Monday, September 7, 2020

Trump DAMNED By Mountains of Evidence


Marine Le Pen sparks outrage over Holocaust comments

Le Pen's latest remarks will do little to disprove her rivals' belief that she has failed to the Front National's image and move it away from the anti-Semitic rhetoric employed by her father, the party's former leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Her attempt to persuade voters that her party had reformed its views was hit last month, when one of its counselors was suspended over allegations of Holocaust denial, after he was caught on camera playing down the systematic murder of six million Jews.
Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the Front National, was expelled from the party in 2015 after describing the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis, as a "detail of history."

Kevin McCarthy warns Trump's war on mail could screw GOP

 Between the lines: McCarthy says he agrees with Trump that there's a difference between absentee voting, in which voters request a ballot, and vote-by-mail programs, where jurisdictions automatically send ballots to registered voters.

  • McCarthy sees vote by mail as particularly problematic in states that don't have the infrastructure to handle such ballots on a massive scale.
  • But he said most Americans don't get the distinction.

Reality check: There's no evidence that voting by mail is plagued by fraud. Trump himself voted by mail in Florida last month.

Trump campaign: Media is conflating mail-in voting and absentee voting

גמזו "חזר בו" מדבריו על מרן הגר"ח קנייבסקי

 פרויקטור הקורונה פרופ' רוני גמזו אומר כי הוא חוזר בו מדבריו הבוטים כי הוראת הגר"ח קנייבסקי לא להיבדק בישיבות גדולות וסגורות מסוכנת, אך במקום להביע חרטה מתפתל וטוען שההוראה יוחסה לרב "בטעות"

Coronavirus czar apologizes for criticizing senior ultra-Orthodox rabbi

 Prof. Ronni Gamzu says Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky did not, as reported by ultra-Orthodox publication, tell yeshiva students to avoid all coronavirus testing, after claiming Haredi leader was endangering public health

 "I regret the misunderstanding as a result of the biased publication of the remarks of Rabbi Kanievsky, whom I respect and admire, and take back what I said," Gamzu said. 

 “I checked it and it seems Rabbi Kanievsky never gave an instruction not to get checked, but was rather a decision based on the opinion of several rabbis for specific cases of yeshiva students in closed capsules, who had already taken coronavirus tests, and in accordance with policies that were set in advance.”

Boris Johnson is battling to reach a Brexit deal. But hardliners already fear betrayal

 When Boris Johnson first took over as British Prime Minister, many in his Conservative Party couldn't believe their luck. After years of watching Theresa May's government rub out red line after red line on Brexit, the man who led the triumphant march to freedom in 2016 was in charge.

Barely a year on, a decent chunk of that optimism has turned to frustration and agitation. Despite the fact Johnson has taken the UK out of the European Union and won a landslide election victory, there is fear the Prime Minister's desire to end the Brexit story on a personal note of triumph is clouding his thinking.
In recent weeks, talks on a future trade deal between London and Brussels have been uneasy. Both sides are indicating that negotiations are going nowhere and that the other is making unacceptable demands. Both have made clear that unless things change the time to walk away could come soon, meaning a no-deal crash out of the transition period on December 31.

Trump likely can't win without veteran support

President Donald Trump has been on the defensive since Thursday over an article in The Atlantic magazine that alleged, among other things, that he used derogatory language about fallen US soldiers.

While Trump has forcefully denied that reporting, CNN has largely confirmed it, as have Fox News, the Associated Press, the New York Times and the Washington Post in part.
We obviously don't know what effect, if any, these stories will have on the 2020 campaign and Trump's chances of winning a second term.
What we do know is Trump relies on active military members and veterans as a base of support, and any degradation of that backing is bad for him. Further, Trump wants to put former Vice President Joe Biden on the defensive, and this story does the opposite of that.



Vietnam Vet and Counterterrorism Official Knows Trump is Not Good for the Military or our Country

Trump's Support Among Military Voters Is Tanking

 At this point four years ago, then-candidate Donald Trump held a massive lead of 20 points over Hillary Clinton among military voters. This time around, he’s struggling to keep up. A new Military Times poll revealed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leads Trump by about four percentage points among active-duty troops.

And that was before today’s bombshell report published in the Atlantic. The article outlines a number of instances when President Donald Trump derided U.S. service members, even describing the country’s war dead as “losers” and “suckers.”



Trump’s popularity slips in latest Military Times poll — and more troops say they’ll vote for Biden

 The latest Military Times poll shows a continued decline in active-duty service members’ views of President Donald Trump and a slight but significant preference for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming November election among troops surveyed.



Trump Losing The Military Vote, A Traditional Republican Bloc

 President Donald Trump’s numerous lies on military issues, from claims of delivering historic pay raises to providing brand new ships and planes, do not appear to be working with service members, with polling suggesting he could lose this traditional Republican voting bloc this November.

Democratic nominee Joe Biden leads Trump, 41% to 37%, in a survey of more than 1,000 subscribers to the Military Times. Trump held a 20-percentage-point lead over Hillary Clinton in the same poll before the 2016 election.

 “I’ve done more, I think, than almost anybody to help our military, to get the budgets of our military, to get the pay raises for our military,” Trump said again late Thursday night on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrew after returning from a rally near Pittsburgh.

In fact, each one of his claims is at best an exaggeration and at worst a lie. While his total military budgets are larger than those in predecessor Barack Obama’s second term when House Republicans insisted on cutting spending, they are smaller than those in Obama’s first term, after adjusting for inflation. Similarly, the pay raises he brags about are the cost-of-living increases that have been standard for years.

The racist myth of France’s ‘descent into savagery’

 To be sure, the recent attacks should not be dismissed or played down. Nor should the long-standing problem of violent and criminal behavior from gangs of mostly young men in the inner suburbs of French cities. Many of them — though not all — are of North African or African origin, though most are second-, third- or even fourth-generation. In other words, whatever Le Pen may say, they are not migrants; they are French.

But the claim that France is descending into some apocalyptic twilight world of migrant-driven violence is nonsense. Or rather, it is a lie calculated to stir racial prejudice and hatred. The use of the word “savage” is not accidental.

 What Le Pen is not so subtly suggesting is that the presence of large numbers of brown and Black people on French soil, whether they are recent migrants or not, is undesirable. Brown and Black people, she implies, are culturally alien to France and prone to violence.

There is, in fact, no evidence that France is becoming more violent. Rather the opposite.

In the last 25 years, the French murder rate has fallen by almost half and is five times lower than in the United States, when you account for population. Violent robbery and acts of personal violence are stable — even falling, if you exclude sexual assaults which, thankfully, are now reported more systematically to the police.