Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Fox News Says Michelle Obama 'Flayed' Trump As Hosts Praise DNC Speech


"When you talk about authenticity, she has it in spades. She has that voice, she has clarity, and she knows what she is out there wanting to do. She was trying to get everybody to really focus and then she had a call to action—ask for your ballot tonight. I think that the DNC, if they look over the course of the night, the first virtual convention of our history, they would say that Michelle Obama stuck the landing."

 Wallace agreed. "Michelle Obama, as she said, doesn't like politics and she said that this speech was her main contribution to the Biden campaign," he said.

 "It was a heck of a contribution. She really flayed, sliced and diced Donald Trump, talking about the chaos and confusion and lack of empathy, especially, coming from this president and from this White House."


  1. People notice things. In this case people will notice that the Democrats are once again running on a "We hate Trump and so should you!" platform. What about the riots in the streets? Blame Trump! The breakdown in the social order? Blame Trump! The faltering economy? Blame Trump!
    Shut up already and tell me how you'll fix them because right now the impression I get is that you'll just make things worse and then blame Trump!
    Also, given her history of judging character, once again we find someone who thinks that it's okay to be a rapist if you're a socially correcrt one

  2. BTW the riots are happening during Trump's presidency likewise breakdown is social order Trump's solution blame Obama and Democrat's and faltering economy is being strongly hurt by an incompetent President

  3. You can't have it both ways - either destroy the economy or oepn it up and le mroe people die of covid19. Damned if you do, damned if you don#t. Damned trump.

  4. The riots are happening in Democrat controlled states and cities which, by hamstringing their police, are allowing civil order to falter.

  5. Nope!

    If Trump had dealt with the pandemic properly the economy would be doing better as well as fewer people getting sick and dying. all he has done is to insist it would go away magically and push states and schools to open too early

  6. How was he to deal properly with it?

  7. Where have you been?

    Didn't you hear about lack of a federal plan and saying it is responsibility of states

    contradicting his own experts

    Being anti mask

    saying it will magically go away

    pushing states to prematurely open etc etc

  8. https://time.com/5879086/us-covid-19/

  9. Uk had 1000 deaths per day peak, and we are 1/5 the population of usa. Today, we have single figures _ 3, 5 etc. Herd immunity, even with lockdown


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