Wednesday, August 5, 2020

There was no "Trump derangement syndrome": We were right about him all along

Those of us who warned America that fascism was coming were called hysterical alarmists. How does that feel now?


  1. No, Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. The election will happen on schedule. Any glitches will be due to coronavirus. TDS wasn't about identifying Trump's alarming behaviours. It was
    1) obsessively observing the man day after day, watching his every press conference, reading his every tweet
    2) obsessively thinking about how to turn even his most innocuous statements into fascist rhetoric
    3) obsessively thinking that everyone else had nothing to do all day long other than think about Trump and what a terrible person he is
    4) obsessively talking about Trump and how terrible he is to the exclusion of any other subject of conversation
    5) obsessively hating anyone who didn't 105% agree that Trump is a terrible fascist who wants to destroy America, if not the world.


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