Friday, March 21, 2025

Greatest sin?

 I have been reviewing the latest concerns - suicide adultery poverty shidduchim, chillul hahem, chillul Shabbos, idolatry, murder, stealing and the obvious question is why are certain sins and problems ignored? 

It was recently suggested that the unwillingness to protest blatant problems has a clear answer - my blog and its questioning of the judgment of gedolim and other fundamental violations of how a true Jew is to behave.  There are people who will not complain about serious Torah violations if I am. It is inappropriate for them to obey G-d as long as I  have been supportive. 

1 comment :

  1. Huh? You speak the truth as you understand it (even if you''re twisted by TDS). Don't stop doing that. Demagogues demand silence to perpetuate their rule.
    I think the biggest problem is this: Imagine your house in on fire but you're worried about how the furniture is arranged in the living room.
    Israel is in grave trouble no matter how upbeat the official speakers make it seem. World jewry is in even graver trouble as Jew hatred returns to 1930's levels. All these other concerns are secondary.


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