Thursday, June 18, 2020

What we learned from John Bolton's eye-popping tale of working with Trump

John Bolton details a troubling and shocking series of allegations in a new book about his tenure as President Donald Trump's national security adviser, alleging Trump requested Chinese help to win the 2020 election, that the President argued Venezuela is part of the US, that he casually offered to intervene in the criminal justice system for foreign leaders and that his own senior officials mocked him behind his back.

The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: June 16 | MSNBC



Conservatives Should Feel No Investment in Confederate Monuments

The Richmond statue of Lee, which Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has said is coming down, has long been a point of contention. Its unveiling in 1890 was a key moment in the creation of a cult of Lee, as a man of “moral strength and moral beauty” as a speaker put it that day.
Frederick Douglass appropriately scorned this movement. “It would seem,” he wrote sarcastically, “that the soldier who kills the most men in battle, even in a bad cause, is the greatest Christian, and entitled to the highest place in heaven.”


Antifa, Big Tech, and abortion: Republicans bring culture war to police brutality debate

The House Judiciary Committee late Wednesday approved a major police reform bill on a party-line vote, the first step by Congress to address a crisis that has roiled the country since George Floyd died in police custody on May 25.
Yet for much of the day, the panel was ensnared in acrimonious cultural and political quarrels that had little to do with the underlying issue of police brutality, which the legislation is supposed to address.
The "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone," in fact, was a recurring theme throughout the proceedings. Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.) at one point offered an amendment to cut off federal police grants to any municipality that allows an autonomous zone to be created within its borders.

 Rep. Pramilya Jayapal (D-Wash.), whose district is home to the Seattle zone, was upset by Republicans’ repeated attempts to raise the issue. She blamed Fox News and “right-wing media pundits” for what she said was “misinformation” being spread about her hometown.
“I don’t know how to keep telling people that what they’re saying are lies,” Jayapal said, growing exasperated as she again slapped down Republican accusations of a “law-enforcement-free micro-state” in her district. “Please stop this nonsense and let’s get back to the bill that's at hand.”

Bolton says Putin 'thinks' he can play Trump 'like a fiddle' in new claims ahead of book release

Former national security adviser John Bolton took President Trump to task Wednesday, saying he thinks Russian President Vladimir Putin can play Trump “like a fiddle.”
Bolton made the claim during an appearance on ABC News’ “World News Tonight with David Muir,” ahead of his 592-page memoir. The book is expected to paint a scathing portrait of Trump and his administration, lending the most vivid first-person account yet of how Trump conducts himself in office.
“I think Putin thinks he can play him like a fiddle. I think Putin is smart, tough -- I think he sees that he’s not faced with a serious adversary here,” Bolton said of the president’s relationship with Putin. “I don’t think he’s worried about Donald Trump.”
Host Martha Raddatz asked Bolton why certain deals with other leaders like Putin have gone awry despite Trump seeing “himself as a dealmaker.”
“Well the president may well be a superb dealmaker when it comes to Manhattan real estate. Dealing with arms limitation treaties on strategic weapons, dealing in many many other international security issues are things far removed from his life experience,” Bolton said. “When you’re dealing with somebody like Putin who has made his life understanding Russia’s strategic position in the world, against Donald Trump, who doesn’t enjoy reading about these issues or learning about them -- it’s a very difficult position for America to be in.”

George Floyd protests: Who are Boogaloo Bois, antifa and Proud Boys?

While in many cases peaceful, the protests have also featured scenes of police brutality, looting and violence.
Politicians, law enforcement and commentators on the left and right have accused a number of fringe groups of encouraging and participating in acts of violence.
BBC News has been examining these groups on social media platforms.


Trump's Niece Is About To DESTROY Him With New Book

Bolton Blames Democrats For Failed Impeachment Despite Refusing To Testify | All In | MSNBC

NY Times Reporter Who Obtained John Bolton’s Book Ahead Of Release Discusses What’s Inside | MSNBC

Bolton, in book, accuses Trump of 'obstruction of justice as a way of life,' asking China's Xi for 2020 help

Former national security adviser John Bolton alleges in his upcoming 592-page memoir that President Trump regularly gives "personal favors to dictators he liked," backed the idea of more concentration camps in China, and asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him in the 2020 election, according to excerpts obtained and published by several media outlets.

Bolton claims Trump asked China to help him win re-election

Bolton book bombshells: Trump asked China's Xi for reelection help and told him to keep building concentration camps

 Former national security adviser John Bolton has leveled a stunning accusation against his former boss, claiming in his new book that President Donald Trump personally asked his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, to help him win the 2020 US presidential election, according to a copy obtained by CNN Wednesday.
Bolton also charged that when Xi told Trump last year that China was building concentration camps for the mass detention of Uyghur Muslims, Trump said Xi should go ahead building the camps, "which he thought was exactly the right thing to do."
At another meeting during last year's G-20 Summit in Osaka, Bolton writes Trump "stunningly" turned the conversation to the upcoming 2020 election. The former national security adviser said Trump "stressed the importance of farmers and increased Chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat in the electoral outcome," adding that he "would print Trump's exact words, but the government's prepublication review process has decided otherwise."