Saturday, February 6, 2021

רה"י מסביר: "צריך שיאמרו - אשרי החרדים"

 בשיחה שמסר הגאון רבי גרשון אדלשטיין, הוא הסביר מדוע חרדי חייב לשמור על ההנחיות ולהתחשב בדעת החילונים; 'שיאמרו אשרי מי שלמד תורה, אשרי מי שהוא חרדי'. צפו (ארץ)

Friday, February 5, 2021

Taylor Greene kicked off US House committees for hateful conspiracy theories

 11 Republicans support move as Georgia representative backtracks from support of QAnon and 9/11 trutherism, but fails to apologize for anti-Semitic, racist and violent comments 

 Addressing her colleagues, Greene tried to dissociate herself from her “words of the past.” Contradicting past social media posts, she said she believes the 9-11 attacks and mass school shootings were real and no longer believes QAnon conspiracy theories, which include lies about Democratic-run pedophile rings.

But she didn’t explicitly apologize for supportive online remarks she’s made on other subjects, as when she mulled about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi being assassinated or the possibility of Jewish-controlled space rays causing wildfires. And she portrayed herself as the victim of unscrupulous “big media companies.”

Can you still transmit Covid-19 after vaccination?

 There are two main types of immunity you can achieve with vaccines. One is so-called "effective" immunity, which can prevent a pathogen from causing serious disease, but can't stop it from entering the body or making more copies of itself. The other is "sterilising immunity", which can thwart infections entirely, and even prevent asymptomatic cases. The latter is the aspiration of all vaccine research, but surprisingly rarely achieved.

מלמד אצלי נפטר מקורונה -ה' ירחם - אלמנה ו 10 יתומים !


המצב של הקמפיין מאוד קשה, אנו רחוקים מהיעד של מיליון וחצי שקל ואין אנו יכולים לחשוב שלא יהיה לאלמנה והיתומים את המוצרים הנצרכים מדי חודש בחודשו זהו החיוב שלנו להציל את המשפחה.
הרב נפתלי ברנשטיין, מלמד אצלנו בחיידר בית אליהו, רמת בית שמש א', נפטר מקורונה, בן 47 בריא ללא מחלות רקע.
השאיר 6 ילדים יתומים לא נשואים! 
החסד הגדול ביותר הוא להחזיק ידי אלמנה ויתומים ,

Thursday, February 4, 2021

'Jewish space lasers' funny? Marjorie Taylor's antisemitism is real

 You see, this 100% tracks with Greene’s many terrible beliefs that we already knew about: She’s a known supporter of many anti-Semitic and Islamophobic conspiracy theories. A recently resurfaced video shows her verbally abusing Parkland survivor David Hogg and claiming that he is being paid by George Soros — yet another popular modern anti-Semitic canard. Greene believes that the Parkland, Newtown and Las Vegas shootings were staged. She also believes that 9/11 was an inside job, and that “former secretary of state Hillary Clinton murdered a child during a satanic ritual and drank her blood.” She is a supporter of QAnon — another trove of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

'What will the deniers of the pandemic say to the heavenly court?'

 I do not know what all those people who have spread and are spreading that 'there is no pandemic' and convince others not to take vaccines will say in heaven. How will they stand before the heavenly court and explain why they brought upon the deaths of so many people, when the mortality rate in Israel is skyrocketing?

 How dare people still say that there is no pandemic when the mortality rate in some countries has almost doubled. What would have happened if the government had not done all the lockdowns and preventive measures?

Third wave: Increase in rate of infection among babies

 Recent morbidity data shows an alarming increase in the number of children under the age of two who have become infected with the coronavirus, Channel 12 News reported.

According to the data, in November 377 babies were diagnosed with the coronavirus. In December that number rose to 1,526 and in January it ballooned to 5,780.

It is believed that the sharp rise in infant morbidity is due to the spread of the British variant of the coronavirus, a mutation which is even more contagious than the original strand of the disease.

House Republican leader punts on punishing Marjorie Taylor Greene as Democrats move toward removing her from committees

 During his meeting with Greene, McCarthy asked if she would apologize for her past comments and views, which she did not agree to, a person with knowledge of the matter told CNN. Another person familiar with their conversation also said that McCarthy provided a slew of options to her, including that she could show remorse and apologize.

Greene told the Examiner Democrats are "stupid" for moving toward stripping her of her committee assignments, adding, "I'm pretty amazed at how dumb they are." She said she's not worried about losing her assignments.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Fact check: Trump's official response to impeachment includes obvious lies

 Former President Donald Trump continues to defend the ludicrous lie that led him down the road to a second impeachment -- even in his legal team's official response to that impeachment.

The legal team's initial written response to the House's article of impeachment against Trump, submitted to the Senate on Tuesday, focuses on debatable constitutional arguments, particularly the claim that someone who is no longer in office can't be convicted by the Senate. (Many legal scholars disagree.) But the response also includes defenses of some Trump claims that are very obviously not true -- including the bonkers claim that he actually won the election.

Trump lashes out at 'squad': 'They hate Jewish people' 

President Trump lashed out at a group of progressive lawmakers at a rally with evangelical supporters Friday, accusing the freshmen congresswomen of being anti-Semitic.

“These people hate Israel. They hate Jewish people,” Trump said at a campaign event in Miami launching his “Evangelicals for Trump” coalition.

“I won’t name them. I won’t bring up the name of Omar, Tlaib, AOC. I won’t bring that name up. Won’t bring it up. I will not bring it up,” he added, referring to Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

Trump’s and Miller’s Attacks on ‘The Squad’

President Donald Trump and his top immigration adviser continue to criticize four progressive Democratic congresswomen known as “the squad,” but some of their claims twist the women’s words.

We’ve dealt with a couple of these assertions before, including a false claim that Rep. Ilhan Omar has expressed pride for al Qaeda. But Trump and senior adviser Stephen Miller have pointed to other instances in which they claim the lawmakers expressed anti-American or anti-Semitic remarks. Below, we present some of these claims and a fuller context of the comments made by the congresswomen.

 The claim: “They can’t talk about ‘evil Jews,’ which is what they say: ‘evil Jews.'” — Trump, July 19

What Omar said: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” — via Twitter in November 2012. It has since been deleted.

To be clear, we could find no evidence that any of the four congresswomen have ever uttered the phrase “evil Jews.”

Ilhan Omar apologizes after Pelosi denounces tweet as anti-Semitic

 Rep. Ilhan Omar apologized for anti-Semitic comments Monday after coming under pressure from Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats.

Republicans are accusing Democrats of hypocrisy, because they were quick to punish Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) last month after he defended white nationalism and white supremacy, which McCarthy said recently were equivalent, or even “more so,” to the rhetoric of Omar and Tlaib. The full House rebuked King on the House floor, while the GOP stripped King of his committee assignments.

“When a member on our side of the aisle said something, they were very clear about what they thought should happen,” McCarthy said. “We took action on our own side. When they stay silent, they are just as guilty.”

The Ilhan Omar anti-Semitism controversy, explained

 It’s true that Omar’s comments on Israel keep falling into well-worn anti-Semitic tropes — and her defenders often prove too willing to paper this over and dismiss criticism from even progressive Jews as “smears.”

It’s also the case that Republican officials frequently call on anti-Semitic tropes and say worse about other minority groups without nearly so much bipartisan condemnation. Pushing for a House vote on anti-Semitism really did feel like unfairly singling out Omar — and whitewashing the GOP’s record in the process. That’s why progressives rallied to Omar’s defense, and why the Democratic leadership has been forced to reconsider its initial resolution.

 Omar deleted the original tweet and said she “unequivocally” apologized. And for a few weeks, that seemed to settle the matter. But then, at the panel with Tlaib last Wednesday, Omar tried to address her anti-Semitism problem again. And that’s when things went south.

 “At the event last week, Rep. Omar reiterated the remorse she feels for her comments last month—and the pain she knows they caused. As she said in her apology, we must distinguish between criticism of a particular faith and fair critiques of lobbying groups,” Slevin said. “She has consistently spoken out about the undue influence of lobbying groups for foreign interests of all kinds and her comments were about just that. To suggest otherwise is an inaccurate reading of her remarks.”

Jerry Nadler Uses Clip Of Graham From Clinton Impeachment To Make Case For High Crimes | NBC News