Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Fox News Says Michelle Obama 'Flayed' Trump As Hosts Praise DNC Speech


"When you talk about authenticity, she has it in spades. She has that voice, she has clarity, and she knows what she is out there wanting to do. She was trying to get everybody to really focus and then she had a call to action—ask for your ballot tonight. I think that the DNC, if they look over the course of the night, the first virtual convention of our history, they would say that Michelle Obama stuck the landing."

 Wallace agreed. "Michelle Obama, as she said, doesn't like politics and she said that this speech was her main contribution to the Biden campaign," he said.

 "It was a heck of a contribution. She really flayed, sliced and diced Donald Trump, talking about the chaos and confusion and lack of empathy, especially, coming from this president and from this White House."

Trump warns of 'rigged election' as he uses conspiracy and fear to counter Biden's convention week


Elsewhere in his speech, Trump said he should be granted a "redo" on his first term, alleging falsely that his first campaign was spied upon by the previous administration. And at another point, he joked that he may remain in office for "16, 20" years.
Though made in jest, those remarks only fuel the impression that Trump is preparing, at a minimum, to challenge November's results if they do not show him winning. Taken together, the remarks suggest Trump is actively working to undermine the results of an election that polls currently show him losing.

Trump: If I Lose It Means The Election Is 'Rigged' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Kushner On 170,000+ Deaths: COVID-19 Response Is A Success | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Wolf presses Kushner: 1,000 deaths a day isn't success, right?

Ukraine bans pilgrimage to Uman over COVID-19 fears


 The Ukraianian interior minister said the annual mass pilgrimage of hassidim and others to the grave site of Rabbi Nachman of Uman would have caused the mass spread of COVID-19.



לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל - אנא עוררו רחמי שמים לכ"ק אדמו"ר מפיטסבורג שליט"א‎


לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל - אנא עוררו רחמי שמים לכ"ק אדמו"ר מפיטסבורג שליט"א‎


Dear Jared…Never…Okay?...Never!


 That’s all I needed to read from this dispatch to feel utterly betrayed.

The passage runs like this: Addressing Israeli reporters, Kushner said that "Israel has made a very generous proposal for the establishment of a Palestinian state, including an exchange of territories. The understanding that this is the situation has enabled the breakthrough that led to the current agreement."

If it was Benjamin Netanyahu, then we’ve been misled…misled to believe in the prime minister’s own words.

Yesterday he said that the UAE peace arrangement “signals the end to land for peace.”

Sounds good.

But something must have happened between yesterday and today. Today, Jared, you tell us something quite the opposite.

I quote: “The understanding that this is the situation has enabled the breakthrough that led to the current agreement.”

In other words, to achieve peace with the UAE, Israel first had to agree to “an exchange of territories” for “the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

Sounds like “land for peace” to me.

Trump says he moved US embassy to Jerusalem ‘for the evangelicals’


 “And we moved the capital of Israel to Jerusalem,” Trump said speaking at a rally held at an airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, apparently referring to his decision move the embassy from Tel Aviv. “That’s for the evangelicals.”

“You know, it’s amazing with that, the evangelicals are more excited by that than Jewish people,” he said to cheers from the crowd. “That’s right, it’s incredible.”

Major child sexual abuse trial begins in Germany


Police say tens of thousands of people in paedophile networks viewed the pictures that Jörg L, 43, posted on the Swiss secure messaging service Threema.

A raid on his home last October in Bergisch Gladbach, near Cologne, led police to investigate dozens more alleged paedophiles.

His wife will testify against him.

Eighty-seven suspected paedophiles have been identified in all 16 German states as a result of this case, and 50 children, aged from three months to 15 years, have been removed from abusive parents.

Three investigators traumatised by the images have taken sick leave.



CNN Poll of Polls: Biden holds a nine-point lead over Trump ahead of the party conventions


 Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by a nine-point margin nationally, according to a CNN Poll of Polls on the general election matchup released Monday.

The polls conducted after Biden's historic selection of Harris as his running mate largely find the pick to be received positively by the public: 52% of registered voters in CNN's poll called it an excellent or pretty good pick, including 82% of Democrats.
In the Washington Post/ABC News poll, 54% of Americans said they approved of Biden's choice of Harris, with 86% of Democrats approving of the pick.


Trump 'enthusiastic' over unproven coronavirus therapeutic, MyPillow creator says


 President Donald Trump and Mike Lindell, the creator of MyPillow and an avowed supporter, participated in a July meeting at the White House regarding the use of oleandrin as a potential therapeutic for coronavirus, Lindell confirmed to CNN.

Oleandrin is an extract from the plant Nerium oleander. The raw oleander plant is highly toxic, and consumption of it can be fatal.
He described the President's response toward the extract as "enthusiastic."



Former senior Trump administration official endorses Joe Biden


"What we saw week in and week out, for me, after two and a half years in that administration, was terrifying. We would go in to try to talk to him about a pressing national security issue -- cyberattack, terrorism threat -- he wasn't interested in those things. To him, they weren't priorities," Taylor says in the video.
"Given what I have experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for president and even though I am not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country and I'm confident that he won't make the same mistakes as this President."