Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Chofetz Chaim Hated Russian Communist Leaders

It was told in the biography of Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman (in the English Artscroll edition, page 59) what the Chafetz Chaim (who usually has the final say on what is Jewish Law) did to the Communist, Trotsky.

That the Chafetz Chaim agreed to curse this wicked man with a curse , special for wicked Jews and within a short time thereafter, Trotsky fell from power (one should add that after a few years later , Stalin also murdered him). And see also the Be’ur Halacha, siman 329 the words beginning with Eleh L-fi ”that it is permissible to curse a wicked Jew”….for it is written ” and a leader of your nation do not curse” -when he does the action of your nation.
 But if he is standing in a place that has Apikorsim (heretics) that rise up against the Torah and wish to enact some regulations in the matters of the city, and by means of this they will bring the people to transgress the will of G-d; and he opened in peace, and his words were not obeyed. In such a situation the Beit Yosef did not speak of at all. And it is a mitzvah to hate them and quarrel with them and nullify their plotting with all that he has the ability to do. And King David, peace be unto him said, ”Do I not hate, Hashem, those that hate you and with those that rise up against you , I shall quarrel ! I hate them with an utmost hatred: I count them as my enemies”. (Psalms 139:21,22)"
However the story is not likely true
Berachos (7a)Moreover, it is inappropriate to cause the punishment of another, as it is written: “Punishment, even for the righteous, is not good” (Proverbs 17:26), even for a righteous person, it is improper to punish another.

 Berachos (19a)


  1. Those sources certainly present a potential counterargument to the story or the stance that it reflects, but how is it *proof* the story isn't true merely to cite a few gemaras? What about other gemaras that may contradict?

  2. Just the other day you brought the Rambam, who says these people are no longer considered Jews, and we do not raise them, but lower them etc...

    (And I brought the other Rambam in Teshuva, which says if they do Teshuva, even on their last day, all their sins are forgiven).

  3. is the conclusion that we should not believe Gadol stories in Artscroll books, or repeated in Yeshivas?

  4. the Chofetz Chaim's grandson said 90% of the stories are not true

  5. I hate stories like this. After all, if the Chofetz Chayim had such power, why stop with Trotsky? Why not also wish ill on Lenin and Stalin?

  6. or hitler yemach shmo. the CC would have forseen what Amalek would do. But wait a minute, did the Avot foresee what would happen when they banished Esav, and then Ishmael? And why didn't David Hamelech use his superpowers in wars?


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