Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Jacob Blake: Trump brands Kenosha mayor 'a fool' as he heads to city


 US President Donald Trump has branded the Democratic mayor of Kenosha "a fool", accusing him of standing up for "radical anarchists".

Speaking en route to the city, Mr Trump said Kenosha would have been burnt to the ground by protesters were it not for the National Guard he deployed.

The Wisconsin city saw days of violence after Jacob Blake, a black man, was shot in the back by police.

Local leaders have asked the president to stay away.

But Mr Trump has ignored their pleas as he pushed a strong "law and order" message ahead of November's election.

 Although Mr Trump claimed he sent the National Guard into Kenosha, they were actually deployed by Wisconsin's governor.

Trump Compares Police Violence to Golfing Under Pressure in Fox News Interview


 On Monday, Fox News aired an interview with President Donald Trump given from the friendly confines of host Laura Ingraham’s show, The Ingraham Angle. There is virtually nothing that this president can say anymore that is surprising, so, on Monday, Trump continued with more of the same—a slurry of lies, conspiracy, and ever-so-slightly coded race-baiting, each half-thought and incomplete sentence coursing with violence. In Trump’s brain, Biden is controlled by “people that are in the dark shadows,” there was apparently a plane “loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms” on its way to Washington, and “discriminatory” and “Marxist” Black Lives Matter is bent on “revolution.” What was clear throughout the White House interview: There is no shade of darkness that is inaccessible to Trump’s dark mind. Now, two months before the president’s political life may be over, Trump, with the help of Fox News, has taken the guard rails off.

Trump compares police who use force to golfers who 'choke'


Trump, in an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, argued that police are in a difficult position because they are forced to make snap decisions, often when their life may be in jeopardy. But his golf analogy prompted Ingraham to interject.

"They choke. Just like in a golf tournament, they miss a three-foot putt," Trump said.

"You're not comparing it to golf," Ingraham chimed in, suggesting the media might jump on the comparison.

"I'm saying people choke. People choke. And people are bad people. You have both. You have some bad people, and they choke," Trump added. "You could be a police officer for 15 years and all of a sudden you're confronted. You've got a quarter of a second to make a decision. If you don't make the decision, and you're wrong, you're dead. People choke under those circumstances, and they make a bad decision."


Trump tells Ingraham some officers 'choke' during shootings, saying 'They miss a 3-foot putt'


 While discussing the shooting of Jacob Blake with Fox News ahead of his visit to Kenosha, Wisconsin, President Donald Trump said some police officers who shoot unarmed suspects "choke," as if missing a 3-foot putt in golf, a comment that drew social media criticism and mockery.

Trump Doesn't Shy Away From Racist Tropes In Interview | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trump Defends Police Who 'Choke' And Use Excessive Force | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Prominent rabbi accused of groping identified as Netivot mystic Netanel Shriki


 A prominent rabbi under arrest over complaints of sexual misconduct was identified Tuesday as Netanel Shriki, a religious leader in the hardscrabble southern town of Netivot.

Shriki was arrested Monday night after two women filed police complaints claiming he had groped them during counseling sessions. A third woman came forward to file a complaint on Tuesday, after his name was publicized.

Why Trump can’t say what he wants to do next


השופטת: 'החשד שהמקובל פגע בנשים - סביר'



בית משפט השלום בבאר שבע האריך לפני זמן קצר בשלושה ימים את מעצרו של הרב המפורסם כ'מקובל' מאזור הדרום, הגדיר את החשד שפגע בנשים כסביר, ואותו כ'בעל מסוכנות' (בארץ)

Police arrest rabbi from southern Israel on suspicion of assault


 Rabbi and additional suspect arrested after police open investigation on charges of sexual assault against multiple women.


President Trump goes one-on-one with Laura Ingraham | Part 1

see from 15 minutes till end

Laura Ingraham Cuts Trump off When He Compares Police Shootings to Golf


She asked Trump about the protests that had been sparked by the death of George Floyd and the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, framing the question as "it's more dangerous to be a police officer today, do you not think, than it has been a long time?"

The president agreed with the question's premise, telling Ingraham that police "are under siege," adding: "They can do 10,000 great acts, which is what they do, and one bad apple or a choker—a joker—they choke."

 Ingraham jumped in to say "you mean they panic," before Trump continued: "Shooting the guy in the back many times. I mean, couldn't you have done something different? Couldn't you have wrestled him?"

 The president went on: "You know, I mean, in the meantime, he might've been going for a weapon. And you know there's a whole big thing there. But they choke, just like in a golf tournament, they miss a three-foot putt."

 Ingraham interrupted the president: "You're not comparing it to golf, because of course, that's what the media would say...people panic."

 Trump did not reject the comparison, but continued: "I'm saying people choke and people are bad people."

Trump says investigating plane 'of thugs in black uniforms' at RNC


Donald Trump appeared on Fox News on Monday night to claim that 'a plane full of thugs' boarded a flight intent on causing chaos at the Republican National Convention.

The president spoke to Laura Ingraham for an interview on Monday which, at times, even made her raise her eyebrows.

Trump said that someone was on a flight to Washington DC, ahead of his Thursday speech, and saw the crowd of 'thugs'.

'This person was coming to the Republican National Convention and there were like seven people in the plane [with] this person, and then a lot of people were on the plane to do big damage,' Trump insisted.
  When asked for details, he replied: 'I'll tell you some time. It's under investigation right now.'