Monday, March 30, 2020

New Israeli research says COVID-19 is here to stay

Researchers suggest unlike SARS, MERS coronavirus strains which were successfully contained during 2004 and 2018 outbreaks respectively, COVID-19 may become perennial danger

רבני 'העדה החרדית': "חטא גדול לזלזל בהוראות הרופאים"


חברי בד"צ 'העדה החרדית', בראשות הגאב"ד והראב"ד, פרסמו תקנות והוראות בעקבות התפשטות מגיפת ה'קורונה' - הורו להישמע להנחיות משרד הבריאות ואפשרו אף תפילה ביחיד. ההנחיות (ארץ)



השוטרים עצרו מתפללים במאה שערים

כוחות משטרה פשטו היום על שכונת מאה שערים בירושלים, רשמו עשרות דו"חות לאנשים שהפרו את ההנחיות, פיזרו את המתפללים בשטיבלאך ועצרו כמה מהם - ענודים בתפילין (חרדים)

Coronavirus NJ: Rabbis call for low-key Passover with no public celebrations, no travel

LAKEWOOD - Rabbinic leaders from different Jewish Orthodox organizations, spurred by coronavirus fears, are calling for a low-key Passover (Pesach) that is devoid of public celebrations and long on social distancing.
"We are urging our communities to remain at home and avoid, to the maximum extent feasible, any outside interactions," the religious leaders said in a statement. "Our responsibility is to refrain from any nonessential outside interactions, including
The statement was signed by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel, executive vice president, Agudath Israel of America; Rabbi Mendy Mirocznick, executive vice president, (Igud HaRabbanim) Rabbinical Alliance of America; Rabbi Shmuel Blech, chairman, and Rabbi Moshe Chaim Weisberg, co-chair, The Lakewood Vaad, among others.

U.S. Coronavirus Cases Top 100,000 As Trump Demands Praise From Governors | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Governors In Need Learn How To Handle The President | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Israel must turn to herd immunity to combat coronavirus

Opinion: The elderly and those with health problems must be isolated while the young, who will likely experience only mild symptoms, should be back at work even if they were infected with COVID-19 in order to make the population immune to the virus

Israeli doctors demand health minister be replaced by professional

In an open letter Netanyahu and Gantz, doctors lament years of neglect that left the country's health care system at its lowest point during the time of coronavirus outbreak; sources say there are no plans to replace Litzman in the next government


Donald Trump: Says N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo “rejected buying recommended 16,000 ventilators in 2015 for the pandemic, for a pandemic, established death panels and lotteries instead. So, he had a chance to buy, in 2015, 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down.”

Our ruling
Trump said Cuomo "rejected buying recommended 16,000 ventilators in 2015 for the pandemic, for a pandemic, established death panels and lotteries instead. So, he had a chance to buy, in 2015, 16,000 ventilators at a very low price and he turned it down."
A 2015 state report said that in the case of a "severe" pandemic, the state would be short about 16,000 ventilators during peak week. But the report did not recommend buying 16,000 ventilators, and did not indicate whether the state was at a fiscal position to purchase them.
The state did not plan to increase its stockpile because it anticipated that in the event of a severe crisis, there would be shortage of trained staff to operate them and demand would outweigh any emergency stockpile. The report said the state had to balance the likely ventilator shortage with the need for adequate funding for current and ongoing health care expenses.
The report issued guidelines on ventilator allocation if there weren’t enough for everyone and suggested that hospitals designate a triage officer or committee. It explored a lottery system, but did not recommend it as the primary option. Cuomo did not establish one.
Trump’s statement is inaccurate. We rate it False.

Society – importance

Berachos 58a):   . Ben Zoma once saw a crowd on one of the steps of the Temple Mount. He said, Blessed is He that discerneth secrets, and blessed is He who has created all these to serve me. [For] he used to say: What labours Adam had to carry out before he obtained bread to eat! He ploughed, he sowed, he reaped, he bound [the sheaves], he threshed and winnowed and selected the ears, he ground [them], and sifted [the flour], he kneaded and baked, and then at last he ate; whereas I get up, and find all these things done for me. And how many labours Adam had to carry out before he obtained a garment to wear! He had to shear, wash [the wool], comb it, spin it and weave it, and then at last he obtained a garment to wear; whereas I get up and find all these things done for me. All kinds of craftsmen5 come early to the door of my house, and I rise in the morning and find all these before me

הוראות גדולי ישראל: האם מותר לקיים מנייני תפילה בחוץ?

מרנן הגר"ח קנייבסקי, הגר"ג אדלשטיין, הגר"ש כהן והגר"ש בעדני - אסרו על תושבי בני ברק לקיים מנייני תפילה ברחוב, הגר"ג אדלשטיין הוסיף כי הוראתו זו - לכל הארץ. ומה דעת יתר הרבנים?


FACT CHECK: N.Y. Governor Slams Trump Ventilator Claim As 'Ignorant' And 'Uninformed'

President Trump claimed during Friday's White House coronavirus briefing that the federal government shipped droves of ventilators to New York. What did New York officials do in response? According to Trump, they ignored the new supply and instead attacked the White House for not doing more to assist the state.
"We sent thousands of ventilators to New York, and they didn't know about it at the time they were complaining," Trump said. "They were going there in large numbers."
An aghast New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had this reply to Trump's accusation: "That is incorrect and grossly uninformed."

President Trump Extends Federal Social Distancing Guidelines Until End of April

President Donald Trump said Sunday that he would extend national social distancing guidelines until April 30. They were otherwise set to expire Monday.

The virus and the plague of moral superiority

If you follow current events you will notice that this virus has become politicized. Republicans take it less seriously than Democrats. Religious less than Secularists. The young less than the old.

It seems that people think this is a punishment primarily against the deviant other. Thus religious Jews continue with minyan, weddings etc because they are protected by Torah and the absence of the sins of Internet, homosexuality,abortion and sheitel - and besides they give to the right charities..  Republicans are protected by loyalty to Trump and rejection of Clinton, Leftists and CNN and the New York Times. Submersion in Fox News is believed to be  a very strong weapon against the virus.

The young view this as a process of getting rid of the previous generation which restrict their lives.

Trump has stated that the hysteria is a Democratic and Media hoax directed against his reelection

As the mayor of Bnei Brak stated "people need to wake up" and realize the virus ignores religious and political affiliations as well as loyalties and information preferences.   As the Rambam notes hasgocha protist only is releavant for the few tzadikim who are truly davek with G-d. The majority of people live their lives according to the reality of Nature,Science and Medicine. Therefore if you don't listen to the doctors there can be bad consequences.  And to firmly believe this virus is only against the sinful is going to lead to something unpleasant.