Monday, September 7, 2020

The racist myth of France’s ‘descent into savagery’

 To be sure, the recent attacks should not be dismissed or played down. Nor should the long-standing problem of violent and criminal behavior from gangs of mostly young men in the inner suburbs of French cities. Many of them — though not all — are of North African or African origin, though most are second-, third- or even fourth-generation. In other words, whatever Le Pen may say, they are not migrants; they are French.

But the claim that France is descending into some apocalyptic twilight world of migrant-driven violence is nonsense. Or rather, it is a lie calculated to stir racial prejudice and hatred. The use of the word “savage” is not accidental.

 What Le Pen is not so subtly suggesting is that the presence of large numbers of brown and Black people on French soil, whether they are recent migrants or not, is undesirable. Brown and Black people, she implies, are culturally alien to France and prone to violence.

There is, in fact, no evidence that France is becoming more violent. Rather the opposite.

In the last 25 years, the French murder rate has fallen by almost half and is five times lower than in the United States, when you account for population. Violent robbery and acts of personal violence are stable — even falling, if you exclude sexual assaults which, thankfully, are now reported more systematically to the police.



  1. And terrorism?

  2. There have been a number of terrorist and antisemitic attacks in france, by Muslim migrants, not the le pen fascists.

  3. So you agree with the various terrorist murderers of Jews, eg in schools, in Kosher stores, because Le Pen is telling the partial truth about them?

  4. I'm a non-smoker, I tried to convince many Hareidim that it is assur to smoke.
    You asked me if I agree with Le Pen? it is an objective , documented fact that there have ben a number of attacks on Jews in france, including mass shootings eg the supermarket pogrom, and individual killings - all by muslims. So your claim that there is no descent into savagery is at best a manipulation of statistics,and at worst, self -deception / genevas daat.
    In fact, many jews have left the country, and many others are planning to - which prompted the Rav of the Eidah to rattle the old 3 oaths sword to try preventing them coming to Israel!

  5. the fact that Jews have left the country and that there have been terrorists attacks against Jews does not address the issue of the original article. Similar to the issue in USA are conditions in society more dangerous than in the past? there seems to be more hype than facts

  6. This is from a UK travel advisory warning:
    In recent years, there have been a number of high profile terrorist attacks across France. Previous attacks in France include:

    On 3 January 2020, one person was killed and two injured in a knife attack near Paris.
    On 3 October 2019, an employee killed 4 people in a knife attack at the Paris police headquarters.
    On 24 May 2019, a bomb exploded near a bakery on a busy street in Lyon wounding 13 people.
    On 11 December 2018, a man attacked civilians with a revolver and a knife at a Christmas market in Strasbourg, killing 5 and wounding 11.
    On 14 July 2016, 84 people were killed when a truck was driven through a crowd of people on the promenade in Nice.
    On 13 November 2015, terrorist attacks at multiple sites across Paris and Saint-Denis killed 130 and injured over 400 more.
    Between 7-9 January 2015, 17 people were killed in shooting attacks across the Île-de-France region including at the Charlie Hebdo offices and a supermarket.
    There’s a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time."

    Methinks you are deceived by the politico screed you published.
    When we built the channel tunnel, France was a much safer place for everybody.

  7. The article tries to downplay violence amongst black/Muslim groups because the victims themselves are usually from the same ethnic. In London, knife and gun crime is predominantly black on black, but it spills over into the wider society. White population is becoming less violent whereas black and Muslim populations are becoming more violent. This is also reflected in prison populations

  8. and your solution is?
    ban all non white population

  9. please provide evidence to support your claims

  10. You have not presented any evidence for your claims. While crimes do occur they seem to be decreasing not increasing. France does not keep statistics by race or ethnicity. It is easy to find examples when your main concern is to stigmatize the enemy. The same technique has been used against Jewsf or centuries. America was also "safer " in the imagined past which Trump and Le Pen want to return to. When was this?

  11. A similar dynamic occurs with the USA and Israel. Israel is described as a dangerous place and USA issues travel warnings. In general Israel is safer than USA. I remember talking to people from Tel Aviv who were afraid to come to Jerusalem because it was so dangerous. Even when bombs were going off in buses it was still safer to walk around Jerusalem at all hours for males females and children than it was in New York. Washington or London

  12. Lol - when was the last time 130 people were killed in France? Only in war time, or Muslim terror.

  13. Evidence

  14. Lol _ or sad - of course it was safer to walk in Jerusalem when bombs were going off in buses. At the time, I tried to avoid buses altogether.

  15. And your solution is to ban all people with Muslim ancestors?

  16. In Glasgow, Scotland, there was a big knife crime problem - amongst whites. In London, it's disproportionately high amongst blacks. I'm not an enemy of Scots per se, nor of blacks. However, Torah says do not favour the great in judgment, nor the poor. The opposite of affirmative action.
    The idea that it's OK if blacks kill other blacks is itself racist.


    Disproportionately high numbers of black and brown people in UK prisons relative to their segments of the population

  18. 130 killed in Paris

    85 killed in Nice

    Perpetrators - all Muslim

  19. You don't understand the problem -
    Then don't guess what my purported solution might be

  20. But you understand but don't have a solution!

  21. this is history from 4 and 5 years ago - one time events which did not start a trend and thus have nothing to do with the article under discussion.
    600k were killed in American civil war 100 years ago 50 million people died of Spanish Flu - 100 years ago.
    Anything which happened once and is not still happening is not relevant
    So France once had major terrorist attacks as did New York and Israel. What has that have to do with today?
    Britain and France conducted Terrorism in America 200 years ago. We need to be vigilant against continued attacks

  22. And this because of?
    And your solution is?

  23. Security services across Europe are fighting these terrorists all the time. Mowing the lawn - like Gaza.
    There are now specialist armed police in UK to get to terror attacks.

  24. They are not one time events
    Spanish flu - totally irrelevant

  25. Savagery is too kind a word. It us barbarism. It's not for me to come up with a solution , I'm not a politician.

  26. the question is what is the reality and what is propaganda. then what is a realistic response

  27. reality is, for example, that in France , it is no longer safe for Jews to wear kippa in public. Was this the case 25, 30 years ago?
    There is a similar problem in other european countries, regardless of the jewish populations. Germany, which has taken in 1 million arab refugees has seen a vast increase in crime. Sweden, and Scandinavia have seen massive increases in rape crime by predominanlty muslim men. Malmo in Sweden has become a violent city, with the Jews being forced to leave, because of Islamic terror and violence.
    The socialist europeans, simply do not understand that culture or genes cannot be changed so easily. They believe that people from Islamic and african lands can be integrated into society, when in fact this is proving a big problem.

  28. your concerns also mean of course that Jews should not be allowed in Europe either since they can not be integrated into society!

  29. When was the last Jewish terrorist attack on European soil? Or mass slaughter of civilians? Never.


    It seems clear from the data that there are several responses to terrorist attacks
    1) get rid of white right wing nuts
    2) get rid of internet
    3) get rid of Moslem immigrants
    4) get rid of the Jewish state
    5) all Jews should leave USA and Europe
    6) Jews should integrate more into society
    which option do you recommend and how do you want it carried out?
    This situation has existed for at least 100 years and is one of the main motivations for the state of Israel. The Dreyfus affair was not because of Moslems nor was American or English, German Russian or French anti-Antisemitism


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