “From Aram Balak bringeth me, the King of Moab, from the mountains of the East” (Num. XXIII, 7).’ ‘But,’ said R. Jose, ‘is it not written, “and he went not as at the other times to meet with enchantments, but he set his face toward the wilderness” (Ibid. XXIV, 1)?’ Said R. Isaac to him: ‘The lower side, which comes from the unclean spirit above, was the unclean spirit prevailing in the wilderness when Israel made the calf in order to defile themselves therewith; and Balaam tried every device of magic

Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer (22:4) Rabbi said: The angels who fell from their holy place in heaven saw the daughters of the generations of Cain walking about naked, with their eyes painted like harlots, and they went astray after them, and took wives from amongst them, as it is said, "And the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose" (Gen. 6:2).

Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer (22:6) Rabbi Zadok said: From them were born the giants (Anakim), who walked with pride in their heart, and who stretched forth their hand to all (kinds of) robbery and violence, and shedding of blood, as it is said, "And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak" (Num. 13:33); and it says, "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days" (Gen. 6:4).

Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer (22:7) Rabbi Joshua said: || The Israelites are called "Sons of God," as it is said, "Ye are the sons of the Lord your God" (Deut. 14:1). The angels are called "Sons of God," as it is said, "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy" (Job 38:7); and whilst they were still in their holy place in heaven, these were called "Sons of God," as it is said, "And also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them; the same became the mighty men, which were of old, men of renown" (Gen. 6:4).

Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer (22:8) Rabbi Levi said: They bare their sons and increased and multiplied like a great reptile, six children at each birth. In that very hour they stood on their feet, and spoke the holy language, and danced before them like sheep, as it is said, "They cast their young like sheep, and their children danced" (Job 21:11).

Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer (22:0) Noah said to them: Turn from your ways and evil deeds, so that He bring not upon you the waters of the Flood, and destroy all the seed of the children of men. They said to him: Behold, we will restrain ourselves from multiplying and increasing, so as not to produce the offspring of the children of men. What did they do? When they came to their wives they spilled the issue of their seed upon the earth so as not to produce offspring of the children of men, as it is said, "And God saw the earth, and behold it was spilled" (Gen. 6:12). They said: If He bring from heaven the waters of the Flood upon us, behold, we are of high stature, and the waters will not reach || up to our necks; and if He bring the waters of the depths against us, behold, the soles of our feet can close up all the depths. What did they do? They put forth the soles of their feet, and closed up all the depths. What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He heated the waters of the deep, and they arose and burnt their flesh, and peeled off their skin from them, as it is said, "What time they wax warm, they vanish; when it is hot, they are consumed out of their place" (Job 6:17). Do not read thus ("When it is hot," בחֻמו), but (read) "in his hot waters" (בחמימיו).

 Ramban (Bereishis 6:4) But the Midrash of Rabbi Eliezer the Great, in the chapters concerning the angels that fell from their place of holiness in heaven — as is mentioned in the Gemara of Tractate Yoma —fits into the language of the verse more than all other interpretations. But it would necessitate delving at length into the secret of this subject.


 Derech HaShem (Part 3) Regarding sorcery: And so in this way, just as He brought about a way for man to acquire emanation, understanding and the holy spirit in a supernatural way beyond the physical; so too was it necessary to bring about the opposite of this great good, such that man could bring down darkness, murkiness and a spirit of impurity in a supernatural way. And this is the matter of the impurities of sorcery and the seeking out of the dead from which the Torah distanced us. And its content is the bringing down of the influences of impurity and pollution by the mentioning of words under given conditions - which is really the greatest distancing from Him, may He be blessed, [and] truly the opposite of cleaving to Him. And the thing is brought down from those forces of evil that we mentioned in Part I, Chapter 5 (On the Spiritual Realm 8), upon which He, may He be blessed, decreed names through which given levels of impurity would be brought down in a supernatural way. Accordingly, supernatural acts can be done through them, like the acts of the Egyptian magicians and others, according to what is placed into their hand to act within the limits that were placed upon them. Likewise can they do acts like this through demons, according to what is given to them within the specific limits governing them. And so - within the measure allowed by their ability to act - the Master blessed be He, decreed that they push away the appointees over nature that preserve the matters of the world in their natural state and all of the angels that bring influences according to the arranged order. And about them, they, may their memory be blessed, said (Chullin 7b), "Keshafim (Sorcery)? It is [an acronym for] makhchishin pamalya shel ma'alah (they diminish the heavenly entourage)." However that is only within that measure and no more. And even within that measure, it is yet possible that they be pushed off by a force more powerful than them, and that their action be prevented by His decree, may He be blessed. And about this they said, "There is none like Him, and even [in the case of] sorcery." And they explained that this is for [a person] who has great merit, such that they will save him and push off those who want to do bad to him, from the Heavens. And this is what is written, "Rabbi Ḥannina is different, because his merit is great."

Resurfaced Video of McCain Saying Paul 'Working for' Putin Tops 560K Views

The political action committee VoteVets on Tuesday tweeted the 2017 clip of McCain slamming Paul, after the Kentucky lawmaker contended that the U.S. support for Ukraine joining NATO influenced Russia's invasion of its Eastern European neighbor. VoteVets captioned the clip of McCain, writing: "Just a reminder that John McCain called out Rand Paul nearly a decade ago as a Russian asset. He was then, and he is now."

Trump Touts Perfect Cognitive Test, Then Misspeaks Endorsing 'J.D. Mandel'

Former President Donald Trump, after boasting about an "aced" cognitive test, said he endorsed "J.D. Mandel" at a Save America rally on Sunday in Nebraska in an apparent reference to Ohio candidate J.D. Vance.

The blunder came after he also made fun of President Joe Biden stumbling over a word in a video clip. The former president was listing candidates he is supporting when he made the gaffe.

"You know, we've endorsed Dr. Oz, we've endorsed JP, right? JD Mandel, and he's doing great. They're all doing good," Trump told the crowd at the I-80 Speedway in Greenwood.

Vance is running for the Republican Senate nomination in Ohio against Josh Mandel and Mike Gibbons in Tuesday's primary.

Russian FM Lavrov: So what if Zelenskyy is Jewish, even Hitler had Jewish blood

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Sunday said that the fact that Ukraine's president is Jewish does not contradict Moscow's claims that it launched the invasion to "de-Nazify" the country, claiming that even Hitler "had Jewish blood."

Who was Beruriah?

 Shalom aleichem Rabbi Eidensohn.  In Artscroll’s biography of the Chafetz Chaim by Moses Yoshor translated by Charles Wengrov, on page 264, it says “A certain heretic [says the Midrash] asked B’rurya [the daughter of Rabbi Meir], ‘Because she never bore a child, she should sing?’”

This is blatantly incorrect, as Bruriah was R’ Meir’s wife, not his daughter. Who made this mistake, the translator or the author? And was whoever made the error simply retarded, or what’s the p’shat here.  Thanks a lot.


I replied:

If your concern is that his wife is called his daughter? But Chazal say Esther was the wife of Mordechai but is said to be his daughter
This seems to be a reference to Berachos 10a
 A certain heretic said to Berurya: It is written: “Sing, barren woman who has not given birth, open forth in song and cry, you did not travail, for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, said the Lord” (Isaiah 54:1). Because she has not given birth, she should sing and rejoice?

Berurya responded to this heretic’s mockery and said: Fool! Go to the end of the verse, where it is written: “For the children of the desolate shall be more numerous than the children of the married wife, said the Lord.”

Rather, what is the meaning of: “Sing, barren woman who has not given birth”? It means: Sing congregation of Israel, which is like a barren woman who did not give birth to children who are destined for Gehenna like you.


Sunday, May 1, 2022

An end to kosher phones? Haredi MKs decry Communication Minister's 'dictatorial' decision

After a decision in principle was made around a month ago, it has now become official: On Sunday, Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel announced that he has decided to enable "full mobility" for kosher cell phone users in order to "increase competition in the kosher cellular market."
In practice, what he is doing cancels the kosher phone option as it currently exists, permitting only a limited format going ahead.

The reform, which is due to take effect on July 31, will allow each subscriber to choose to remain with his existing package, although it is unclear whether all the phone numbers currently blocked on kosher phone packages will continue to be blocked, or whether some, or all, will be opened up to customers. The reforms follow intense lobbying by LGBT groups anxious to see hotlines affiliated with LGBT organizations unblocked to kosher phone line subscribers. Such content is considered abhorrent to haredi Jews.

According to the Communications Ministry, the reforms will open the market to competition and encourage companies to offer services at competitive prices to the haredi community. In practice, kosher phone line subscribers will be able to keep their phone numbers with their distinctive kosher prefixes and switch the SIM card into a non-kosher phone, which in the past would have voided the deal. It is not clear how the reforms will result in financial savings for haredi customers.

Evolution vs Intelligent design

And here we come to the crux of the confrontation of ideas. We understand very well the great benefits to mankind that are the result of the research and technological creativity of the scientific community. We have no quarrel with true science proven  from observable facts. Our quarrel is with this definition of science, which in considering the unobservable origin of the universe.
There is a subtle, but not so subtle, shift from saying that science, by its self-imposed convention, can only deal with empirical evidence, with that which can be observed and measured, to saying (which in effect is being said) that anything not measurable is beneath consideration'. With this, the most logical explanation of the universe is ruled out while the most improbable and fanciful theories can be accepted as science as long as they do not smack of the «supernatural."

Chofetz Chaim refutes Darwin

 אמת ליעקב ויקרא פרק יט פסוק ג

(ג) איש אמו ואביו תיראו ואת שבתותי תשמרו.

נראה לבאר הקשר בין שני ענינים אלה, דבאמת המאמין בקדמות העולם - וכמו שמאמינים אומות העולם ורשעי ישראל שבמשך הזמן נתפתח האדם מכל מיני קופים ושאר חיות וכדומה - בהכרח שסובר שכל מה שהדורות מתרחקים מהזמן הקדמון יותר הם מפותחים ויותר הם חשובים, ולכן אדרבה - הם סוברים שהדור הזקן חייב לכבד את הדור הצעיר, אבל אנו שמאמינים שהאדם הוא יציר כפיו של הקדוש ברוך הוא וככל שמתרחקים הדורות יותר אנו מתרחקים מההשפעה האלקית ומגדלותו יתברך, בודאי השומה עלינו לכבד את הדור הקודם, שהרי הם חשובים וגדולים יותר ממנו, ולכן כשבאה התורה להזהיר על "איש אמו ואביו תיראו", הוצרכה לחזור ולשנות גם את פרשת "ואת שבתותי תשמרו", דהרי השבת הוא הזכר והאות לחידוש העולם על ידי הקדוש ברוך הוא בששת מעשה בראשית, ודו"ק.

בענין זה אזכיר מה ששמעתי מהגר"א וואסרמן זצ"ל: שאילו ראה דארווין את החפץ חיים לא היה אומר שהאדם נתפתח מקופים וכדומה, אלא שהוא ראה רק אנשים כמוהו ולכן בא לידי טעות, ודו"ק.

Kedoshim: Admonish your neighbor

Israel's first Chief Rabbi: Not remonstrating wtih someone doing something wrong shows that instrinsically, you do not really object..

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Panic at the airport as US family tries to board plane with souvenir artillery shell

Panic broke out in the departure hall at Israel’s main airport on Thursday after a family of American tourists tried to board a plane with an artillery shell in their luggage.

The Airports Authority said security officers sounded an emergency alert and ordered the evacuation of the area when they discovered the unexploded shell.

The Airports Authority said the family had traveled to northern Israel’s Golan Heights, where one of the children found the old artillery shell.

Pence Refusing to Get in Secret Service Car on Jan. 6 'Chilling': Raskin

After being taken to an undisclosed portion of the Capitol during the riot, Pence's Secret Service agents, whom Raskin suspected were reporting directly to Trump's security detail, asked him to enter an armored limousine. The intent, some have theorized, was to drive Pence away from the building, preventing him from certifying the election results, after he had signaled his unwillingness to go against his duties and keep Trump in power.

"[Pence] uttered what I think are the six most chilling words of this entire thing I've seen so far: 'I'm not getting in that car,'" Raskin said. "He knew exactly what this inside coup they had planned for was going to do."