Tuesday, December 15, 2020

William Barr: As The Worst Attorney General

Rav Wolbe (Igros Kodesh #3):

 Rav Wolbe (Igros Kodesh #3): I received your precious letter yesterday and I saw from it that you received my first letter, But I already sent you a second letter by registered mail. So I was sure more or less that you had already received it in the mean time.  regarding your comments to my letter I see you have mixed two issues together – lust and pleasure. In my sefer Alei Shor, I write that matza should be eaten with appetite or else it is considered gluttonous eating (achila gasa), In other words, if there is no hunger there is no appetite and this is not considered eating. Back to our topic, there needs to be lust (taava) and this needs to be aroused. But this has nothing to do with pleasure seeking, in fact the opposite is true since this is done only to fulfill the mitzva and also possibly from kindness that she should have pleasure. But definitely not to do anything for your own pleasure! However it is almost impossible not to have pleasure as I mentioned from one of the chassidic gedolim .All that you find from our Sages and Shulchan Aruch is to negate pleasure seeking! My dear friend please forgive me, but I think you are too eager to express opinions in these matters even though it is still not possible that you can clearly understand them or even that which I am writing to you.  But only while involved in doing it will these things become clear.  Forgive me my friend for not clarifying the views of the Ran and Tur and the other things you mentioned because my intent is not to be involved in a scholarly discussion, but only to clarify those topics about marriage which many, including great scholars are confused. After the wedding you will see that in fact that there is no dispute and both the Ran and the Tur are legitimate and valid views, So after what you have already presented in the first two letters you should focus on the practical. I already said that after the initial preparation i.e. prayer as  stated in the Siddur of Rav Yakov Emden i.e. the prayer of Ramban, you should speak with her words of love and support as indicated by the Ramban, Many young men think that this is not relevant to our generation. And therefore when they are with their wife in bed they are already burning with lust. Therefore it is impossible for them to speak more than about love - about drawing down a great soul or having children that are great and righteous, Their excuse is : “We are not on that spiritual level” I say that they simply don’t care that their children will be ignorant and coarse people and that they only want to satisfy their lust,!! In fact if they only can find the strength in their heart to say to their wife these elevated things, which will penetrate deeply into her heart and make a greater impression than the divrei Torah that they tell her during the Shabbos meal! This is the real sanctity of intercourse! Now lets talk about the actions rather than the words. Kissing and hugging to arouse lust in her. It is important to know that the male is aroused much faster than the female So when the man is burning with lust she has not been aroused at all. So it is with all things connected to intimacy it is necessary to be patient and not rush things but to continue the preliminaries of hugging and kissing until she is also aroused. Look at Rav Emden’s siddur where he gives instruction how to arouse her lust also look at Shabbos(140) where Rav Chisda gives instructions to his daughter. Also look at the Rokeach(Sanctity of seclusion),: All that a man wants to do with his wife he can do in order that he doesn’t look at other women. “ This is the true aspect of sanctity - that all other women in the world are like chickens in his eyes! There is one additional common  error that needs to be mentioned i.e. that only the man is an active participant while the woman is expected to be passive. In fact she also needs to be active. She needs to get accustomed to this that she should not be embarrassed to do to him what she wants. Because she also needs to actively arouse his lust.This is stated in the Zohar and is cited in Reishis Chochmah ‘to be warmed by the holy fire” that means one arouses the other and when he realizes that her lust is aroused then it is time to start intercourse i,e, to insert his penis entirely [ but he should be aware especially in the beginning that the hymen might still be partially present because it is removed slowly and so she might experience pain when he enters. Also be aware that in the effort to push inside he might prematurely ejaculate so the advice is to lubricate it with oil]. Regarding the statement “In the reward of the righteous that they wait on the stomach they will have male children.” That means to delay ejaculation at the end of intercourse in order to greatly increase her lust. This is also described as the woman producing seed first. If in fact intercourse is finished early because of premature ejaculation she is deprived of her prime sexual satisfaction and this can cause her to be upset.

McConnell for the first time recognizes Biden as President-elect


 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for the first time acknowledged Joe Biden's victory and referred to him as President-elect, six weeks after Election Day and amid President Donald Trump's continued refusal to accept defeat.

"The electoral college has spoken," McConnell said in remarks from the Senate floor in the US Capitol, adding, "Today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden."
McConnell's comments are significant given that many Senate Republicans still wouldn't recognize Biden's victory on Monday evening even after the Electoral College made the win official.

NJ: Stop Educational Molestation -- Making Hellenist Legislation Grave Again (revision of 25 Kislev post)


NJ: Stop Educational Molestation  --  Making Hellenist Legislation Grave Again (revision of 25 Kislev post)

Chanukah 5781, Fifth Night (29 Kislev) « 15 Dec., '20 »  Parshas Mikaitz

Urgently Needed: assistance in stopping state-indoctrination of  immorality in NJ schools. A NJ bill, operating number A4454, would require NJ public schools to teach impressionable high-school students lessons on "inclusion" and tolerance of individuals who flaunt their immorality, specifically those sins deemed "abomination" in VaYikra (Lev.) 18:22 and 20:13. Unfortunately, A4454 ("An Act concerning diversity and inclusion instruction in school districts ... ") already passed the Assembly. Last Monday, Dec. 7, it passed out of the Senate Education Committee, despite overwhelming public protest. The battleground for NJ youth has now shifted to the entire NJ Senate, where a full floor vote could potentially come, G-d forbid, very soon - and on outrageously short notice. Therefore, it's imperative for all NJ residents to urge their own state Senator to vote against bill number A4454 (https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2020/Bills/A4500/4454_R1.HTM), as soon as possible.  Please call 609-847-3905 or email LegInfo@NJLeg.org, stating that "we'll be unable to vote for" them if they vote for LGBT indoctrination of high-schoolers.

Thankfully, the entire legislative body in NJ is up for election in '21. We must leverage that, and act on our commitment to vote against offending legislators next year, even if organizations that ostensibly speak for us sell out for financial and political considerations.

°  The average parent needs to understand that is a tyrannical bill. We as Jews have the ability to articulate that message to the broader public. Invariably, children caught expressing any healthy sentiment against perversion would be demonized, humiliated - and even possibly  terrorized - for expressing legitimate objections, G-d forbid. This rigid intolerance of morality and righteous dissent resembles the depraved, antireligious Greek edicts, against which the Chashmonayim fought to the death to eradicate, about 2,200 years ago.

° Furthermore, if we don't take a stand for NJ public school children now, then who will come to our defense when it's "our turn" - when OUR religious institutions have to face the "Tolerance" regime of the Left?  The direct assault against religious institutions is something we've being seeing in N.Y. State, in the subtle subversion of  "Educational Equivalency" Regulations. (See https://firstamendmentactivist.blogspot.com/2020/09/lgbt-indoctrination-v-education.htmlhttps://firstamendmentactivist.blogspot.com/2020/09/making-educational-equivalency-threat.html.)  And if  religious communities DO take a stand for our values - before the Left targets our own institutions directly -  we'll have far more moral clout to protest against state intrusion into religious institutions later on.

We also must not forget about all of the Jewish kids unfortunately attending public schools, including some Orthodox youth as well. We will be judged by our level of concern for them.

°  How to Fight and Win:

This is a battle we can win.  True, this bill has not been stopped - as long as we've been derelict in not properly fighting it. That fact is no reason to buy the lie that this is a losing battle. It's clearly not, if we'd only intelligently engage. When the Orthodox community puts its efforts into a worthy cause for the right reasons, we generally see wonderful surprises.  To dub it a losing battle before beginning to really fight is a line of thinking that - if similarly applied in 1939 - would naturally have resulted in most WWII survivors speaking German today.

° What To Do:

We just need to properly alert the public, in time, that this legislation is not about saving innocent kids. Rather, it is all about *legitimizing* harmful choices, choices to flaunt unhealthy conduct, acts branded by the Torah as "abomination" (VaYikra 18:22, 20:13). 

Q) How bad really is it, from a Torah perspective?

A) Sodomy is the ONLY sin specifically branded "abomination" within the individual enumeration of sins, in VaYikra, Chapter18 (at the end of which all of those acts are branded "abominations"). Accordingly, the act of sodomy rises to the level of an "abomination among  abominations" - the most depraved of them all - as explained by the Maharal on the Gemara Chullin 92b.

It is no wonder then that our Sages exhort us (in the name of Rabbi Yossi) that recognition of same-sex marriages triggered the annihilation of Civilization via the Great Flood (VaYikra Rabbah 23:9, on VaYikra 18:3). This needs some explanation. From a Torah perspective, social recognition of sin, and - how much more so -  legislating sin - is far worse than individual commission of sin.
The Chassam Sofer (d. circa 1840, Pressburg, in "Toras Moshe," Ber. 6:13) explains that societal justification of sin perpetuates that sin, thereby closing the door to the prospect of repentance, leaving society as hopelessly lost. Society recognizing same-sex marriage is perhaps the ultimate vindication of the sin of sodomy (see B'nayahu, Chullin, ibid.) Thus, cause for the destruction of the world.

Consequences: Crime Doesn't Pay:

Our Sages add (ibid.; Tanchuma Ber., end; Bamidbar Rabbah 9:33) that rampant immorality prompts Divine punishment in the form of "Andarlomusia" (loosely translated as "Retribution of Mass- Destruction") - the mass-killing of bad people along with good ones* (something we've experienced a lot since March).

* [It's crucial to explain the flawlessness of Divine Justice here. There is unwavering Justice in every single punishment that G-d delivers. In most cases, good people avoid severe punishment for their sins, out of immense Divine Compassion, providing more than ample time for repentance. However, in extreme circumstances, G-d holds His Compassion back - perhaps because its continuity would result in irreparable harm - allowing Divine Justice a freer reign.]

Q) But How Can We Oppose "Inclusion"?

A) "Inclusion" Of Harmful Sin Encourages It:

To be effective in pushing back against the outbreak of such anti-moral legislation internationally, we must debunk the pervasive myth that "inclusion, welcoming, tolerance" et. al. is per se good, or even innocuous. Inclusion and tolerance are NOT morally neutral.  When specific categories of willful, hazardous conduct are enumerated in legislation [e.g, "sexual orientation," which perforce includes those who flaunt their commission of aforementioned sins with impunity] - then "inclusion" and tolerance et. al. are actually an endorsement by the State of those acts/sins. It's important to emphasize that this endorsement (to an extent, even prior to actual passage) encourages conduct which is physically harmful as well:

"Sell Them 'Liberty' - and Give Them Death:"

°  This pro-LGBT legislation poses a physical threat to youth by encouraging dangerous practices, as evidenced by the CDC itself (https://www.cdc.gov/std/stats18/msm.htm).  Undeniably, LGBT-identifying persons are at grave risk - physically, psychologically, and spiritually - but not from Biblical opponents of the LGBT agenda -- but rather from the very advocates of the LGBT "lifestyle."

Corona vs. STDs:

° The plague of Corona highlights the lethal hypocrisy of the Left. They go to extremes in the name of protecting people from the spread of the Corona. However, when it comes to homosexual acts - known to spread multiple diseases - they're actively proselytizing them to youth. When it comes to promoting the regressive agenda, lives don't matter.

Indoctrination is NOT Education:

° Moreover, this bill goes even further than legitimizing sodomy: it advances state-mandated LGBT indoctrination of high school youth.  

Furthermore, if we learned anything from the recent years of LGBT advocacy, it's that such advocacy encourages youth to experiment with these sins.  Thereby, it's aided and abetted LGBT recruitment of youth (at taxpayer expense, no less).

At the recent virtual Aguda Convention, Rav Aharon Feldman Shlit"a (Yeshivas Ner Yisroel) noted [in his artful demolition of a primary LGBT argument] that encouraging such "perversions" by teaching about LGBT role models is precisely the source of the problem (of reportedly peaking suicide rates of  LGBT identifying youth) - by no means its solution.

Rav Yosef B. Soloveitchik OB"M  refers to the desire by some people to commit a (moral) crime and feel good about it too. {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4Ag-nYSfrk}  Passing A4454 would be far worse, requiring that the schools themselves encourage impressionable high school kids to sin - and feel good about it.

Additionally, this type of legislation  also encourages unbridled shamelessness about these sins. Shamelessness is a character trait that leads to the dissolution of society, inasmuch as in absence of the foundational human trait of shame, brazen theft and discord become rampant. Shamelessness becoming pervasive was another factor in the annihilation of civilization in the Flood (see Chassam Sofer, Droshos, vol. 2, 293a, "Bamidbar," quoted in Toras Moshe ibid., note 4). 

° In summary, we need to put NJ Senators on defense here: *teaching* children tolerance, inclusion and welcoming of sinful acts clearly legitimizes said acts in their eyes, and for society.  State legitimization of such misconduct (1) constitutes an open rebellion against G-d (Rashi Ha'azinu 32:16); (2) runs counter to welcoming, including and tolerating of religious students; (3) is psychologically abusive and medically dangerous for kids; (4) is patently fraudulent - via marketing indoctrination as Education; and (5) thus extends well beyond the educational mandate of the government.

Exposing the LGBT Supremacist Movement:

It appears that the only reason that such legislation passes without much opposition is because it promotes LGBT, rather than other forms of immorality. Would they have the chutzpa to vote for bills explicitly pushing inclusion of flagrant practitioners of bestiality or adultery, even in localities in which they're legal?  So why is LGBT being given a pass?  Is it partly because the underlying agenda is to promote the ancient Greek lie that homosexuality is "the highest form of love (sic)?"

°  It's about time we send a clear, unapologetically direct message to every legislator:

"We encourage and enable the  immoral, destructive, exploitive, and lethal acts that we tolerate, 
'include,' and welcome."

Then and only then can we expect to defeat these inherently antireligious edicts, G-d willing, edicts whose sponsors seem to be channeling the ancient Greeks and their Hellenist enablers.

Wishing the readers an uplifting and fruitful Chanukah, and a Good Chodesh,


by Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter, Executive Director, Help Rescue Our Children, Combating sexual abuse and exploitation in the U.S. and abroad

US: 845.642.1679

Israeli Hotline: 03.721.3337

recent posts on this topic:

Supreme Court rejects Malka Leifer's appeal against extradition


 The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by Malka Leifer against her extradition to Australia, where she is wanted on 74 counts of sexual abuse.

The decision means that Leifer's extradition is all but certain.

Republicans Backing Trump Fraud Claims Even As Biden Wins Electoral College


 With the Electoral College cementing Biden’s victory, some conservatives sympathetic to Trump are giving him some tough advice.

Wall Street Journal editorial page: “President Trump’s legal challenges have run their course, and he and the rest of the Republican Party can help the country and themselves by acknowledging the result and moving on.”

 Longtime Trump ally Chris Christie on ABC: “The legal theory put forward by his legal team and by the president is an absurdity. And the reason why the Supreme Court didn’t take it is because it’s an absurd idea to think that any state, or any number of states, no matter how good they are, can challenge another state’s right to run the election as they see fit. And also there’s no evidence.”

Fox commentator and former Bush White House official Karl Rove: “I think in the long run he’s not helping himself or the country. America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers and he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser, and probably will look like it after January 6th.”

 But I disagree on this point. If tens of millions of Republicans believe Joe Biden is an illegitimate president--Trump actually used that phrase--it could well damage his administration. And at a deeper level, if much of one political party believes an election is being stolen--and next time it could be the Democrats--that seriously damages democracy.

Trump’s latest risky deal in the Middle East


Even by his standards US president Donald Trump’s latest “peace” deal is among the strangest his administration has struck. In exchange for Morocco normalising diplomatic relations with Israel, the US will recognise Rabat’s claim to the disputed Western Sahara territory. In this quid-pro-quo arrangement are all the hallmarks of Mr Trump’s leadership style: an attempt to gratify his ego, the love for a deal whatever the long-term costs and an indifference to the damage the approach causes. 

Trump faces bipartisan, international pushback on Western Sahara recognition


President Trump’s decision to recognize Morocco's sovereignty over the contested territory of Western Sahara in exchange for the nation resuming ties with Israel is coming up against bipartisan and international pushback.

While welcoming the increasing number of countries normalizing relations with Israel, critics are concerned these deals are coming with a quid pro quo of large weapons sales and a disregard for human rights.

They also slam the president for throwing out decades of multilateral mediation and legitimizing forceful land grabs in violation of international law.

GOP senators still won't acknowledge Biden's win as some begin to recognize reality


 A bevy of Senate Republicans, after refusing for weeks to acknowledge Joe Biden's victory in the presidential race, still wouldn't do so Monday evening even after the Electoral College made the win official.

"I'm not going to comment on that," said Sen. Jim Inhofe, a veteran Republican from Oklahoma.
"I don't have anything for you on that," said Sen. John Kennedy, a Louisiana Republican.
Tennessee's GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn added: "We're going to be watching it, thanks."
The comments were the latest sign of how President Donald Trump, even in defeat, holds enormous sway over his party, to the point where many refuse to publicly accept electoral reality or raise any concerns as the President continues to undermine the integrity of US democracy by lying that the election was rigged and stolen from him.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy both have yet to acknowledge Biden's victory -- and McConnell ignored questions about the topic in the Senate on Monday. Others also sidestepped the question.

Michigan election officials slam report on votes in Antrim County


Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel issued a joint statement calling the report "another in a long stream of misguided, vague and dubious assertions designed to erode public confidence in the November presidential election."

"If the Trump campaign had any actual evidence of wrongdoing – or genuine suspicion thereof – they could have requested a hand recount of every ballot in the state," Benson said in a Monday statement. "They did not, instead choosing to allow shadowy organizations claiming expertise to throw around baseless claims of fraud in an effort to mislead American voters and undermine the integrity of the election."

But Trump, who lost Michigan by 154,000 votes, tweeted that the report showed "massive fraud." The report came from an organization called Allied Security Operations Group, which has previously made false claims about Michigan's election.

The group previously claimed there were six precincts with more than 120% turnout in the state's election. But its data was incorrect, according to publicly available turnout numbers.

Dominion voting machines didn't delete votes from Trump, switch them to Biden


A national coalition announced Thursday that there is no evidence that any voting software deleted or changed votes in last week's election, per USA TODAY.

In fact, the security group — which includes the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the National Association of State Election Directors — described the election as "the most secure in American history."

"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised," the coalition concluded.

Joe Biden says 'time to turn the page' after victory confirmed


In a speech after the announcement, he said the US democracy had been "pushed, tested and threatened" and "proved to be resilient, true and strong".

He condemned President Trump's attempts to overturn the result and said the "will of the people prevailed".

The confirmation was one of the steps required for Mr Biden to take office.

Under the US system, voters actually cast their ballots for "electors", who in turn, formally vote for candidates weeks after the election. Democrat Joe Biden won November's contest with 306 electoral college votes to Republican Donald Trump's 232.

President Trump, who shows no sign of accepting the result, has not commented. Shortly after the electoral college's vote, he announced on Twitter the departure of Attorney General William Barr, who had said there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the election, despite the president's claims.

Attorney General William Barr resigns


 Attorney General William Barr on Monday said he would resign next week, ending a tenure in which the President Donald Trump loyalist carried the administration's "law and order" message but ultimately dealt the most credible blow to Trump's unfounded claims that the 2020 election was littered with fraud.

His departure was announced by the President on Twitter moments after counting in the Electoral College put President-elect Joe Biden over the 270 votes needed to formally secure the presidency.
Despite escalating tensions between Trump and Barr that had burst recently into public view, the President framed Barr's departure as amicable.

Monday, December 14, 2020

How the Conservative Legal Movement Stopped Trump’s Attempts to Overturn the Election


To put this plainly, not one justice was willing to overturn the presidential election. Each of Trump’s three judicial appointees rejected the case. And with this single act, the Supreme Court dramatically exposed a fascinating division within the conservative movement. Time and again, elected officials supported quixotic and frivolous judicial challenges to the outcome (for example, Senator Ted Cruz even offered to argue election challenges at the Supreme Court) or remained silent. At the same time, the conservative legal movement—especially its members of the judicial branch—crushed Trump’s fever dream of an improbable second term.