Thursday, July 9, 2020

Israeli Army Fighting to "Make Redemption Delayed Again," R"L? The Latest Escalation in the Antireligious War Against Israeli Girls, and the Latest Success of a Girl Resisting the Draft

Israeli Army Fighting to "Make Redemption Delayed Again," R"L?

The Latest Escalation in the Antireligious War Against Israeli Girls, and the Latest Success of a Girl Resisting the Draft

17 Tammuz, 5780 °°  July 9, '20

Parshas Pinchos

By Binyomin Feinberg

"... And if someone, like Pinchos, is one among a multitude, and every man is against him when he dares to speak out for truth and to fight for the Law -- the more lonely his stand, the greater the number of his adversaries, the more powerful is his word, the mightier his deed."

--  Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch OB"M (1808-1888), (in "Judaism Eternal," vol. 2, p. 293)


Here's the update link for the month of Tammuz to check in case we post during the week between our regular Wednesday/ Thursday posts:


###  GOOD NEWS:  ###

1.  Appropriate to parshas Pinchos, B"H, Hadassah Margolit bas Miriam Y. (20 y/o), a religious girl from an immigrant Bucharian family, was finally freed from Israeli Military Prison Four on Monday, July 6, after almost a month of incarceration. Her imprisonment and mistreatment was accompanied by relentless protests in Israel (and one in NYC). She was held in wake of her steadfast refusal to submit to the military draft.  We've been following her case (e.g. see since soon after Israeli military police barged into her her home - at about 3AM early Thursday June 11 - to arrest her, for the "crime" of adherence to the Torah, which prohibits girls from enlistment in the military, to the extent of sacrificing one's very life if necessary.

Miss Y. endured physical,  psychological, and religious mistreatment at the hands of Military Prison officers.  That was all in addition to the sexual mistreatment to which she was initially subjected; they took away her skirt and forced her to wear pants [even in public] for almost two days. (Recall that these are the same cast of characters who grandstand about "Equality," even gracing Israel's south with all-female tank crews (JNS), ostensibly to protect against enemies.)

2.  If this mistreatment of girls - religious or otherwise - is the price of having ostensibly religious Knesset members on the receiving end of government largesse, then the one thing that should scare us more than an Israeli government filled with Chilonim is one filled with purportedly religious and Chareidi MKs.  Their overall (or "coverall," as my spellchecker phrased it) silence on the issue of the SYSTEMIC drafting, intimidating, terrorizing, mistreatment, and downright abuse of hundreds, even thousands of Jewish girls by "our own" (sic) is intolerable. If the broader religious Jewish public would know even a fraction of what the government and collaborating elements are covering up, they'd be in an uproar.

Therefore, the media cannot remain silent. True, properly researching these cases is often painstaking. (The military draft office and collaborating parties do their best to ensure that.) However, exposing the systemic persecution of religious and traditional teenage girls by "Maitav" (the Israeli Army entity under which the Draft Office operates) is absolutely vital for Jewish continuity, to ensure that spiritual survival of future generations.  Girls who fall into the morally corrosive military environment generally don't come out capable of building healthy homes, and properly raising Jewish families.

3.  Furthermore, we know that in the merit of righteous women we were redeemed from Egypt (Talmud tractate Sotah 11b), and that in the merit of righteous women we'll merit the Ultimate Redemption (sefer Kav HaYashar). Drafting girls at that age into the notoriously promiscuous military sabotages the natural process of raising righteous Jewish women.

Accordingly, on a deeper level, the draft actually impedes the Final Redemption. And those courageous individuals who stand up and fight these evil designs against Jewish girls and women are helping expedite the Redemption. Perhaps their noble efforts, often undertaken in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, can be aptly qualified as "Raishis Tzemichas Ge'ulasinu."

Bad News: 

4.  The Israeli Draft Office is currently escalating their discrimination against religious girls who attended non-religious schools, as we'll explain shortly.

5.  Furthermore, and perhaps more ominously, the Rabbanut has reportedly started to themselves ask the girls which school they attend.

6.  That may appear innocuous to those unfamiliar with the process. However, even posing such a question alone constitutes a hazardous shift in what is supposed to be the military service *exemption* process. It's a slippery slope, leading to actual participation in the Selectzia process, whereby the Draft Office identifies girls to pursue, or persecute, with the aim of robbing them of their opportunity to avoid falling into the immoral and exploitive military.

7.  What is even more of a concern is that the Rabbanut thereby projects the appearance that they've lent their approbation to the female draft discrimination process by their own participation therein, albeit perhaps only in a token manner, at this juncture.

8.  Recent Changes for Girls who attended non-religious schools:

Recently, since around the time Coronavirus hit Israel, a number of girls have reported that in the process of obtaining their religiosity verification from the Rabbanut, they were asked by the Rabbanut which school they attended. These girls report subsequently being summoned by the Draft Office to show up for a Rayon Dat, without ever stepping foot into the Draft Office.

Until now, girls who were wise enough to comply with the Halacha, and refused to enter the Draft Office, were generally able to obtain an exemption without being summoned to a Rayon Dat. Now, avoiding entering the Military Draft Office no longer provides that same degree of security.

9.  Background: In the recent past, religious girls who attended non-religious schools, when identified as such, would often be targeted unfairly. The Draft Office had been summoning them to a Rayon Dat. A  Rayon Dat is a religiosity interview, or, more often, interrogation.  It's performed by a battery of trained military officers, intimidating a lone teenage girl; she is not allowed to be accompanied by anyone, not even a lawyer or family member.

10.  The Draft Office does this to dupe or pressure the girls into enlisting, or to find a pretext to challenge their religiosity, and thereby deny them their legal entitlement to a religious exemption from military service.

11.  Nevertheless, with the assistance of the appropriate organizations, the girls who had been fortunate enough to obtain the correct guidance would be able to avoid the Rayon Dat trap by sending in letters from Rabbis, or, at least, by sending the Draft Office firm letters from attorneys.

12.  However, lately, there's been a alarming turn. The Draft Office is no longer backing off in the face of intervention. Thus, they're, in effect, obligating these girls to hire an attorney. 

13.  For those who cannot afford to hire a lawyer, and don't have a sponsor, there are two "options:" enlist (which is absolutely prohibited, on pain of sacrificing one's very life, as articulated by prominent Rabbis, see Yoreh Daiyoh 157:1) - or face the spectre of being terrorized by the Draft Office, with the threat of arrest and Military Jail.  According to Jewish Law, these girls have no choice but to stand up - even if all alone - and fight.

14.  Against whom are they defending themselves? None other than the Israeli Military Draft Office, the Military Police, the Military Prison System, and the Military Justice System. And they need to do all of this without a lawyer. Of course, procurement of an attorney for such a girl in need is absolutely incumbent on anyone else who can help facilitate that.

15. Such heroic individuals certainly are reminiscent of the timeless words of Rav Hirsch, relevant to this week's Torah portion (quoted above):

"... And if someone, like Pinchos, is one among a multitude, and every man is against him when he dares to speak out for truth and to fight for the Law -- the more lonely his stand, the greater the number of his adversaries, the more powerful is his word, the mightier his deed."
--  Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch OB"M (1808-1888), (in "Judaism Eternal," vol. 2, p. 293)

Trump Finds Himself On An Island When It Comes To His Race-Baiting & Divisiveness | Deadline | MSNBC

The 1 big thing Donald Trump *still* doesn't get about the Supreme Court

 President Donald Trump sees the world in a very black-and-white way: There are people who love him and people who don't. Or, put another way: There are people who are loyal to him and those who are always out to get him.
It's a deeply simplistic way to think of life and the people in it. It's also hugely selfish, always believing that every action -- and equal and opposite reaction -- are all about you, and how people feel about you.
"These horrible & politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people that are proud to call themselves Republicans or Conservatives. We need more Justices or we will lose our 2nd. Amendment & everything else. Vote Trump 2020!"
And for good measure, added this: "Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn't like me?"
Me, me, me, me.
What Trump fails to understand -- and has never understood -- is that the Supreme Court doesn't work for him.
Yes, he appointed Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to their current seats. But that doesn't guarantee him their loyalty. They pledge allegiance to the law, not to Donald Trump.

VoteVets Ad - Benedict Donald

Why protests aren't as dangerous for spreading coronavirus as you might think

The evidence is becoming clear that wearing a mask can substantially lower the risk of spread and severity of illness. We are seeing more and more masks worn by protesters. A second feature of gatherings that affects the spread of the virus is whether they happen outdoors or indoors. Here, too, research suggests that outdoor activities are much safer than indoor ones.

Finally, although this is more preliminary, evidence suggests that if you’re going to be in a crowd, a mobile one is better than a stationary one. None of these three aspects will protect you from infection definitively – but together they offer a modest level of risk reduction. And compared with the risk of catching Covid-19 that is present in many jobs or other activities, such as working in meat-packing plants, outdoor protests are likely to be much safer– especially if we carry out testing, which can quickly reveal if the virus is spreading among protesters, as Massachusetts has done recently.

Black Lives Matter protests have not led to a spike in coronavirus cases, research says

 Despite warnings from public health officials, new research suggests Black Lives Matter protests across the country have not led to a jump in coronavirus cases.
A new study, published this month by the National Bureau of Economic Research, used data on protests from more than 300 of the largest US cities, and found no evidence that coronavirus cases grew in the weeks following the beginning of the protests.

Did Floyd Protests Lead to a Virus Surge? Here’s What We Know

“We’ve been looking very closely at the number of positive cases every day to see if there is an uptick in the context of the protests,” Ted Long, executive director of the city’s contact tracing program, said. “We have not seen that.”

Nurses are struggling with trauma. But they were suffering long before Covid-19 hit

In a follow-up study after the book was published, I dug deeper, collected information from nurses, and learned of yet another type of psychological injury: insufficient resource trauma. This occurs when nurses don't have the staff, supplies, knowledge or access to other professionals to fulfill ethical or professional responsibilities. The pandemic has been a dark catalyst to seeing this urgent concern. In a survey of 32,000 nurses just completed by the American Nurses Association, 68% of nurses said they are worried about being short-staffed and 87% are very or somewhat afraid to go to work.

Mary Trump's claim Trump paid friend to take SATs conflicts with timeline, Joe Shapiro's wife says

President Trump's niece Mary L. Trump alleges in her new tell-all book that her uncle paid a friend to take a college admissions test more than 50 years ago so he could gain acceptance into the elite Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. However, a new video from the wife of the now-deceased friend tells a very different story.

"My late husband Joe Shapiro passed away 21 years ago. He was a man of great integrity, honesty; he was a hard worker. He was literally the smartest person I ever met," Shriver began. "He went to University of Pennsyvlania, member of the class of 1968. It was while he was at University of Pennsylvania where he met Donald Trump. They became friends; they loved the sport of golf. They shared the same hometown of New York City; they shared the same campus. They stayed in a little bit of touch through the years."

Coronavirus: 1,231 new patients in a single day; 118 in serious condition

Some 1,231 people tested positive for the novel coronavirus on Wednesday as the government considers putting new restrictions or even closures on several “red zones” of infection.
In total, some 33,947 Israelis have been diagnosed with coronavirus, though there are only 15,209 people who remain infected. The other 18,376 have recovered.
As the numbers continue to grow and new restrictions continue to be rolled out, the Ministerial Committee on Restricted Zones is expected to meet on Thursday to determine which additional cities should be closed. A list of nine communities under consideration was revealed by Israeli media on Wednesday night that includes Modi’in Illit, Ramla, Beit Shemesh, Lod, Jerusalem, Kiryat Malachi, Bnei Brak, Ashdod and Raanana.
The mayors of most of these cities are pushing back, trying to get their communities off the list.

US Supreme Court to rule on revealing Trump tax returns

 Even a ruling in Congress's favour would not necessarily make Mr Trump's tax returns public before his bid for re-election in November.
Mr Trump, who made his money as a property developer, is the first president since Richard Nixon in the 1970s not to have made his tax returns public.
He calls the investigation into his tax affairs a "witch hunt" and sees the congressional case as a device to harass him politically.

4 police tackle haredi woman to ground for mask not covering nose

Video of police forcing mask compliance on a haredi woman whose nose was exposed has been circulating on the Internet since yesterday.

In the video, four police officers are seen trying to move the woman from her place to the sound of loud protests by bystanders until they succeed in tackling the woman to the ground where she is handcuffed.
"Once she was identified and despite her unlawful conduct, it was decided to settle for only issuing her a citation for not wearing the mask and she was released," the police added.

Alexander Vindman, Trump impeachment witness, retires from military

Vindman already was fired in February from the National Security Council and escorted off the White House grounds two days after the Senate acquitted Trump in his impeachment trial. His twin brother, Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, was also ousted from the NSC at the same time.
Trump said in February that Vindman needed to go because he was "very insubordinate" and misrepresented his "perfect" call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The phone call was at the heart of impeachment charges against Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.


‘Bullying, Intimidation, And Retaliation:’ Key Impeachment Witness Vindman Retires | All In | MSNBC