Rabbi Gordimer is a kashruth professional, a member of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, and a member of the New York Bar. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Rabbi Gordimer: Rabbi Riskin is not a Chareidim vs Modern Orthodox issue
Bambi: cute, lovable, vulnerable ... or a dark parable of antisemitic terror?
US Orthodox Jews financially fragmented but mostly secure, survey finds
A survey on the finances of US Orthodox Jews has found that the community is largely financially secure, but frets about savings and spends heavily on education and other cost-of-living expenses tied to religion.
Jewish respondents who identified as modern Orthodox reported an average median household income of $188,000 per year, and $31,000 in annual school expenses.
Just under half of modern Orthodox were confident they will have enough savings to retire, and 12% had concerns about covering daily expenses.
The survey by the independent Nishma Research firm collated responses from 1,334 modern Orthodox respondents and 973 ultra-Orthodox, or Haredi, participants.
The firm reached the respondents through synagogues and religious organizations. The participants had to opt in to the survey, meaning it was a self-selecting group, and not exactly representative of the community as a whole, the researchers said.
Monday, December 27, 2021
R Riskin's proposal to solve Aguna problem
It is my opinion that in difficult times like today, when many women are forced to live as agunot chained to their husbands, and recalcitrant husbands are taking advantage of their pious wives as well as of their halakhic advantage to at best hold up their wives for ransom and at worst prevent them from marrying, there are certainly grounds to make use of the option of hafka’at kiddushin even without a get, but with an explicit enactment; this would release those women from their chains and from an almost certain life of sin. This is especially so when the problem of agunot causes such great human suffering and degradation of Halakhah. But this can only be done by a large gathering of the Rabbis of Israel who must decide on the matter, so that many authorities share the burden of the decision, and Hafka’at Kiddushin: Towards Solving the Agunah Problem in Our Time Shlomo Riskin 24 Proceedings of the JOFA – NYU Tikvah Agunah Summit the Torah not become like two Torahs. Much thought is needed in order to carefully define the circumstances in which hafka’ah would be implemented, as well as to formulate the stipulation that would have to be added at the time of betrothal. My suggestion would be that the Chief Rabbinate in Jerusalem adopt an enactment stipulating that if a religious court orders a husband to divorce his wife, and he refuses to do so even after sanctions have been imposed upon him, then a special court should be established with the authority to cancel his marriage and free his wife to remarry.
The Long, Strange History of Bill Gates Population Control Conspiracy Theories
בגיל 53 בלבד; הסופר חיים ולדר ז"ל הלך לעולמו
בשעות הצהריים התקבלה הבשורה הקשה על פטירתו של הסופר החרדי חיים ולדר ז"ל, והוא בן 53 בלבד בפטירתו; חיבר ספרים רבים לילדים ומבוגרים ושימש כיועץ חינוכי (דיין האמת)
Aish Hatorah distances itself from Berland celebration at Old City center
Bill Gates: ‘Conspiracy theories that unfortunately involve me’ are keeping many Americans from the Covid vaccines
Fact Check-Bill Gates did not say COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants To 'Restore' America to Christian Principles
NYC COVID Hospitalizations Quadruple Over 3 Weeks for Kids, Just a Third Vaccinated
Trump wants the courts to help him sabotage the January 6 investigation
In part because of gerrymandering and in part because the party that controls the White House tends to lose seats in midterm elections, Republicans are favored to regain control of Congress in the next election. If they do, they can shut down the January 6 committee and quash any of its ongoing efforts to obtain Trump’s documents.The Supreme Court, in other words, doesn’t even need to overrule any existing precedents in order to carry Trump’s water in the Thompson case. All it has to do is run out the clock.