Saturday, April 9, 2022
Trump Jr. Accused of 'Treason' After Pre-Jan. 6 Texts to Meadows Revealed
Friday, April 8, 2022
GEICO cancels Linda Sarsour’s speaking arrangement
No, Tucker Carlson Didn’t Ask if Dead Bodies of Ukrainian Civilians Were ‘Staged’
Suspected child molester indicted by Jerusalem DA
The Jerusalem District Attorney's Office filed an indictment in the city district court against Shmuel Weinberg (23), a resident of Kiryat Gat, after he abducted a 10-year-old minor and committed sexual offenses with him about two weeks ago in Beit Shemesh.
New study shows antibody levels not predictive of protection against COVID infection
Bar Mitzva for twins - who isn't invited?
With the twins up coming bar mitzva one would have expected that Beth would have been invited but it hasn't happened yet. Oversight?
VIENNA - Ukrainian
millionaire, Maxim Slutski, recently appointed by the IKG to coordinate the
Ukrainian refugee programme in Vienna, is a suspected link in a billion dollar
money laundering scheme tracing to Putin's overthrown puppet president Victor
Questions continue
to surround the whereabouts of billions of dollars plundered from the Ukrainian
budget and funnelled out of the country by former Ukrainian president Victor
Yanukovych and his cronies. Whilst convicted for high treason by a Ukraine court
on 25 January 2019, and sentenced to 13 years in prison in absentia, the
mystery as to how the Kremlin-backed politician made an estimated $40-$70
billion of taxpayers money simply “disappear” is yet to be solved. Here's How
Ukraine's Ousted Government Got Away With $40 Billion (
Yanukovych's cowardly escape to Russia in 2013, a group of journalists broke
into the empty presidential palace, a sprawling country estate featuring what
has been described as “absurd luxury”, including a golf course, a vintage-car
collection and a private zoo which housed his famous ostriches.
There, they
unearthed reams of financial records revealing how Yanukovych and his top
officials buried millions of dollars embezzled from the state treasury in
off-shore havens. The damning evidence was confiscated by the Ukrainian
prosecutor, who proceeded to launch an investigation. However, private
investigators managed to gain access to parts of the material and discovered
that Yanukovych was also laundering vast sums via shell companies throughout Europe.
Yanukovych's associates are reported to have constructed an elaborate web of companies trading in buy-back loan schemes. The diagram produced by investigators below shows Slutski, his second wife Yuliya (nee Kaplan) and Yuliya's sister, Olena Gyellyer, purportedly involved in a convoluted operation, leading directly to the criminal in hiding, Victor Yanukovych at the base (circled red).
In 2008,
Slutski's company is alleged to have received a $2 million loan from two
Cypriot front firms, Dardo Trading Ltd and Jenifex Participation Limited
registered in Nicosia(circled yellow). The beneficiaries of these companies are
Yulia Shchukina and Vladislav Kravets (circled blue), both Ukrainian citizens
and according to sources in law enforcement agents, also well-known bankers.
Between 2012-2018, Shchukina and Kravets allegedly resold the debt to Maxi
Services Ltd (circled green).
companies, New Thornhill Trading Inc. and Margolex Limited (circled purple) are
then reported to have unburdened Maxi services (green)of the debt and
"resold" it along the chain.
Interestingly, the founder of Elizaten Management is an Olena Gyellyer, née Kaplan, sister of Yulia Kaplan, the afore-mentioned wife of Maxim Slutski.
In 2020, Slutski
fled with his family to London after an alleged kidnapping attempt (Three Ukrainians accusing the judge Emelyanov in an
attempt of kidnapping in Germany - world news ( in
Vienna. There he stayed in this luxurious £3.1million home in Hampstead.
Due to Ukraine’s dysfunctional law enforcement system, Yanukovych's associates have yet to be brought to justice. As for Yanukovych himself, he is reported to be living under Putin's protection in Russia. Putin's brutal attacks on Ukrainian civilians are, experts say, an attempt to destabilise Zelensky's government and re-establish Yanukovych as a pro-Russian puppet.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Chaos in central Tel Aviv as cops, army forces hunt for shooter on Dizengoff Street
Ukraine War: Arab Social Media Unsympathetic, Sees Western Hypocrisy
Chazon Ish: Why Satan loves elections
Summary: The Chazon Ish needed a cab to get to a bar mitzva - during the elections. The Aguda had reserved a number of cabs for the purposes of getting out the vote. They refused to allow the cab's to be diverted even for a short time and even for the Chazon Ish! A cab was provided courtesy of a political party which would eventually merge with Likud and seemed to have a better appreciation of who the Chazon Ish was.
The point is that a chareidi party empasizes that they are not concerned with politics per se but only as a means of enhancing the kavod of talimidei chachom and kiddush hashem. Elections unfortunately show that many times - even for chareidi parties - the concern is first and foremost to win - and their official goals get pushed aside if they get in the way of winning.
Atrocities in Bucha, Ukraine, appear 'premeditated,' 'deliberate': senior US defense official
Ukraine activists say they ID’d ‘Butcher of Bucha’ commander leading ‘genocide’
Marjorie Taylor Greene's ugly accusation points to a dangerous trend in the GOP