I was given permission by the sender to publish this anonymously - unedited - to provide understanding of the other side.
I wanted to thank you being a voice of reason in our current world where, unfortunately, it becomes more popular to align against our Rabbaim than to actually consider the consequences.
A little about me: I am a Talmud of Rabbi Tropper, having learned in his Yeshiva for over 5 years. The Rosh Yeshiva IS a very affectionate person who is very passionate about Torah values, Ahavas Yisroel and Kiruv. The tests on a Kiruv professional’s emunah and character are obvious. It is very, very easy to upkeep high standards living in a large Jewish community. Remove that community to be in a position of constant bombardment from secular values and viewpoints, and anyone can be vulnerable. I’ve heard Rabbaim, working far from such communities in Kiruv, bewail about how they’ve had children who became Korbanos because of it …
However, I have to say that all the collective interactions and experiences I’ve ever had with the Rosh Yeshiva tell me he is absolutely 1000% innocent of all these allegations. He has always maintained his emunah and character. What’s more is that he is a Talmud Chacham, and an uncompromising subscriber to Daas Torah.
I noticed some responses to your blog concluded that, since he stepped down from EJF, he must be guilty. This flaw is noted in the Chofetz Chaim’s Hilchos Loshon Harah in the case of one being defamed in public and remains silent. The din, of course, is that the victim’s silence gives absolutely no basis to conclude that he/she is guilty. Rabbi Tropper simply does not want to make matters worse for himself and his family, and apparently, he has made some very powerful enemies.
As for the alleged audio footage: audio technology nowadays can be edited right up to each millisecond.
It is my hope that those who wish to harm him see their efforts for what they are and do Tseuvah, and that Rabbi Tropper’s name be vindicated.
thank you.