Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Why many scientists say it’s unlikely that SARS-CoV-2 originated from a “lab leak”

 During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the “lab leak” theory gained little traction. Sure, U.S. President Donald Trump suggested SARS-CoV-2 originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China—and called it “the China virus”—but he never presented evidence, and few in the scientific community took him seriously. In fact, early in the pandemic, a group of prominent researchers dismissed lab-origin notions as “conspiracy theories” in a letter in The Lancet. A report from a World Health Organization (WHO) “joint mission,” which sent a scientific team to China in January to explore possible origins with Chinese colleagues, described a lab accident as “extremely unlikely.”

But this spring, views began to shift. Suddenly it seemed that the lab-leak hypothesis had been too blithely dismissed. In a widely read piece, fueled by a “smoking gun” quote from a Nobel laureate, a veteran science journalist accused scientists and the mainstream media of ignoring “substantial evidence” for the scenario. The head of WHO openly pushed back against the joint mission’s conclusion, and U.S. President Joe Biden ordered the intelligence community to reassess the lab-leak possibility. Eighteen scientists, including leaders in virology and evolutionary biology, signed a letter published in Science in May that called for a more balanced appraisal of the “laboratory incident” hypothesis.

Yet behind the clamor, little had changed. No breakthrough studies have been published. The highly anticipated U.S. intelligence review, delivered to Biden on 24 August, reached no firm conclusions, but leaned toward the theory that the virus has a natural origin.

Fresh evidence that would resolve the question may not emerge anytime soon. China remains the best place to hunt for clues, but its relative openness to collaboration during the joint mission seems to have evaporated. Chinese officials have scoffed at calls from Biden and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for an independent audit of key Wuhan labs, which some say should include an investigation of notebooks, computers, and freezers. Chinese vice health minister Zeng Yixin said such demands show “disrespect toward common sense and arrogance toward science.” In response to the increasing pressure, China has also blocked the “phase 2” studies outlined in the joint mission’s March report, which could reveal a natural jump between species.

Despite the impasse, many scientists say the existing evidence—including early epidemiological patterns, SARS-CoV-2’s genomic makeup, and a recent paper about animal markets in Wuhan—makes it far more probable that the virus, like many emerging pathogens, made a natural “zoonotic” jump from animals to humans.

New evidence undermines the COVID lab-leak theory — but the press keeps pushing it

When it comes to the pandemic, pseudoscience has outweighed real science at almost every turn. One of the best examples of that is the unsupported assertion that the virus causing COVID-19 escaped from a Chinese laboratory.

Despite mounting evidence that the virus reached humans through natural pathways — from infected animals such as bats — the lab-leak hypothesis recently jumped back into the news, thanks to CNN, the investigative news site the Intercept, and the Atlantic.

All treat the idea that the virus escaped from a lab credulously. They downplay or entirely ignore the latest scientific findings that support the theory that the virus’ origin can be found in the animal kingdom — the view accepted by a preponderance of experts in virology. 

New evidence emerges against COVID lab-leak theory — but the press keeps pushing it

 Here’s the true state of the discussion. There is no evidence that the virus leaked from the Wuhan laboratory or any other lab. There is no evidence that the Wuhan lab was working with a bat virus that had anything but a very distant resemblance to SARS-CoV-2. Viruses that resemble it much more closely have been found in natural settings a thousand miles from Wuhan, as the crow, or bat, flies.

Anti-vaxxer Rabbi's COVID Remarks 'Dangerous and Misleading,' Israel's Health Ministry Warns

 The Health Ministry released a public warning on Sunday against Rabbi Yuval Hacohen Asherov, asserting that his statements against the coronavirus vaccine are dangerous.

Asherov, who says he deals in “the wisdom of the Kabbalah and natural heath,” recently posted a video clip where he falsely claims that the COVID-19 vaccine damages fertility and can be fatal. The clip has gotten hundreds of thousands of hits and a great deal of attention, although it negates scientific knowledge about the vaccine.

the public, the Health Ministry notes that Asherov is not licensed to practice medicine or any other health profession, nor is he licensed to practice physical therapy, as was reported in some media outlets.

“The misleading information given by him or in his publications cannot guide the public in anything having to do with the coronavirus and cannot be taken as a recommendation or instruction with medical value,” the committee wrote.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

My beloved father betrayed me- a true story of abuse

 Who am I?

I grew up in (what seemed to be) the best of homes. We always had many guests over on Shabbos, and people would always say to me, "you are so lucky that you have such an amazing family - your parents are such incredible people..." on and on. My friends would love coming to my home. My father is a dynamic talmid chacham who is a rabbi in a prominent shul. He is humble, wise and loving. My mother is a loving and sensitive person who is widely respected for her concern for others and her piety. My parents are leaders of a Jewish community whose counsel is sought for people with shalom bayis problems. They receive many calls asking for advice about how to raise children. They give chanson and kallah classes, and they deal with helping couples that were separated get back together. No one would ever dream that they themselves had significant sick psychological problems.

Everything looked so perfect from the outside. But what was really confusing to me was that in my childish eyes, everything looked so perfect from the inside as well. As children we all think that our parents are perfect. We copy everything that they do because we are programmed to trust that everything they do is right. I also thought whatever my parents do must be good. This discrepancy - between the fact that my father was doing something seriously wrong to me and the fact that it was my wonderful father who was doing it – was so terrifying that it led me not to trust my judgment. Even though I sensed that what my father was doing was weird, I just assumed that I was oversensitive. I thought I was crazy. One would have to be crazy to believe that a couple who counsels other couples and gives many people in the community advice on child raising could be themselves be hurting each other and their children.

That is why I lived as a victim of abuse for a decade without realizing what was going on. The abuse that I suffered just did not fit in with my belief that I had a "perfect" family. Yes, I knew that my Father touched me in ways that made me uncomfortable. Yes, I knew that he took off my clothing at night and fondled me. Yes, I eventually learned that this is considered molestation. Yet I unconsciously refused to put two and two together to avoid arriving at the rotten truth that I was actually being molested by my wonderful father.

What happened?

When I hit puberty as a pre-teen, my father was always extremely interested in my physical development. He would make all sorts of inappropriate comments and even would outright tell me that he enjoys watching my body change etc. He told me that he likes when I wear lycra shirts. He’d ask me why I wouldn’t let him see me in my bathing suit. I remember once when I was eleven, that I had fallen asleep in bed in my towel after coming out of the shower. I woke up to feel a breeze of air on my body and though surprised, I pretended to still be sleeping as I heard my father say "Isn’t she beautiful..." and heard my mother saying "Oh sweetie, put the towel back on her- she’ll be so embarrassed if she wakes up." Although at this young age I was physically very developed, I was not mature enough emotionally to know that this was wrong. As a young girl I just took it for granted that this was normal behavior, and instead of being annoyed at my father I was just ashamed of myself and held all the embarrassment inside.

Because I eventually got used to the idea that his comments were okay, I did not resist when he undressed me for the first time. He continued to sexually harass me every so often through out my teenage years by very inappropriate fondling. When I was about 15 I think I started to wonder if this was considered appropriate behavior, and I thought to call up a different rav and ask him, but I was afraid of exposing my father and the shame that would cause my father. So I didn’t, and I figured, ‘my father is a talmid chacham, he probably would know if this is prohibited,’ so I just let him continue doing it.

How it affected me:

The sexual abuse that I experienced affected me in numerous ways. I will try to explain a few of the basic effects that suffering abuse had on me. First and foremost having this history made me feel dirty and inferior. It also caused me not to trust my judgment, as I explained above. It may be hard to understand, but the experience also caused me to want to be taken advantage of again. It caused me to need that kind of attention. To want someone to be obsessed with me to the extent that they don’t care to break rules in order to have me. I will attempt to clarify how the abuse messed with my mind and affected me in the ways that I have listed.

I felt guilty because I was sure my heart was twisted. I thought it was my fault that I was attacked. I judged myself to be no better than a prostitute and concluded that therefore I’m bad. In retrospect the logic of this thought process is hard to understand, but that is exactly how I thought at the time. (It took over a year in therapy to understand identify and understand where my feeling of "I’m bad" was coming from.)

This feeling of "I’m bad" painted the way I saw everything about myself. I realize now that having a low self esteem negatively affected my academic performance, my confidence to perform in high school productions and in in just about every situation and relationship. My relationship with myself, my friends, my teachers and G‑d all had to overcome barriers as a result.

Having a low self esteem made me want to listen to gross music because the noise kept me company when I was in my low moods and emotionally crazy mess. Listening to Jewish music just made me feel bad about myself, because it seemed much more pure and holy than I felt I was.

The void of positive self regard was filled instead with feeling good about myself for being glamorous and because I was able to be pleasing others by giving them gratification. I recall my father starring me down and saying "Do you realize that you are like a big delicious walking ice cream scoop?" He would come home from a hard day and say "I don’t feel good- if you would come hug me in bed that would make me feel better" and then beg me "don’t leave!" Usually I’d listen, but if I disobeyed sometimes he’s lock his strong arms around me and not let me go. But even when I struggled to go free I wanted him to keep me. Being abused is kind of addictive as will be furthur explained in my journal entries below.

It also made shidduchim much more difficult then it should have been for me. I was a charming girl and many guys wanted to marry me but I found it very hard to say yes. I was afraid to trust. I remember passing up one particular guy that I realy liked ... I just couldn’t get the yes out of my mouth. I remembered I cried after I broke up with him. I was so sad that I missed out. I remember desperately wishing that I could just trust someone.

But my lack of trust was not simply that I was afraid that my husband might betray or hurt me. It was much more complex and unhealthy than that. As a result of the excessive and unnatural attention that I got from my father, I became almost addicted to the need for arousing and emotionally intense attention. I wanted and needed that type of intense experience again and I was worried that the man I would marry would not be as obsessed with me as my father. Thank G‑d after much therapy this issue has been resolved.

Thousands of Pedophile Priests Abused Over 200,000 Children in French Catholic Church

 A Catholic leader in France has described the "shame" of revelations that those working for the church had abused hundreds of thousands of children over more than seven decades.

The findings of the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church (CIASE) detailed widespread abuse that stretched back to 1950.

In presenting the commission's findings which followed an investigation lasting two-and-a-half years, CIASE president Jean-Marc Sauvé said on Tuesday that 216,000 people had been abused by priests and other members of the clergy.

When taking into account the abuse by lay people working for Church missions, that number could amount to an estimated 330,000 people.

Turning marriage problems into religious issues

 But the bigger picture is to accept is that you did not choose your husband. Hashem chose him for you. Out of every possible prospect in the entire world, Hashem determined that this person is the perfect match for you. Hashem knows you far better than you know you, and Hashem knows far better than you what is for your best. In His infinite wisdom, He determined that this is the ideal spouse for you. When you focus on the issue from this perspective, I think you’ll find it much easier to accept your husband for who he is.

You write that your disappointment nags at you and makes you unhappy. Those thoughts are a trick of the Satan. He wants you to be miserable and resentful. He doesn’t want your marriage to reach its potential. Whenever that notion pops up, try to replace it with another thought: “Hashem runs the world. Hashem knows better than I what is for my best. He alone made my shidduch. We are a perfect match.”

Arabs are 21% of population but 50% of serious COVID patients

 The numbers are staggering: Arab-Israelis account for nearly 40% of new coronavirus cases and constitute almost 50% of COVID-19 patients in serious condition, but they comprise about 21% of the population.

“There is a gap between the Arab and general community, but we are closing the gap,” according to the Arab sector’s COVID czar, Ayman Saif.

Israeli researchers uncover dangers of artificial sweeteners- study

 New research has found that FDA-approved artificial sweeteners can cause previously healthy gut bacteria to become diseased, leading to discomfort and digestive issues, according to Ben-Gurion University scientists

The researchers, who published their findings last month in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, looked at six commonly used artificial sweeteners. While none of them actively kill off the bacteria, three of the six significantly impair communication.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Trump’s Claims About Hunter Biden in China

 President Donald Trump has repeatedly accused Hunter Biden, without evidence, of making millions of dollars in a “payoff” from China, after accompanying his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on a 2013 diplomatic trip to Beijing.

The claim involves a cross-border private equity fund involving some state-owned financial companies in China. Biden served on the management company’s board while his father was vice president, but his attorney says that was an unpaid position, that he did not create the company and has not yet received any money, let alone millions. The attorney says Hunter Biden only acquired a minority stake in the investment management company after his father left office.

We have found no evidence to contradict that, and Trump hasn’t provided any. We also found no evidence that Joe Biden used his position as vice president to enrich his son.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

How the War on Terror Gave Us Trump

 Trump would tolerate no more nonsense about a “war of ideas.” Brutality would be defeated by greater brutality. The euphemism of the War on Terror had been an attempt to conceal such disreputable behavior, but Trump brought it unapologetically into the open. He lied that “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in Jersey City had cheered the fall of the Twin Towers. As vengeance, Trump would “bomb the shit out of ISIS” and stop fighting “a politically correct war,” by which he meant one that distinguished between guerrillas and civilians. “You have to take out their families,” he told Fox. Torture “absolutely” works, Trump asserted, showing faith in the CIA’s 15-year-old narrative. He pledged to bring back “a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding” and stock Guantanamo Bay full of “bad dudes.” ISIS’s assault on Paris meant there was “no choice” but to close mosques within the United States. Before 2015 had ended, Trump delivered his ultimate response to ISIS: calling for a ban on all Muslim immigration. “We can’t take a chance,” he said, denying that ISIS fighters were meaningfully distinct from the Muslim civilians they raped, terrorized, and turned into refugees. It was Cheney’s one-percent doctrine applied civilizationally. Stephen Miller was so excited by these promises that the following month he joined Trump’s campaign. His old boss, Jeff Sessions, the first senator to endorse Trump, helmed the candidate’s foreign policy and national security working group.

Top US general says Afghan collapse can be traced to Trump-Taliban deal

The collapse of the Afghan government and its security forces can be traced to a 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration that promised a complete US troop withdrawal, senior Pentagon officials have told Congress.

Gen Frank McKenzie, the head of central command, told the House armed services committee that once the US troop presence was pushed below 2,500 as part of President Joe Biden’s decision in April to complete a total withdrawal by September, the unraveling of the US-backed Afghan government accelerated.

Top doctor held on suspicion of sexual assault of women, girl during treatments

Police arrested a senior doctor on Sunday on suspicion of multiple sex offenses against female patients in his care, including at least one minor, allegedly assaulting them under the guise of medical treatment.

The doctor, in his 60s and a resident of the central Gush Dan region of the country, works at a public hospital as well as at a private clinic and is suspected to have committed the offenses over a number of years, Israel Police said in a statement.

Among his suspected crimes is the rape of a girl under the age of 14, police said.


WisDems: FDA issues blunt warning on taking drug promoted by Ron Johnson to treat COVID-19

 ICYMI: ‘You are not a horse. You are not a cow’: FDA issues blunt warning on taking drug promoted by Ron Johnson to treat COVID-19

MADISON, Wis. — Despite constant and fierce warnings from the medical community, Ron Johnson continues to push dangerous and unproven COVID-19 treatments like Ivermectin, which has endangered numerous people in Wisconsin and across the country.