Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Opinion: Who really has ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’? Not his critics, readers say

It’s an affliction diagnosed most often by the president’s supporters: Trump Derangement Syndrome, and apparently, it’s an epidemic among those who write unflatteringly of the commander in chief.

Is 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' real?

Donald Trump: US Treasury should get cut of TikTok deal

Former FBI director James Comey once said that dealing with Donald Trump gave him "flashbacks to my earlier career as a prosecutor against the Mob".

The US president has certainly made TikTok an offer it can't refuse.

If the video app doesn't break away from its Chinese owner, ByteDance, and sell its US operation to Microsoft, Mr Trump will simply ban it - putting TikTok's access to its 80 million active American users in jeopardy.

Trump Says U.S. Should Get Slice of TikTok Sale Price

WASHINGTON—President Trump said he was ready to approve a purchase of the U.S. operations of the Chinese video-sharing app TikTok, but only if the government receives “a lot of money” in exchange—an assertion of presidential power that appeared to lack precedent.

Secretary Of Failure

Trump's interview debacle sends a warning for the fall campaign

Donald Trump's weak and flailing interview with Jonathan Swan of Axios fired a warning flare about the President's hopes for reelection, if his campaign and White House staff programed to fulfill his yearning for praise are prepared to recognize it.
Trump came across as ill-prepared, narcissistic and far from in control of the coronavirus pandemic. It was a far cry from the image of courageous leadership and energetic, unstinting commitment on behalf of Americans that his aides spend every day trying to sketch.
It is hard to remember an interview in which a sitting President was more unsparingly exposed or seemed so unequal to the magnitude of a crisis that is threatening the American people and is nowhere near ending.

Jonathan Swan: Trump Is Not Confronting Reality About Coronavirus | The Last Word | MSNBC

Trump on US coronavirus deaths: 'It is what it is'

Trump Tries Damage Control After Dismissive Remark On COVID-19 Deaths | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Let's Talk Trump's Appointment of Postmaster General DeJoy and the Elements of Criminal Conspiracy

There was no "Trump derangement syndrome": We were right about him all along

Those of us who warned America that fascism was coming were called hysterical alarmists. How does that feel now?