Monday, August 24, 2020

The United Arab Emirates cannot have it both ways

The United Arabic Emirates’ revolutionary recognition of Israel is now a fact of life.
At the same time, UAE pours $51 million per year, with no strings attached, into the UNRWA budget.
This makes the UAE the fifth-largest contributor to UNRWA in the world, and the largest donor to UNRWA among the Arab nations.
The UAE is fully aware that UNRWA uses 54% of its allocations to finance a new school system which invokes “the right of return by force of arms.”*

For UNRWA, the call to violence has been ongoing for many years.


UAE said to scrap meet with Israel, US envoys after Netanyahu panned F-35 deal

The United Arab Emirates reportedly canceled a trilateral meeting with Israel and the US last week in retaliation against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s public opposition to Washington’s brewing sale of F-35 fighter jets to Abu Dhabi.

A New York meeting of the three countries’ UN envoys celebrating the normalization of Israel-UAE ties had been scheduled for Friday, the Walla news site said in a report Monday.

But in the lead-up to the gathering, Netanyahu spoke out against the US sale of advanced weaponry to the UAE, following reports that he had agreed to pull opposition to the deal in exchange for normalization.

 The Gulf state will also hold off on other high-level meetings with Israel until Netanyahu’s position is clarified, the report said.


UAE cancel celebratory three-way meeting with Israel, US representatives

 The United Arab Emirates have cancelled an official three-way meeting between US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Kraft, Israeli UN representative Gilad Erdan, and UAE representative Lana Zaki Nusseibeh.

According to a Walla! NEWS report, the reason for the cancellation was Dubai's dissatisfaction with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's objection to the sale of American F-35 to the Gulf state.

The three-way session, initiated by Kraft, was meant to be a celebratory event in honor of the recently-signed agreement between Israel and the UAE, with members of the media on hand and a photo session planned followed by an official statement by the sides. The meeting had been agreed upon and specifics of the event worked out when the UAE representative contacted the US embassy to inform them they were cancelling participation until further notice.

Trump's ex-colleagues open up about his history of lies


Rush Limbaugh: Biden’s ‘Flawless’ DNC Speech ‘Had to Be Taped’

 On Thursday night, a series of Fox News hosts and commentators readily acknowledged that Joe Biden “blew a hole” in President Donald Trump’s depiction of him as a demented old man by delivering a highly effective speech at the Democratic National Convention. Even Laura Ingraham had to admit that Biden “beat expectations.” 

Rush Limbaugh has a different theory. 

The conservative radio host who not so long ago received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Trump during a State of the Union address, spent his show Friday pushing the notion that Biden did not, in fact, deliver his speech live.




FDA authorizes plasma treatment despite scientists' objections

 Outside experts and former officials have accused FDA of caving to White House pressure during the pandemic — most notably in its decision to authorize emergency use of hydroxychloroquine for treating Covid-19 infection despite limited evidence. The agency later pulled the authorization after randomized clinical trials found it provided no benefit, but Trump as recently as this weekend complained about the agency's reversal.

Hahn, a longtime cancer doctor, declined to contradict the president's claims about plasma being "very effective" on the press briefing stage Sunday night. "If you are one of those 35 out of 100 people who these data suggest survive as a result of it, this is pretty significant," he said.

 The data from the expanded access program is not a randomized controlled clinical trial, making it difficult for scientists to eliminate other factors in patients' recovery. Two randomized trials cited in the FDA's emergency use authorization, in China and the Netherlands, were both halted.

The Chinese trial could not enroll enough patients. The Dutch trial ended after sponsors found "no difference in mortality, hospital stay or day-15 disease severity."

 But other outside experts — including at least four former FDA chiefs — have urged the agency to hold off an emergency authorization until there is clear data that plasma works.

"Let's get the trials done & if the results are life saving, let's make it standard of care, thus benefiting hundreds of thousands to millions," former FDA Commissioner Robert Califf tweeted this week. "If not we can avoid the huge expense & effort & keep looking for best treatments."

Covid-19 Live Updates: A Plasma Treatment Is Authorized, but the Big Prize for the White House Is a Vaccine

 The fast-tracking could come before Phase 3 trials are complete, raising concerns. Italy reported its highest case count since May 4. Life in China, where the pandemic began, is returning to normal.

 Trump aides, meeting with lawmakers, reportedly said a vaccine would be approved before the election.


Trump authorizes plasma treatment amid attacks on FDA

On Saturday, Trump tweeted: “The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics. Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after 3 November. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!”

The “deep state” conspiracy theory holds that a permanent government of bureaucrats exists to thwart the president’s agenda. Former Trump campaign manager and White House adviser Steve Bannon, an enthusiastic propagator of the theory, has also said it is “for nut cases” and “none of this is true”.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Trump’s tweet “scary” and “beyond the pale”.

 Shortly after being challenged on his claims about plasma treatment compared to caution from officials including FDA commissioner Hahn, Trump ended the briefing.


US allows emergency use of blood plasma treatment for coronavirus patients

  •  But several experts, including Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House's coronavirus task force, have expressed reservations about the robustness of studies so far.
  • The FDA has already approved the use of plasma transfusions on coronavirus patients under certain conditions, like those who are gravely ill or taking part in clinical trials.
  • In a tweet on Saturday, President Trump said "the deep state, or whoever, at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics.
  • "Obviously, the are hoping to delay the answer until after [the US presidential election]," he added.


Trump calls Covid-19 treatment ‘historic,’ Dr. Gupta isn’t convinced

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