Thursday, November 18, 2021

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu removed all of Chaim Walder's books from his home

 Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of the northern city of Tzfat and member of the Chief Rabbinate Council, on Wednesday said that he had removed all of Chaim Walder's books from his home - and called on others to do the same.

Walder, a haredi author and publicist, was recently accused of raping several women when they were teens. In response, a Brooklyn bookstore removed his books from their shelves and Israeli haredi media outlets suspended him. On Thursday morning it was announced that Walder has decided to take a break from public duties.

When asked many times what those who had purchased Walder's books should do with them. Rabbi Eliyahu said that there is no doubt of "a very heavy cloud of suspicion of rape."


Minutes After Being Censured, Gosar Retweets Offending Ocasio-Cortez Video

Representative Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) retweeted a doctored anime video depicting him killing Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) only minutes after the House censured him over the video.

Cleaner at Gantz's home attempted to contact Iran-linked hackers, officials say

In its announcement, the Shin Bet said that while the suspect posed a potential danger to national security, he "was not exposed to classified material and subsequently none was passed on from him to the elements with whom he made contact".

He has a rich criminal record that includes five convictions and 14 charges between 2002-2013, including two bank robberies, burglary, theft and more. He also was sentenced to four prison terms, the last of which for robbery, was for four years.

Defense Minister's cleaner charged with spying for Iran

A cleaner who worked in the home of Defense Minister Benny Gantz has been arrested on suspicion of attempting to spy for Iran.

In the course of his interrogation, it emerged that the cleaner, one Omri Goren, used social media networks to reach out to an official associated with the Iranian regime, offering to assist him in various ways and explaining that he was able to do so due to his access to Defense Minister Gantz. Among the suggestions Goren made to his Iranian contact was that he could be provided with malware that he would introduce into Gantz’s personal computer.

“This plan was thwarted due to the swift arrest of Goren which prevented him from actualizing his plans,” the Shabak said in a statement. “During Goren’s interrogation, it also emerged that in order to prove his ability to do what he suggested and his serious intent, he photographed various items in various locations in the home of the Minister, which he sent to the aforementioned agent, including photographs of the Minister’s computers.” 

Cleaner at Gantz's house attempted to provide info to Black Shadow

A cleaning worker for Benny Gantz who allegedly contacted the hacker group Black Shadow and offered to them to spy on the Defense Minister had an indictment filed against him with the Lod District Court by the Central District Attorney's Office on Thursday.
The attempt was thwarted by the Shin Bet. Goren was not exposed to classified material due to information security protocols and equipment installed in Gantz's home, the Shin Bet said
The man, a 37-year-old named Oren Goren Gorochovsky from Lod, and his partner have been employed as domestic workers for a few years. He has a criminal record, including 14 arrests, five convictions and four separate stints in jail.  

No, the mRNA Vaccines Do Not Contain Graphene Oxide

 On July 28, 2021, internet personality Stew Peters landed what he described as an “exclusive” scoop: a video interview with what he billed as Pfizer insider Karen Kingston who, Peters claimed, produced “indisputable documentation” that proves mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) contain a “poison” known as graphene oxide.

The video went viral, despite the fact that Kingston produced no such documentation, and despite the reality that her tenure at Pfizer, according to her LinkedIn profile, involved marketing cardiovascular therapies to healthcare providers in Manhattan from 1996 to 1998 — well over a decade before pharmaceutical companies had any interest in mRNA vaccines.

Fact Check-No evidence graphene oxide is present in available COVID-19 vaccines via lipid nanoparticles

Allegations that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) are toxic because they contain graphene oxide on their lipid nanoparticles (which help transport the mRNA through the body) are baseless.

The claims stem from a July 28 talk show ( ) where a woman in the video, introduced as Karen Kingston, points to documentation on a lipid particle maker’s website which allegedly shows that graphene oxide is present in their products.

Pfizer and Moderna told Reuters, however, that graphene oxide is not among their vaccines’ ingredients.


Fact-checking Judy Mikovits, the controversial virologist attacking Anthony Fauci in a viral conspiracy video

Mikovits has not published anything in the scientific literature since 2012. But she soon began to promote the XMRV hypothesis again, and attack the Lipkin study that she agreed had put the issue to rest. She has weighed in on the autism debate with controversial theories about causes and treatments. Her discredited work and her legal travails have made her a martyr in the eyes of some.

GOP votes against Gosar censure, but frustration builds against controversial congressman: 'It's all silly' 

 He’s not your mainstream Republican, a lot of people think he’s kooky," a different House GOP aide told Fox News. "He’s the type of Republican that’s far more a liability to the conference than an asset… There’s not much seriousness in his work.

"We can’t just be kicking people off committees… it’s a slippery slope," the GOP aide also said. "No one’s defending — most of the conference is not defending what he did."

A former aide to Gosar, meanwhile, said Gosar is "a smart person" and "a good person" who "just made some bad decisions." 

Gosar is "not a whackado," the former aide told Fox News. "But he represents a very far-right district" and "has made the strategic decision to try to replicate Donald Trump's bombastic style" because it's "what the people want."

"But attempting to replicate Donald Trump is going to get you in trouble," the former aide added. 

Gosar's Twitter header notably is a photo of the former president.

How a Vaguely Worded Wisconsin Law Could Let Rittenhouse Walk

 If Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted, it’s going to shock a lot of people. But if you’ve been following the case closely, it will be less of a surprise. This trial — and particularly the judge’s instruction to the jury on the concept of “provocation” — has highlighted a key flaw in the way legislatures have written their laws to describe when a person may kill lawfully in self-defense.

In an era in which more and more Americans are carrying guns and invoking their right to self-defense, these flawed laws are going to continue to lead to controversial verdicts. But lawmakers have the ability to clarify them. Here’s how.

Congressman Threatening Violence With Attack on Titan Sees Actual Consequences

 In the debate leading up to the censure vote, the Republicans mostly argued that the United States faced more pressing issues than the contents of an anime video. Noted weeb Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona attempted to explain why Gosar’s controversial video was not a death threat by invoking his deep-seated familiarity with Japanese culture and anime:

 I’ve lived in Japan for several years. I speak Japanese. I read and write Japanese. This is an anime, Shingeki no Kyojin. Highly popular, stylized, intended to demonstrate the alienation that people feel, particularly young people feel, in their cultures. Does anime have violence? Yes. It’s highly stylized violence. It is not meant to induce people to violence.

The Bulletproof Diet is everything wrong with eating in America

 Still, Asprey went so far as to say: "There is one best way to help people lose weight, and that is eliminating inflammation." He said people who want to lose weight just need to test out different foods, determine if they cause them to  "feel food cravings and brain fog" and then eliminate those foods from their lives.

To find out about the evidence behind this system, I looked at a bunch of the citations for the claims that he makes about food. What I found was a patchwork of cherry-picked research and bad studies or articles that aren't relevant to humans. He selectively reported on studies that backed up his arguments, and ignored the science that contradicted them. Many of the studies weren't done in humans but in rats and mice. Early studies on animals, especially on something as complex as nutrition, should never be extrapolated to humans. Asprey glorifies coconut oil and demonizes olive oil, ignoring the wealth of randomized trials(the highest quality of evidence) that have demonstrated olive oil is beneficial for health. Some of the research he cites was done on very specific sub-populations, such as diabetics, or on very small groups of people. These findings wouldn't be generalizable to the rest of us.

House votes to censure and remove Gosar from committees over violent video targeting AOC and Biden

The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to approve a resolution that censures Rep. Paul Gosar and strips him of his two committee assignments, the first time a sitting House member has been censured in more than 10 years.

The action led by House Democrats represents a major rebuke to the Arizona Republican for posting a photoshopped anime video to social media showing him appearing to kill Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacking President Joe Biden.
The final vote was 223 to 207. Republicans Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Liz Cheney of Wyoming voted with all the Democrats for the censure resolution. Republican Rep. David Joyce of Ohio voted present, meaning he took no position either way.
Gosar took down the video after facing criticism but did not apologize. About an hour after being censured, Gosar retweeted a tweet praising him that also included the video. 

Chaim Walder's books removed from Osher Ad, Eichler's over rape allegations

Popular Jewish retailer Eichler's will no longer carry the books of Israeli haredi (ultra-Orthodox) author Chaim Walder following accusations made against him of rape and sexual assault of minors, its CEO Mordy Getz announced over Twitter.
His books will also be removed from the ultra-Orthodox supermarket chain Osher Ad, and his weekly column in the haredi newspaper Yated Ne'eman and his talk show on Kol Chai radio are both being stopped, Haaretz reported.
Walder's books will no longer be available in their store, or online at