Thursday, December 20, 2018

‘Fox & Friends’ host rips Trump over border ‘chaos’ and ‘irresponsible’ Syria withdrawal

washington post.

Ordinarily, “Fox and Friends” may be a political haven for President Trump, but on Thursday co-host Brian Kilmeade took an unusual double-barrel shot at him.
After news broke that Trump defied his advisers and decided to pull 2,000 U.S. troops out of Syria — arguing on Twitter that “we have defeated ISIS” in that country — Kilmeade slammed the president’s actions, calling them “totally irresponsible.”
The co-host said that “in a stunning and, I think, irresponsible move” Trump has “blindsided” Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis and national security adviser John Bolton, as well as the State Department, which he said is now “packing their bags.”

“Why have advisers?” he said, throwing up his hands.

Trump giving Putin exactly what he wants

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Who’s Responsible For The Measles Outbreak?

he Terumas HaDeshen (responsum 211) writes that since sakanah(danger) is more serious than issurim (prohibitions), beis din must distance people from sakanah just as they do from issur. Thus, it is clear – as numerous rabbanim have already publicly stated – that every child possible must be vaccinated to stop the deadly measles outbreak in the frum community.
Yet, some people – even amidst this dangerous outbreak – have embarked on a PR campaign to scare Jews away from vaccinating their children, arguing that vaccines carry dangerous side effects. Some are even downplaying the dangers of measles. How do we account for such irresponsible activism?
Although I personally have always supported vaccinating children against deadly diseases, I never studied the issue until the recent measles outbreak. With an open mind, I sought out anti-vaccination proponents, some of whom I am quite friendly with. In doing so, though, I was repeatedly shocked by the sheer arrogance and recklessness some of them evinced as well as inconsistencies in their own arguments.



The resolution voiced “grave concern over the progressive militarization of Crimea” and called on Moscow to “end its temporary occupation of Ukraine’s territory.”

This vote against Russia came less than two weeks after Russia – which often abstains on votes in the UN General Assembly that are important for Israel – cast its ballot against Israel by voting against a resolution condemning Hamas. That resolution failed to muster the two-thirds majority needed to pass.

Monday, December 17, 2018

psychiatric illness and mekach tous - Rav M Willig


18:50-21:50 into the recording: Rav Willig says that there is no mekach ta'ut in the case of a prominent case of claimed psychiatric illness to void a marriage.

Thursday, December 13, 2018



The Moti Elon case shows once again how much work is still needed within the Orthodox community to purge sex offenders and prevent them from repeating their crimes.

Friday, December 7, 2018

מסיבת חנוכה בבית החולים הדסה הר-הצופים

מערך המתנדבים בשבתות ובחגים ערך הערב מסיבת חנוכה חגיגית בבית החולים הדסה הר- הצופים בהשתתפות רבנים ואישי ציבור, 
גדולי הזמר שימחו והרקידו את המשתתפים 
בבית החולים הדסה הר-הצופים שבפאתי שכונותיה הצפוניות של ירושלים, התקיימה הערב ליל נר חמישי דחנוכה, מסיבת חנוכה מפוארת בהשתתפות החולים ובני משפחותיהם וצוות המתנדבים.
שימחו גדולי הזמר החסידי, אמן הקלידים הרשי סגל, והזמרים: אלי מילר, קובי ברומר, אלי הרצליך, יונתן רזאל,ומשה גודמן.
כיבדו את המעמד בהשתתפותם רבנים ואישי ציבור, ח"כ הרב מיכאל מלכיאלי, סגן ראש עיריית ירושלים הרב אברהם בצלאל, חבר מועצת עיריית ירושלים הרב משה גורא, הרה"ג ר' חיים אהרן יוספי שליט"א, הרה"ג ר' אליהו א

יעזר שלנגר שליט"א ועוד

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Australian sisters trace accused abuser’s steps to West Bank town where she fled

times of israel.

Residents of Haredi settlement of Emmanuel only vaguely familiar with, and not particularly disturbed by, allegations against former Melbourne girls’ school principal Malka Leifer