The death penalty is ubiquitous throughout the Torah. In particular, a properly composed Jewish Court can punish many types of sexual crimes with death. The male homosexual act is a capital crime.
Furthermore, non-Jews are also commanded to make courts and to punish homosexuality, a capital crime under the Noachide laws. (Rambam, Hilchos Melachim, Chapter Nine, Passages 7 & 17.)
In the U.S. it may seem farfetched to even think about executing homosexuals. The Supreme Court recently ruled that the Constitution protects the right of two men to marry each other.
A close examination of the Constitution, however, reveals that it is a pliable and flexible document. Amendments may be added that change the very character and essence of the document.
The 13th Amendment negated much of the underpinnings of the Constitution, changing the Constitution from a social contract made mostly for the benefit of White landowners, into a more inclusive governing agreement.
I am a Jew. For the past year, I have been communicating with non-Jewish Americans on how to form a more perfect union. Part of my contribution has been to find a way to eliminate the influence of homosexuals and transgenders (trannies) from the political realm.
One brute force way of doing this is to kill them. While the Torah does not specifically decree death for trannies, they can often be technically included under the rubric of homosexuals.
It is disheartening that the Agudath Israel supported hate crimes legislation. The practical effect of the federal hate crimes law is to make homosexuals and trannies a protected class of citizen. This all but makes it impossible to create laws outlawing homosexualism and transgenderism.
The only straightforward avenue open to making homosexuality illegal seems to be to make a Constitutional amendment. Relying on activist judges to correct matters is hit or miss and a partial victory, at best.
I have found a cadre of dedicated men and women who I think are supportive of this goal to change the Constitution in a way that will align it better with the Noachide Laws, and thus the Will of G-d.
Many of these people also hate Jews. Reb Yaakov zt"l has taught that if a Jew has a choice between supporting a political candidate who loves Jews and is pro-Israel yet also promotes immorality, and a candidate that is the opposite, that the latter and not the former deserves our vote.
Thus I am comfortable dealing with non-Jews who solidly want to prosecute and execute trannies, over interacting in the political realm with non-Jews who call for giving Jews equal rights -- along with rights for homosexuals and trannies.
The Gaon Reb Moshe zt"l taught us to protest against those who encourage homosexual behavior. So in the strongest and most vehement terms I curse the Agudah and their leaders for their stance supporting the hate crimes bill. And I ally myself with non-Jews who want to feed trannies live into woodchippers. The Rambam rules the sword is the right way to kill trannies, and I would be dismayed if the non-Jews took their bloody metaphor and actually implemented it. Still, shredding and grinding up trannies is a lot closer to how we should be keeping the Torah than cozying up to politicians who want to make degeneracy part and parcel of the American lingua franca.