Thursday, November 4, 2021

Georgia Congresswoman: 'Vaccine Nazis ruining our country'

 Marjorie Taylor Greene made another comparison between America’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and the Holocaust in an interview on Steve Bannon’s podcast on Tuesday, months after apologizing for making such comparisons at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.

“They’re ruining our country, these vaccine Nazis,” she said, according to NBC News, noting that she is still not vaccinated.

She added later: “I’m sorry. I know I’m using the word Nazi and everybody gets mad when I say it, but that’s exactly what they are

Pulsa diNura

On 1 June 2021, The Times of Israel reported that a member of the Health Ministry panel that had been advising on COVID-19 vaccinations received death threats including the Pulsa DiNura during the process of approval for the inoculation of children.[18]

On 10 June 2021, Naftali Bennett, leader of the Yamina party and prime minister designate in the incoming national unity government, reportedly received a letter stating that the Pulsa DiNura had been invoked against him. The letter was unsigned but reportedly referenced ultra-Orthodox rabbis.[19

Israel passes first budget in 3.5 years

 The Knesset passed the 2021 state budget into law in a 61-59 vote at 5:30 a.m. Thursday morning, giving Israel a new budget for the first time since March 15, 2018.

When the vote was announced, coalition MKs applauded and embraced each other in joy. Following the vote, the MKs went to sleep for a few hours and will resume voting later Thursday on the Economic Arrangements Law and afterward the 2022 budget.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Chofetz Chaim Hated Russian Communist Leaders

It was told in the biography of Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman (in the English Artscroll edition, page 59) what the Chafetz Chaim (who usually has the final say on what is Jewish Law) did to the Communist, Trotsky.

That the Chafetz Chaim agreed to curse this wicked man with a curse , special for wicked Jews and within a short time thereafter, Trotsky fell from power (one should add that after a few years later , Stalin also murdered him). And see also the Be’ur Halacha, siman 329 the words beginning with Eleh L-fi ”that it is permissible to curse a wicked Jew”….for it is written ” and a leader of your nation do not curse” -when he does the action of your nation.
 But if he is standing in a place that has Apikorsim (heretics) that rise up against the Torah and wish to enact some regulations in the matters of the city, and by means of this they will bring the people to transgress the will of G-d; and he opened in peace, and his words were not obeyed. In such a situation the Beit Yosef did not speak of at all. And it is a mitzvah to hate them and quarrel with them and nullify their plotting with all that he has the ability to do. And King David, peace be unto him said, ”Do I not hate, Hashem, those that hate you and with those that rise up against you , I shall quarrel ! I hate them with an utmost hatred: I count them as my enemies”. (Psalms 139:21,22)"
However the story is not likely true
Berachos (7a)Moreover, it is inappropriate to cause the punishment of another, as it is written: “Punishment, even for the righteous, is not good” (Proverbs 17:26), even for a righteous person, it is improper to punish another.

 Berachos (19a)

Youngkin accused of antisemitism after claiming allies of Jewish donor George Soros ‘inserted’ operatives into Virginia school boards

GOP gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin is facing allegations of antisemitism after accusing allies of Jewish philanthropist George Soros of a shadowy campaign to place secret political operatives onto Virginia school boards.

In an appearance Tuesday night at a rally at the Burke Volunteer Fire Department, Youngkin tried to link Soros, his Democratic opponent Terry McAuliffe and cultural debates roiling some suburban Northern Virginia public school systems. In particular, some parents are protesting equity initiatives they associate with critical race theory, an intellectual movement that examines the way policies and laws perpetuate systemic racism.

What Glenn Youngkin’s Virginia win means for Democrats

 Many on the right and in the national media have framed Youngkin’s attacks on the purported use of “critical race theory” in Virginia’s public school system as crucial to his success. It isn’t so clear that was what made the difference, though, since conservative candidates focusing on that issue in local races in New Hampshire and Connecticut lost.

And while Youngkin used the specter of critical race theory to appeal to the base, his TV ads aimed at swing voters had a wider focus. In those, Youngkin conveyed concern about the state of the economy and the state’s education system more broadly. He falsely claimed McAuliffe planned to raise taxes by over $5,000 per family, and argued that the state’s public schools were increasingly poorly run and unsafe.

Virginia governor-elect Youngkin was accused of using antisemitic tropes

Republican Glenn Youngkin, a businessman, has defeated former governor Terry McAuliffe to become Virginia’s governor in a race that was fraught with charges of antisemitism.

Local and national media organizations called the race, which was widely viewed as a barometer for Republican electoral strategy in the post-Trump era, early Wednesday morning.

Youngkin embraced former US President Donald Trump in the primary but distanced himself from Trump in the general campaign, while still managing to retain the support of Trump’s core constituencies.

25 years later, man sues bar mitzvah tutor, synagogue and day school for abuse

 Nearly 25 years after his bar mitzvah tutor pleaded guilty to sexual misconduct, a 40-year-old New Jersey native has sued the former tutor as well as the synagogue and day school that employed him.

The tutor, Akiva Roth, pleaded guilty in 1997 to four counts of lewdness, and lost his jobs at the East Brunswick Jewish Center, the former Solomon Schechter School of Essex and Union counties and Camp Ramah in the Berkshires. But the plaintiff in the lawsuit and two other former students of Roth who were interviewed over the past month contend that the three institutions failed to properly inform their communities of the situation, allowing Roth to continue teaching in other Jewish organizations for years.

LGBTQ+ activist accused of sexual misconduct against minors

 Just days after LGBTQ+ personality Gal Uchovsky was accused of sexual assault, prominent LGBTQ+ activist Etai Pinkas-Arad has been accused of sexual misconduct by two men who say they had relations with Pinkas-Arad over ten years ago when they were 17, Ynet reported on Wednesday.

The two, identified as A. and Y. in the report, were both 17 and members of the Israel Gay Youth (IGY) youth group at the time of the incidents and met Pinkas-Arad, who was over 30 at the time, at lectures he gave to the group. The two underwent and passed a polygraph test.
Pinkas-Arad serves as a Tel Aviv city council member in charge of the issues concerning the LGBTQ+ community and was at the center of the battle in the High Court of Justice to make surrogacy for same-sex couples and single fathers legal.

‘It’s the Jews’: An antisemitic tirade at an Arizona school board meeting spurs debate

 An antisemitic tirade at a school board meeting in suburban Phoenix last week has spurred an extensive response among local officials and Jewish leaders — some of whom say they were distressed that board members did not rebut the comment at the time.

During the public comment portion of the meeting of the Chandler Unified School District board, a woman who identified herself as Melanie Rettler spoke for over a minute about critical race theory and vaccines — topics not listed on the meeting agenda but at the center of heated public debate nationwide.

Her comment crescendoed with an antisemitic claim drenched in the language of right-wing conspiracy theories.

5 Takeaways: How Youngkin’s Win Makes Democrats Squirm About 2022

Mr. Youngkin had campaigned heavily on education and seized on Mr. McAuliffe’s remark that he didn’t “believe parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Mr. Youngkin used the comment, made during a debate, as an entryway to hammer his rival on issues like race and transgender rights in schools. The issues simultaneously motivated the G.O.P. base while casting the matter to moderates as an issue of parental rights.

“This is no longer a campaign,” Mr. Youngkin said. “It is a movement being led by Virginia’s parents.”

Republican strategists were downright gleeful about the possibility of repackaging Mr. Trump’s policies without his personality.

Tucker Carlson Is Stirring Up Hatred of America

To comprehend the full scope of the conspiracy, viewers will have to watch all three episodes. But even in the first episode, the goals of this project are already clear. The point is to describe the events of January 6 as a false-flag operation cooked up inside the deepest layers of the American deep state—and thus to cast doubt on everything that will come out of Congress’s January 6 hearings, everything revealed by every Washington Post or network-television investigation, everything turned up by the FBI. For Fox viewers, this will come as an enormous relief. If all the disturbing facts can be ignored, then no lessons need be learned. Republicans in Congress and the Trump White House need never be blamed for their assault on the Constitution. The people who supported them need never question that support.


Black Shadow hackers leak medical records of 290,000 Israeli patients

 The Iran-linked Black Shadow hacking group on Tuesday night leaked what claimed was the full database of Machon Mor medical institute, including medical records of some 290,000 patients.

The database includes information regarding medical tests and treatments, and the leak comes mere hours after the group also hacked the entire online database of popular LGBTQ dating site Atraf, which is hosted by the Israeli internet company Cyberserve.

Disposable plasticware prices soar as new tax introduced

 In a bid to drive down Israel’s plastic waste, the government on Monday introduced a new tax on disposable plasticware aimed at doubling the price of plastic cutlery and crockery for Israeli consumers.

The Environmental Protection Ministry said that the new tax — an increase of 11 shekels per kilogram of single-use plastics — would “double the final price for the consumer and thus reduce the consumption of these polluting products.”

The tax will apply to plastic plates, bowls, cups, and straws.