Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Republicans Backing Trump Fraud Claims Even As Biden Wins Electoral College


 With the Electoral College cementing Biden’s victory, some conservatives sympathetic to Trump are giving him some tough advice.

Wall Street Journal editorial page: “President Trump’s legal challenges have run their course, and he and the rest of the Republican Party can help the country and themselves by acknowledging the result and moving on.”

 Longtime Trump ally Chris Christie on ABC: “The legal theory put forward by his legal team and by the president is an absurdity. And the reason why the Supreme Court didn’t take it is because it’s an absurd idea to think that any state, or any number of states, no matter how good they are, can challenge another state’s right to run the election as they see fit. And also there’s no evidence.”

Fox commentator and former Bush White House official Karl Rove: “I think in the long run he’s not helping himself or the country. America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers and he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser, and probably will look like it after January 6th.”

 But I disagree on this point. If tens of millions of Republicans believe Joe Biden is an illegitimate president--Trump actually used that phrase--it could well damage his administration. And at a deeper level, if much of one political party believes an election is being stolen--and next time it could be the Democrats--that seriously damages democracy.

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