Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim of Agudath Israel Release Statement on the International Beit Din





Agudath Israel of America shared a statement from the Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim of Agudath Israel.
It has come to our attention that the so called “International Beit Din” (IBD) has issued multiple heteirim for married women to remarry without a get, utilizing various methods and arguments.
Gedolei Haposkim and multitudes of Rabbonim from across the spectrum have publicly decried the actions of the IBD and claim that their heteirim have no merit. The Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah and Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim of Agudas Yisrael join them in protest. Throughout the generations such matters were dealt with exclusively by universally recognized, foremost Gedolei Haposkim, in conjunction with other Gedolei Hador, and we firmly state that it is unprecedented and unacceptable for these matters to be dealt with in any other manner.
We turn to Rabbonim from across the country and across the world, and to all who hold our Torah and Kedushas Yisrael dear, to only rely on decisions rendered by valid, recognized Batei Din. It is our opinion that no Rav may be mesader kiddushin for any woman on the basis of a heter from the IBD to remarry. While the plight of agunos pains us deeply, and we hope and pray for them to be released from the chains of igun, dubious heteirim do not resolve their predicament. 
To the contrary, it only complicates a woman’s situation by causing issues of issurim chamurim of arayus and mamzeirus.

Demonizing Dems Enables GOP on Female Draft


Distorted Demonization of Democrats Enables Republican Betrayal on Selective Service Expansion

Wednesday, November 17, '21 /  13 Kislev, 5782 / Vayishlach

by Binyomin Feinberg

This post appears on Breitbart today It alerts the public to one aspect of the threat of expansion of Selective Service, namely its expansion to include women. Unfortunately, it focuses ire against the Democrats, as opposed to the MANY Republicans who also support this downright barbaric policy. Moreover, the readership of Breitbart would have far more influence in pressuring wayward and wavering Republicans than Democrats. So why the blatant omission?

This imbalanced portrait of the Selective Service danger as a Democratic one is all the more perilous inasmuch as those tainted optics threaten to enable the Republican leadership to get away with "fighting to lose," with the intention of exploiting the expansion of Selective Service to women as a wedge to campaign next year, to retake Congress. (Read carefully: However, that trick is likely to fail, when voters catch on. And eventually, many will.

No, allowing the Republicans another campaign issue isn't worth the price, even for Republicans themselves. Besides the fact that such a nefarious stunt could backfire, once female SS registration is enacted into law, it will be much harder to repeal in the future. That's especially true given the very problem that is being overlooked here: GOP weakness on this issue, weakness apparently rooted far deeper than merely being a political ploy for next year's congressional races.

It would behoove Democratic leadership to take heed here. It doesn't serve their interests to grace the Republican leadership with another campaign issue, albeit a volatile, risky one. Is allowing passage of the NDAA in its current form really worth it for the Democratic Party? Wouldn't that endanger multiple Democratic seats already at risk?

In any case, this type of misportrayal of the crisis demands that concerned Republicans employ all the more vigilance in ensuring that the GOP doesn't betray their base (yet again). It's likely that Republicans will be allowed only ONE amendment on this issue, starting this week.  Therefore, concerned citizens need to ensure that GOP grandstanders do not get away with squandering the one opportunity to avoid Selective Service expansion - by knowingly choosing an amendment (e.g. a "Direct Strike") with less likelihood of success than the most promising prospect: Selective Service Repeal (as in S.1139 / H.R. 2509). 

GOP leadership must be told unequivocally: "If you're not in this to win - we are.  Ensure a vote on repealing Selective Service altogether. Don't play Russian Roulette with our daughters. If you cannot properly oppose the attempt to force young women into the most unequal dangers inherent in military units, and even combat, then nothing you do stand for justifies supporting you."

Jonathan Karl’s ‘Betrayal’ unearths new details about Trump’s attack on democracy

It’s no secret that Trump indulged a startling array of falsehoods about the last election as part of his effort to cling to power. However, Karl finds new examples of how conspiracy theories were transmitted through Trump’s inner circle.

The president’s allies seemed to think they had a kindred spirit in Ezra Cohen, a Pentagon official who had previously worked for Michael Flynn, and they often sought his assistance. After the election, Flynn called Cohen to say that ballots needed to be seized, then yelled at him when Cohen said “it’s time to move on.”

Sidney Powell, Flynn’s lawyer who also advised Trump, later called Cohen to unspool a bizarre theory that Gina Haspel, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was trying to cover up election fraud and had been detained in Germany. “You need to launch a special operations mission to get her,” Powell reportedly told Cohen. (None of Powell’s wild claims were true.) 

New York State vows to update rules governing secular education in yeshivas

 The New York State Education Department on Monday announced a plan to update regulations governing education in non-public schools in the coming year, which could have major implications for the state’s ultra-Orthodox Jewish religious schools.

Critics of the religious schools, or yeshivas, applauded the announcement, while supporters condemned it.

New York State mandates that all children in non-public schools receive instruction that is “substantially equivalent” to education at nearby public schools. The definition of the term, and the law’s enforcement, have been the source of ongoing controversy surrounding the yeshivas.

Author Chaim Walder's books removed from Brooklyn store 

"Dear customers,

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that we will no longer carry the books of Chaim Walder in our stores due to shocking allegations recently revealed.

This decision was not made lightly and will no doubt come at a heavy financial cost, as these books were bestsellers— but as a business that cares about our community, we cannot ignore the pleas we have received on behalf of the alleged victims.

Given that the access to alleged victims was largely by way of the author’s books and work, we believe that this decision is an essential step in protecting our children and building a safer, healthier community.

Our heart goes out to all who had to, and those who still have to, suffer in silence and it is our hope that this statement serves as an encouragement to them to come forward knowing that we care about them and will have their back and help them heal.

צדק צדק תרדוף


Mordy Getz

Eichlers Judaica

Chaim Walder's books removed from Eichler's over rape allegations

Popular Jewish retailer Eichler's will no longer carry the books of Israeli haredi (ultra-Orthodox) author Chaim Walder following accusations made against him of rape and sexual assault of minors, its CEO Mordy Getz announced over Twitter.
Walder's books will no longer be available in their store, or online at
"This decision was not made lightly, and will no doubt come at a heavy financial cost, as these books were bestsellers," Getz wrote, "but as a business that cares deeply about our community, we cannot ignore the pleas we have received on behalf of the alleged victims."

Statement on Child Abuse Allegations Made Against Rabbi Chaim Walder

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Anti-vaxxer addresses Knesset video conference — apparently invited by mistake

 An anti-vaccine activist claimed to lawmakers on a Knesset committee Tuesday that a top Health Ministry official cannot be trusted to give an objective opinion on vaccinations for children, falsely asserting that the official works for the company that produces the shots.

Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public health at the Health Ministry,  has become the focus of anti-vaccination activism, receiving threats so severe that she has been provided with a bodyguard and a panic button.

Activist Valentina Nalin, an attorney, was apparently invited to participate in the Knesset Health Committee meeting by mistake.

Israelis should avoid Turkey until couple is released - analysis

Don't go to Turkey.
That should be the government’s message to all Israelis if the Turkish authorities do not immediately release the Israeli couple Natali and Mordy Oaknin from custody for allegedly spying because they took a photo of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s palace from a tower across the street.
And if that is not enough to get the Turks to release the couple, then other, more strident actions should be considered.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial: When can you shoot as self-defence?

 In the US, people can justify their use of deadly force against another when it reasonably appears necessary.

Wisconsinites may not be prosecuted if their methods of self-defence were "necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm". The legal standard comes with a two-part test.

Jurors must decide whether or not the use of deadly force was objectively reasonable under the circumstances.

How American Shoppers Broke the Supply Chain

 But the supply chain is also broken because of the sheer volume of stuff that Americans are buying, especially online. To keep up with demand for two-day shipping, companies like Amazon and Walmart have built warehouses around the country, and are importing even more containers of goods to fill them. These warehouses are getting a lot more action now that even the most reluctant online shopper was pushed to embrace e-commerce during the pandemic to comply with shelter in place orders.

Michael Flynn calls for the US to have ‘one religion,’ sparking outrage from Jewish groups

 The Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Congress have joined numerous groups and individuals in condemning the call by Michael Flynn, former President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, for the United States to have one religion.

“If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion,” Flynn said Saturday at a rally in Texas for ReAwaken America, a Christian-themed speaking tour backed by the Christian news network America Faith. “One nation under God, and one religion under God.”

The ADL’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, and the American Jewish Congress both took to Twitter to call Flynn’s statement “anti-American.”

The voluntary dying debate - not so easy

 Rav Moshe Feinstein holds that when a patient is gripped by unbearable pain and suffering, nature should be allowed to take its course. Thus when a patient is on a respirator and the machine is temporarily removed for servicing, if the patient shows no signs of life the machine need not be restored.

Greenblatt-KainetskyHeter II

מרן שר התורה הגר"ח קנייבסקי והגר"ג אדלשטיין יצאו היום במכתב נגד שלושה דיינים מתל אביב, שהתירו אש איש; "וישמרו שלא למנותם דיינים", נכתב • הדיינים חזרו בהם מהפסק המסעיר