Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Wolmark-Epstein gang's Hamas / ISIS defense by Nathan Lewin (part II)

 Guest post

The most important right Jews have in the United States is the free exercise of religion provided by the First Amendment. As originally enacted, the First Amendment applies only to actions by the Federal Government. The Fourteenth Amendment applies these protections to State and local governments. However, the Constitution only protects against government actions. Congress viewed the free exercise of religion as so important that it enacted several statutes providing that interference or attempted interference with the free exercise of religion is amongst the most heinous of crimes. Therefore, Congress made persons committing this crime, if combined with certain aggravating circumstances, eligible for the most severe possible punishment, the death penalty. Included amongst the aggravating circumstances that make this crime eligible for the death penalty, are kidnapping, attempted kidnapping, and sexual assault and attempted sexual assault.

As noted previously, the Epstein-Wolmark gang, whatever its motivations (whether religious, money, pure sadistic glee at torturing another human being) forced and attempted to force several Jewish man to perform a religious action against their will. This is completely indisputable. The gang was properly charged with kidnapping, attempted kidnapping, and conspiracy to commit these offenses. Contrary to the arguments of Mr. Nathan Lewin on behalf of the Epstein-Wolmark gang, any supposed religious motivations (itself doubtful, as noted previously) does not bar prosecution for these violent crimes. But the gang’s actions are far worse than that. The Wolmark-Epstein gang clearly violated two Federal capital crimes, 18 U.S.C. 241, and 18 U.S.C. 247, combined with the aggravating circumstances needed to make the gang eligible for the death penalty under the statute. It is of course extremely rare for Federal prosecutors to even ask for the death penalty, but the fact that the Wolmark-Epstein gang committed crimes eligible for the death penalty highlights the extreme heinousness of their actions.

18 USC § 241

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise [including free exercise of religion under the First Amendment] or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or

If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—

They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

18 U.S.C. § 247

(a) Whoever, in any of the circumstances referred to in subsection (b) of this section—

(1) intentionally defaces, damages, or destroys any religious real property, because of the religious character of that property, or attempts to do so; or

(2) intentionally obstructs, by force or threat of force, any person in the enjoyment of that person’s free exercise of religious beliefs, or attempts to do so;

shall be punished as provided in subsection (d).

(b) The circumstances referred to in subsection (a) are that the offense is in or affects interstate or foreign commerce.

(c) Whoever intentionally defaces, damages, or destroys any religious real property because of the race, color, or ethnic characteristics of any individual associated with that religious property, or attempts to do so, shall be punished as provided in subsection (d).

(d) The punishment for a violation of subsection (a) of this section shall be—

(1) if death results from acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, a fine in accordance with this title and imprisonment for any term of years or for life,

or both, or may be sentenced to death;

(2) if bodily injury results to any person, including any public safety officer performing duties as a direct or proximate result of conduct prohibited by this section, and the violation is by means of fire or an explosive, a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more that 40 years, or both;

(3) if bodily injury to any person, including any public safety officer performing duties as a direct or proximate result of conduct prohibited by this section, results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, a fine in accordance with this title and imprisonment for not more than 20 years, or both; and

(4) in any other case, a fine in accordance with this title and imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.

(e) No prosecution of any offense described in this section shall be undertaken by the United States except upon the certification in writing of the Attorney General or his designee that in his judgment a prosecution by the United States is in the public interest and necessary to secure substantial justice.

(f) As used in this section, the term “religious real property” means any church, synagogue, mosque, religious cemetery, or other religious real property, including fixtures or religious objects contained within a place of religious worship.

(g) No person shall be prosecuted, tried, or punished for any noncapital offense under this section unless the indictment is found or the information is instituted not later than 7 years after the date on which the offense was committed.

Tamar Epstein's Heter: Psychologist Dr Baruch Shulem says the first concern is that the therapists need to be reported to the professional bodies for making a report about someone they never met

I had a discussion today with Dr. Baruch Shulem - one of the leading psychologists in Israel - about the use of forensic reports made by psychologists/psychiatrists about someone they never met. In addition about the belief of poskim that psychology/ psychiatry is a science and that conclusions made by therapists can be totally accepted and halacha paskened - without concern with how those conclusions were reached.

He said I could report in his name the following. The critical issue in the present case is not the mistaken belief that psychology is a science like medicine - even though it is in fact a significant problem. The most important thing is that this heter should never have been given because a therapist is not allowed to give a report about someone they have never met. He therefore said that it is critical to get the names of the therapists and make complaints to the AMA, APA and other relevant organizations. In addition he strongly advised going to a lawyer to see what legal actions can be taken against these therapists.

Aside from being unethical or possibly illegal there is a major problem of their lack of validity. Consequently there is no factual basis for the heter. It is elementary that one can not issue a psak without knowing what the facts are.

Anyone who knows who the therapists are that wrote the reports for Tamar Epstein's heter - should  let me know their names and any other details that might help in reporting them.  If anyone can send me a copy of the reports - that would be very helpful.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky will be attending Torah Umesorah Conference December 17- 20 Aventura, Florida

The Wolmark-Epstein gang's Hamas / ISIS defense by Nathan Lewin

Guest post by a concerned Jew and American

The Epstein-Wolmark cirminal gang argued, in a brief written by Nathan Lewin, that the relgious aspect of their activies somehow immunizes them from criminal prosecution under Federal law. Judge Wolfson rejected this claim in her ruling on this issue earlier this year.

It is far from clear that the criminal gang acted out of any religious motivation, or even believed that they were actually helping women receive divorces considered valid (under any interpreation of Jewish Law). It is clear from the case that the defendants received large sums of money to commit kidnapping and torture. Even if the gang really believed what they were doing was pursuant to Jewish law, were they acting out of religious principles or were they trying to enrich themselves?

Even according to the most lenient opinions in Jewish Law, there must be some basis for a legitimate beis din to conclude that a get procured through the use of coercion has any validity. The facts established by the prosection in the case demonstrate very clearly that the the gang did not perform any real due diligence in the cases it took on. To the contrary, the gang attempted to kidnap and torture a fictitious husband to "free" a woman from a "marriage" that did not exist. This completely undermines the claim that the gang itself believed that they were acting according to any interpretation of Jewish Law or that they were procuring divorces that were valid under Jewish Law.

Even if the gang was acting pursuant to their beliefs under Jewish law, Mr. Nathan Lewin's argument that those committing violent crimes pursuant to their religious beliefs may not or should not be prosecuted or that the religious component of their motivation should be treated as a mitigating factor is shameful and reprehensible, not to mention extremely dangerous, particularly for the Jewish community. Mr. Lewin's argument would also justify arguments by members of Hamas, Hizbollah, al-Queeda, or Islamic State or other radical Islamist groups that they may murder Jews with impunity because they believe that their religioun commands them to do so.

The Wolmark- Epstein gang's argument that the religious angle somehow shows that the prosecution overcharged the case, and inappropriately charged the gang with kidnapping where much less serious charges should somehow have been appropriate has things exactly backwards.

The U.S. Attorney's office generally argued that the gang committed kidnapping and that any religious motivation did not make kidnapping into some lesser crime.

But well beyond neutrality, the religious angle of the case illustrates that if anything the defendants were under-charged for their heinous crimes in this case.

Regardless of the gang's true MOTIVATIONS (whether motivated by religion, money, or sadistic desire to torture), what the gang actually DID was to kidnap, or attempt to kidnap, Jewish men and torture them in order to force the men against their will to perform the religious act of giving a get . For these purposes, it does not matter whether the men had a religious obligation under Jewish Law to give a get, were allowed under Jewish Law to give a get, or whether the men were prohibited by Jewish Law from giving a get. In any case, they were coerced (or the gang attempted to coerce the men) into perfoming a religious act against their will.

Congress decided that coercing individuals into religious actions is a particuarly heinous crime as it involves the violation of their most fundamental rights as human beings and as Americans. Thus, Congress enacted several laws specifically addressing this behavior, and subjecting such behavior to the most severe possible penalty.
(To be continued)

Litvish Yeshivos, Then and Now, a Real Rags to Riches Story! Part RaP

Guest post by RaP

Recently there has been some discussion on this blog about the nature of modern-day Litvish ("Lithuanian type") Yeshivos and their rabbinic and lay leaders, the Roshei Yeshiva and the Balebatim (laymen) that support them in America but also in Israel that are the two main centers for these central Torah learning institutions.

Today the Litvish (Lithuanian-type) yeshivas have luxurious air-conditioned buildings, with thousands of students, living in hotel-like dorms, and kitchens serving restaurant-type foods, often spread over a few campuses, with huge teaching and admin staffs, with budgets running in the millions or tens of millions of dollars per year!

But it was not always like that, nor was it what the founders of this system in Lithuania originally had in mind about 200 to 300 years ago!

When Rav Chaim Volozhiner (1749 - 1821) founded the so-called "Mother" of all Litvish Yeshivos in the small town of Volozhin Lithuania, he began with ten Talmidim (students) that he maintained at his own expense. Supposedly, it is said, that his wife even sold her jewelry to contribute to their maintenance.

Very different to the modern-day yeshivas that look and work more like modern corporations with CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CTOs, employing full time staffs of clerical workers, maintenance staff, administrators, highly paid professional fundraisers, and many other types of staff.

Keeping these huge operations running is the primary goal and the mission of its top echelon lay leaders and especially of the top Roshei Yeshiva who spend much of their time talking to or travelling to a variety of millionaires, billionaires, tycoons and all sorts of big wigs, including politicians, lawyers, accountants and all sorts of professionals and entrepreneurs who are seen as the essential resources to keep these vast "Yeshiva Inc" enterprises running and humming.

If a Yeshiva looks "too poor" or slovenly it lacks prestige in the eyes of both potential students and donors and is ignored in favor of the larger Yeshivas that are viewed as types of "Ivy League" colleges that can and do have huge endowments and astronomical budgets to keep up and to impress both donors to give to such a fancy place and have their names plastered on the walls, and parents to send their sons there as a status symbol good for Shidduchim, marriage mates, marriages, future work in either the Jewish or secular world.

Top donors and laypeople (men and women) and top Roshei Yeshiva regard themselves and act like a new type of "aristocracy" with all the airs and mannerisms of rich and powerful and famous and influential people. Like modern-day celebrities that get their photos published and republished, there is a whole genre of Haredi and Yeshivish media that promote and work like "state organs" and "Public Relations agents and agencies" to depict them in the best light as they travel the length and breadth of North America, attend major "conventions" and mass gatherings, go globetrotting and are lionized by the other rich and famous.

Modern Litvish Yeshivas have become mega status symbols and networking centers to rival any similar secular educational or even political establishment today.

So it's become all about the money, as in "money makes the world go round" that is always at the top of the agenda.

To be continued.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Tamar Epstein's heter: Another Troubling Dimension … Is Aharon Being Pressured For A Quid Pro Quo?

Guest post by Ploni

First, a definition: Quid pro quo ("something for something" in Latin) means an exchange of goods or services, where one transfer is contingent upon the other.

Word is that there’s pressure for some “deal” that might work something like this: Aharon should be משליש a Get in Bais Din … in return he’ll receive better visitation, a semi-apology from Tamar and her family … and the Chillul Hashem will hopefully sink into oblivion.

Even assuming that sufficient safeguards were placed to insure that the “other side” sticks to its promises (a big if!), here are THREE REASONS why כל אשר נגעה יראת ה' בלבבו should protest against such an approach:

1) This won’t rectify the real problem. The most pressing issue is no longer visitation and obtaining a semi-apology for totally irresponsible character assassination that relied on non-existent evidence. Rather, the real issue is the wholesale dismissiveness towards the very principle of TRUTH, as defined by the basic concept of fact checking and due diligence. TRUTH is an extremely highly cherished principle of our faith, so much so that the רבינו יונה in שערי תשובה states that “sticking up” for truth is the ONLY antidote of חילול ה', which has no כפרה as long as a person is alive:

שע"ת לר"י, שער א' מאמר מ"ז: כאשר האדם משתדל לתמוך ביד האמת. ויעזור אחריו ויתעורר בדבריו. והופיע אורו לעיני בני עמו. ויחזק ידי אנשי האמת. ונשא ראשם. וכתות השקר ישפילם יגיעם עד עפר. הנה אלה דרכי קדוש ה'. והוד והדר לאמונתו ועבודתו בעולם. ועוז ותפארת במקדש תורתו.

שער ד' מאמר ה': ואמר שלמה המלך עליו השלום (משלי טז) בחסד ואמת יכופר עון וביארנוהו בשער הראשון מן התשובה וענין אמת שהזכיר ביאורו שיכין החוטא לבו לחזק ידי האמת. ולעזור למבקשי אמונה ולהסיר השקר והעול. כי הודעת האמת והשיבו לבצרה כבוד אלקים.

2) We are supposed to be מחזק those that endeavor to act ע"פ תורה, because doing so strengthens the כבוד of Torah. The evidence points to the fact that Aharon has suffered PRECISILY BECAUSE he tried doing the “right thing” . Instead, what he got in return … again and again … was just ביזוי בזיונות.

Evidence shows that the core issue of socializing originally separating the couples worldview was very much intertwined with not wanting to talk לשון הרע and דיבורים אסורים. Why hasn’t this issue been properly addressed in therapy and through Tamar’s Rabbinic advisors? It is not far-fetched to say that had this been dealt with properly, the whole tremendous חילול ה' never would have started.

Evidence shows Aharon’s concern with ethics and morals. This is not only highly valued ע"פ השקפת התורה but also seen as a tremendous asset for sustainable intrinsic wellbeing / happiness in cutting edge psychology. Why hasn’t this issue been properly addressed in therapy and through Tamar’s Rabbinic advisors?

Evidence shows that Aharon listened to his Rabbinic advisor and took his disagreement to Bais Din instead of ערכאות (after getting the היתר ערכאות for only emergency purposes), which later ended up costing him dearly. Why hasn’t this issue been properly addressed through Tamar’s Rabbinic advisors? Shouldn’t they, OF ALL PEOPLE, be concerned with upholding the intuition of B”D? Why, to this day, has the Bais Din never issuing a Siruv against Tamar? Why have רבנים חשובים had to send private messages of support to Aharon, while stating that doing so publicly would only damage them and not do anything to help him?!

It is important to note that our obligation is to be מחזק those that ENDEAVOR to act ע"פ תורה. It has absolutely NOTHING TO DO with whether or not their concerns ultimately end up being accurate. Judaism is wholly centered on השתדלות to do the right thing. Failure to be משתדל is what counts, and therefore the punishment for being dismissive of a ספק איסור is greater than that of a וודאי איסור:

תלמידי רבינו יונה בשם רבינו יונה ברכות א: מדפי הרי"ף: עיקר היראה ליזהר מהספקות ושלא לעשות המצות על דרך ההרגל שעונש הספק יותר מהודאי וכן מצינו שעל הודאי מביא חטאת ... דמי כשבה או שעירה שיביא לחטאת ... היא מעה ... ואם מביא אשם על הספק .... צריך להביא ב' סלעים שהם מ"ח מעין ... והטעם בזה למה החמירו על הספק יותר מן הודאי אומר מורי הרב שהוא מפני שעל הודאי משים האדם החטא אל לבו ודואג ומתחרט עליו וחוזר בתשובה שלימה אבל על הספק עושה סברות ואומר ... אולי היתה מותרת, ולא ישית אל לבו לשוב, ולזה החמירו בו יותר.

3) It is disgusting, unethical and against Halacha to “barter” for removing the stain of defamation / הוצאת שם רע. We should resist such “bartering” even if only monetary matters were at stake, and surely when the issue is defamation. Furthermore, pressuring Aharon while offering only muted criticism of the process used in Taamr’s heter only adds indescribable insult to injury.

Even in regards to simple monetary matters, Halacha prohibits the advancement of a false claim so as to improve the strength of a party’s self-interest. This is a prohibition for Dayanom (חו"מ ס' י"ח ס"א), Witnesses (חו"מ ס' כ"ח ס"א), and litigants ((חו"מ ס' ע"ה ס"א, ס' י"ב ס"ו וע' תרה"ד, עונג יו"ט ותומים

How low must one stoop to use this unethical approach in matters that are so serious as הוצאת שם רע, for which the following is written in שו"ע או"ח ס' תר"ו ס"א

וְהַמּוֹחֵל לֹא יִהְיֶה אַכְזָרִי מִלִּמְחֹל (מַהֲרִי''ל) ... וְאִם הוֹצִיא עָלָיו שֵׁם רַע, אֵינוֹ צָרִיךְ לִמְחֹל לוֹ. מָרְדְּכַי וּסְמַ''ג וְהגה''מ פ''ב מֵהִלְכוֹת תְּשׁוּבָה וּמהרי''ו). מג"א ס"ק ה': משום דאיכא דשמע בהואצת שם רם ולא שמע בפיוס ולא נפק האי גברא מחשדא.

Yes, there are evil men .. just like there are evil women. Like EVERY PERSON – male or female - Aharon deserves the basic human right of being judged only based on meticulous fact-finding which is congruent with Halacha, Hashkafa and if using psychology …only the most congruent and only following widely recognized “best practices” and solid, cutting-edge research.


BUT WHAT ABOUT CHAINED WOMEN? Concerned Members of Greater Washington Jewish Community write: “We wish to live in a community wherein interpersonal relationships are conducted not only upon the basis of the letter of Halakha, but also upon its spirit of empathy, sensitivity & mutual respect”. Yes, they’re very right … and very wrong … but that is IY”H for another post.

Channakah (2); Praying For Miracles

Guest post by Rabbi Shloime Pollak

The Ram"a in 682;1 tells us, if we forget to say "Al Hanissim", we should say it in form of a prayer, and say it among the "Harachamon".

We should say, הרחמן הוא יעשה לנו ניסים, כמו שעשה לאבותינו, בימים ההם בזמן הזה. The Mishnah Brurah adds a Nusach that should be said at the end of Shmonah Esrei. In both cases, we are asking Hashem to perform for us miracles, as he did in the time of the Chashmenoim.

However, many Achronim assume, we are not allowed to pray for a "Ness".  It is included, in "Tfilas Shav"...

For questions and comments please email

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Tamar Epstein's Heter: Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky is becoming a pariah amongst Orthodox Jews

 I was just informed that Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky was recently disinvited from a rabbinic conference in England where he was to be the guest speaker. Major rabbis felt it was inappropriate for him to speak after the revelations about the "heter" that he was involved in. Therefore they withdrew the invitation.

It is clear that the upset about the heter is spreading and will have disasterous consequences for those who were involved in "freeing" Tamar Epstein from marriage without a Get. It is time for the "heter" to be officially withdrawn by those who produced it.

Aseh L'cha Rav - The importances of establishing a Rav for yourself

Aseh L'cha Rav.

I have, and have had, many great Rabbonim as teachers.

My Rabbi growing up was Rabbi Arthur Bogner, z"l a Man of Truth. His sons-in-law had a Yeshiva Ohr Torah D'Brisk where Rabbi Dovid Eidensohn learned as a young man. Rabbi Herzel Kranz Shlita of the Silver Spring  welcomed Aharon Friedman to our Minyan. Only because certain members of the community rioted and seemed poised to close down the Shul is it that Aharon does not Daven here where I am now composing this post.

Many of my Rabbis had opponents and challengers. Rabbi Bogner, at a time when I believe he was the senior Rav on the local Vaad, left the Vaad over a matter of principle. Some local Rabbis opposed Rabbi Kranz building the SSJC.

My advice to young people: research and explore and examine the corrupt Rabbis, and discover the Men of Truth on the opposing side. And then sit in the dust at their feet and hold on with all your heart, soul, and might.

Under the guidance of Rabbi Dovid Eidensohn I am building a Yeshiva here that teaches the Old Fashioned Torah. Young Men and Women, you are invited to join our community and to live a life of complete Torah and Mitzvos.

Joe Orlow
(301) 812-4050

Tamar Epstein Heter: The damage being done to yeshiva and seminary students?

I was recently informed that this topic is of particularly great concern to the young people in the yeshivos and seminaries. Much of what is happening goes against what they have taught about gedolim and Daas Torah. Many of them understandably express shock and simply can't digest it.

I think it would be helpful if some of the new generation wrote guest posts that I could post here. It is important that our leaders realize fully the destruction that has been caused by this corruption of the halacha process and the apparent lack of leadership in resolving it. Please do not include indentifying information. However do include how this crisis has impacted you personally.

Tamar Epstein's Heter: Money can metaher [purify] a mamzer

One of the puzzling questions in the present scandal is why this mess has not been resolved either by 1) simply presenting the obvious facts that the "heter" is based on lies and is a corruption of halacha and is causing adultery and mamzerim or 2) the fact that a wide range of important rabbis have denounced the heter.

This question can be answered with another question - why have so many rabbis remained silent in the face of the clear violation of one of the most severe sins. Of course some of this silence is the results from the hesitancy to publicly criticize some extremely important rabbis and the resulting chilul haShem. But the real answer lies elsewhere  - it is the issue of conflict of interest where rabbis don't want to offend those who provide significant support to their institutions and followers. 

This is not a case of explicit blackmail - but simply an awareness of these leaders that there might be dire consequences for taking a public stand. Thus they leave it to others who are less vulnerable to protest. I have heard of no case where a gvir has stated that he will punish anyone who denounces the "heter". But the fear that it might happen has had a very chilling effect.

A possible example of this influence is the well known benefactor of many Torah causes - Shimmy Glick. He is very close with Rav Steinman and Rav Dovid Cohen - and many others. What is the impact of his son being married to Tamar Epstein's sister? I don't know and I have not heard any claim criticizing him in any way. But I have heard from a number of rabbis that many people - especially in Bnei Brak - have not responded because they are afraid that there might be consequences to the benefits they receive from him. 

I myself attended a meeting with the son of a very important rabbi - who listened to all the charges and read all the letters and concluded that this was truly a terrible matter. But then said there was nothing that could be done and his father would not get involved - end of discussion. I was told by knowledgeable insiders that his father receives significant support from American's who are close with Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky - and therefore the father would not get involved.

In sum, we see this scandal of the  "heter" as not only a chilul haShem but one that has exposed the vulnerability of our leaders to virtual blackmail. It has shown the ability of a small number of very wealthy people to make the rabbis dance to their tune - or at least to ignore clear Torah obligations. As Rav Sternbuch told me - "Money can metaher [purify]a mamzer." [see Kiddushin (71a) and Rashi's comment].

Nechemya Weberman appeal of sentence for sexual abuse - rejected


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tamar Epstein's Heter: This issue will only be resolved if Aharon Friedman files a massive lawsuit against those who have tried to destroy him

It has been convincingly argued that the only way to resolve this crisis is through a lawsuit. In this post I will present the need  for a multimillion dollar suit for defamation against Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky and his son Shalom , Rav Nota Greeenblatt, Tamar and her family, ORA and their halachic advisor Rav Schachter, the Goldfein's, the beis din that issued a phony seruv against Aharon, the Silver Spring community, the anonymous therapist who wrote the report against Aharon and a number of other individuals. There are no lack of lawyers who would like the job and would take it on a contingency basis and who feel that it won't be difficult to win. It is not a problem finding a beis din that will permit the lawsuit.

Probably the only reason that it hasn't happened so far is Aharon Friedman's lack of vindictiveness and  optimism that people will finally understand the injustice that has been done to him. He hopes that he will soon get back his reputation and the greater access to his daughter that he has requested and he will reciprocate by giving Tamar a Get. In short he is a mensch and has no desire for revenge. He also still hasn't lost his faith in the case being resolved in Beis Din. 

However unless the entire Agudah gets involved - it is not going to happen.  I will argue that he will not get his repuation back without a lawsuit to motivate people to change. This post also serves as a wakeup call to those who feel if they stonewall - that the storm will pass eventually. Simply put - time is running out for an alternative solution.

 [to be continued]

Tamar Epstein's Heter: Many rabbis around the world join Rav Moshe Sternbuch's protest

מכון טעם ודעת

רבנים מכל העדות והחוגים בארץ ובארה"ב מצטרפים למחאתו של מרן פוסק הדור
הגר"מ שטרנבוך שליט"א נגד ההיתר שניתן בארה"ב לאשת איש להינשא ללא גט מבעלה  (מצורף מסמכים)
במקביל, בארה"ב הרוחות סוערות, הרב שסידר את הקידושין פרסם מכתב הכחשה על הפרסומים שהוא התיר את הדבר, ויחד עם זאת, רבני התאחדות הרבנים בארה"ב החרימו את הוראותיו והודיעו שאין לסמוך עליו יותר

כזכור, לפני כחודש פורסם דבר ה'היתר' המחודש שניתן לאשה בשם תמר עפשטיין להינשא לשוק בלא גט פיטורין כדין תורה מבעלה הראשון, בטענה חריגה שהקידושין הראשונים התבטלו מדין 'מקח טעות'.

תקופה קצרה לאחר נתינת ההיתר, סידרו לה קידושין בארה"ב עם יהודי בשם 'אדם פליישר', צעד שעורר מיד סערה רבתי בארה"ב.

יצוין כי בתקשורת החילונית מיהרו לקפוץ על ההזדמנות, ובעקבות ההיתר המפוקפק פורסם בסוף השבוע האחרון מאמר שטנה מלא רעל וארס בעיתון מעריב' תחת הכותרת 'אפשר להירגע, הרבנות והרבנים נחלשים'.

כותב המאמר בעיתון 'מעריב' מגיע למסקנה עגומה בעקבות ההיתר שניתן לאשה תמר עפשטיין: "יש כאן חדשות טובות, כל מי שעסוק בבהלה מיותרת מפני הרבנים והרבנות והמי יודע מה שהם יעשו בפעם הבאה, יכול להירגע. הרבנות והרבנים נחלשים. לא מתחזקים", עפ"ל. (מצורף מסמך).

רבנים וגדולי תורה שפרטי המעשה הגיעו לאוזניהם, מיהרו לפרסם קול מחאה והביעו דעתם שלא ישתקו לנוכח נבלה כזאת שנעשתה בישראל בפרהסיה ועלולה להוות מכשול ותקלה חמורה בקדושת ישראל.

בראש החזית במערכה לשמירת גדרי ההלכה, נעמדו בפרץ מרן פוסק הדור הגר"מ שטרנבוך שליט"א, ואתו עמו הגאון הגדול רבי אהרן פלדמן שליט"א חבר מועצת גדולי התורה בארה"ב וראש ישיבת נר ישראל בבולטימור, אשר עושים ומעשים יומם ולילה כדי לבלום את הפרצה הנוראה.

מרן פוסק הדור הגר"מ שטרנבוך שליט"א פרסם מכתב מחאה חריף כנגד ההיתר שניתן בארה"ב, כאשר בתוך דבריו החריפים כתב "אין לי מנוחה שאין שומעים קול מחאה על כבוד ה' ותורתו", ובסיומו הביע דעת תורה ופסק הלכה נחרץ שהאשה תמר עפשטיין היא אשת איש לכל דבר, ובניה מאדם פליישר הם ממזרים לכל דבר, ואסורים לבוא בקהל. (המכתב מצורף).

הגאון הגדול רבי אהרן פלדמן שליט"א מגדולי התורה ומקברניטי היהדות החרדית בארה"ב, מיהר מיד לזעוק ולהתריע כנגד ההיתר, ובמכתב חריף הממוען 'לגדולי התורה וההוראה די בכל אתר ואתר', ביאר הרב פלדמן את פרטי המקרה, וביקש מרבני ישראל לזעוק ולהתריע כנגד ההיתר והפרצה העצומה המהווה תקלה עצומה ביסודות קדושת הדת. (המכתב המלא מצורף).

המכתבים הנחרצים עוררו סערה רבתי בארץ ובעולם, וגררו בעקבותיהם מכתבי מחאה רבנים מרבנים נוספים בארץ ובעולם שהתריעו כנגד ה'היתר' המסוכן.

הגאון הגדול רבי שריאל רוזנברג שליט"א אב"ד בי"ד בני ברק שבראשות מרן הגאב"ד הגר"נ קרליץ שליט"א הצטרף גם הוא לקול המחאה, וכתב "רעדה אחזתני לשמוע כי יש הרוצים להתיר אשת איש לעלמא...דבר זה הוא הריסת הדת ופרצת כל חומות הקדושה והטהרה בכרם בית ישראל". (המכתב מצורף).

גם גדולי הרבנים בארה"ב וקנדה הגאון הגדול רבי שלמה מילר שליט"א ראש הכולל בטורונטו, הגאון הגדול רבי אלי' דב וואכטפוגל שליט"א ראש ישיבת זכרון מנחם סאוט פאלסבורג, והגאון הישיש משה גרין שליט"א ראש ישיבה דמאנסי, חתמו על מכתב חריף כנגד ההיתר "כהיום נתרבו קלי דעת הרוצים להתיר כל העגונות בטענת מזויפות של מקח טעות, והתורה ח"ו נשארה עגונה, ואין מבקש באמת מהו ההלכה עפ"י האמת, ומספיק שיש להם שום רב שהתיר להם ולא איכפת להם אם אמר כהלכה אם לא". (המכתב מצורף)

כמו כן הרבנים הגאונים חברי בד"ץ התאחדות הרבנים דארצות הברית וקנדה יצאו בקול קורא תחת הכותרת "הכזונה יעשה את אחותינו", כאשר את דבריהם הם חותמים בפסק הלכה נחרץ - "אנו מכריזים בכח תורתינו הקדושה, שהאשה תמר אסתר למשפחת עפשטיין אסורה לבעלה ולבועל, ובניה מהבועל יהיו ממזרים, ועל הרבנים שידם במעל מוטל לעשות כל מה שבאפשרותם להפריש האשה מהבועל, ולפרסם ברבים שמכשול נורא יצא מאתם". (המכתב מצורף).

כמו כן גם הרבנים הגאונים חברי בד"ץ "שערי משפט" בירושלים העומדים בפרץ בעניינים אלו, כתבו מכתב חריף בעניין - "כיהודה ועוד לקרא הננו מצטרפים לפסק דינו של מרן הגר"מ שטרנבוך שליט"א, ועמו כל גדולי אמריקה אשר ביררו את הפרטים היטב, שהאשה הזו הינה בחזקת אשת איש ומוכרחת לקבל גט מבעלה הראשון". (המכתב מצורף).

לאחר מספר שבועות, לאחר שבד"ץ העדה החרדית סיימו להתעסק בכל מה שטרד את סדר יומם, התפנו גם הם לעסוק בפרצה זו הנוגעת ליסוד קדושת עם ישראל ופוגעת בעיקרי הדת והאמונה, והצטרפו לקול מחאתו של מרן פוסק הדור הגר"מ שטרנבוך שליט"א, ובמכתב חריף תחת הכותרת "נבלה נעשתה בישראל", כתבו הרבנים הגאונים חברי בד"ץ העדה החרדית "אנו מוחים נמרצות כנגד זה, ומודיעים שאין ההיתר היתר בשום פנים ואופן, אוי לאוזנים שכך שומעות, ואוי לו לדור שכך עלתה בימיו". (קובץ מצורף).

גם הגאון רבי שמואל יהודה ליב לאנדעסמאן שליט"א אב"ד בעיר מאנסי, כתב מכתב ארוך המתפרס ע"פ כעשרה עמודים, והביע חוות דעתו שאין שום יסוד להיתר שניתן בהכרח רק מחמת חסרון ידיעת פרטי המציאות.  

לאור המחאות החריפות בארץ ובעולם, פרסם הרב שסידר חופה וקידושין לאשה תמר עפשטיין בלא גט מבעלה, מכתב התנצלות מסויגת, והכחשה על השמועות לפיהם הוא הרב שנטל על שכמו את ההכרעה בסוגיא זו. "אאשר פה בכתב מה שאמרתי לכמה ת"ח ששאלו, והוא, שאיני מכיר את מר אהרן פרידמן שיחי', או את מרת תמר עפשטיין שתחי', ובוודאי שלא שייך שאדע דבר על נישואיהם, ולא על שום פרט שביניהם אלא שהגאון ר' שלום קמינצקי שליט"א שאל לי כשיש עדות של רופאים מומחים על אחד שהוא חולה רוח שמפריע לנישואים אם שייך לבטל קידושין משום זה, ואמרתי שאם הדבר ברור ובדומה למעשה שבתשובה שבאגר"מ, שייך בתנאים מסוימים". (קובץ מצורף).

במקביל, בית הדין שע"י התאחדות הרבנים השיבו אש במכתב חריף וחריג במיוחד, בו הם כותבים כי היות שהרב שסידר את הקידושין לא הסכים לנקוט בשום פעולה מעשית להפריש את האשה תמר עפשטיין מיד הבועל אדם פליישר, לכן אין לסמוך יותר על הוראותיו בדיני התורה.

"על כן דעתינו דעת תורה שמהיום אין לרנ"ג הנ"ל שום סמכות לדון ולהורות בדיני התורה, וכן לסדר קידושין וגיטין, ואנו פונים לבתי הדין ומסדרי הקידושין, שלא לקבל ולא לסמוך על גיטין שיסודרו על ידו, ועד שלא תיקן את הדבר הרי הוא בכלל חוטא ומחטיא את הרבים, ואם יוולד בנים להזוג, אמרו חז"ל בכגון דא שהוא מעוות לא יוכל לתקון". (קובץ מצורף)

החידוש המעניין שבמכתב, הוא העובדא שהגאון המפורסם רבי יחזקאל רוטה אבד"ק קארלסבורג שליט"א צירף גם הוא את חתימתו למכתב החריף והנדיר, ואף יצא מגדרו והוסיף על המכתב כמה שורות במילים חריפות במיוחד.
בימים אלו עדיין פועלים גדולי התורה בארה"ב בפעילות קדחתנית לגדור את הפרצה הנוראה שנפרצה בארה"ב, וכפי המסתמן, גדולי תורה נוספים בארץ ובארה"ב, יצטרפו ויחתמו אף הם לקול המחאה שאמור לזעזע את אמות הסיפים בארץ ובארה"ב.