Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Dear Jared…Never…Okay?...Never!


 That’s all I needed to read from this dispatch to feel utterly betrayed.

The passage runs like this: Addressing Israeli reporters, Kushner said that "Israel has made a very generous proposal for the establishment of a Palestinian state, including an exchange of territories. The understanding that this is the situation has enabled the breakthrough that led to the current agreement."

If it was Benjamin Netanyahu, then we’ve been misled…misled to believe in the prime minister’s own words.

Yesterday he said that the UAE peace arrangement “signals the end to land for peace.”

Sounds good.

But something must have happened between yesterday and today. Today, Jared, you tell us something quite the opposite.

I quote: “The understanding that this is the situation has enabled the breakthrough that led to the current agreement.”

In other words, to achieve peace with the UAE, Israel first had to agree to “an exchange of territories” for “the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

Sounds like “land for peace” to me.

1 comment :

  1. It's easy to invite someone to dinner when you know he won't accept the invitation. If Israel announces a plan to create a Palestinian state to the UAE's satisfaction and Abbas says no, how can Israel lose?


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