Monday, February 17, 2025

Dressing under the Blanket in the Morning

Igros Moshe (YD III #47.3) Getting dressed in the morning under the blanket because of the laws of modesty regarding uncovering places on the body which are normally covered and the Mishna Berura says that even is for putting on stockings. He also says there are differences between places and similarly it is obviously there are differences based on time. That means that a place of the body which used to be covered but is now typically uncovered it is to be described as a place that is typically revealed  We are not saying that  the way people dress in public should be that way they dress in the privacy of his house  even though this distinction is found universally. Rather we are concerned only with those parts of the body that are normally covered even in the house. Therefore only the clothing that cover these normally concealed places need to be dressed under the blanket because the glory of Heaven fills the whole world. .  Furthermore these typically uncovered places need to be covered only during prayers and they need to be not only covered but covered with respectful clothing such as worn in the presence of distinguished people even though it is true that every moment even when not praying you are standing before G-d. In fact when not praying it is not required to cover those places with articles of clothing but anything which covers. That is because dress is not objective reality but depends on the person as we see there are wide differences in dress between places and times.  The main thing with clothing is that it cover the body and not because it protects from cold or heat. The basic concern is that it is considered disgraceful for certain places to be uncovered even when he sits in the privacy of his home during the day. In fact if he doesn’t consider it degrading to sit that way in his home by definition it is not viewed as degrading and thus he can sit in his house that way without covering on those places.

If there is a problem caused by having to get dressed under the blanket such as it taking a lot of time and it interferes with his need to go to work and surely if it causes loss of Torah study time and similarly  women  who are very particular to dress properly and this can not be done properly under a blanket  What is the alternative? For those who sleep in pajamas I would advise them to  undress and put them on in the bathroom, since in America it is a place where people stand naked for a shower or bath and thus is better than  the toilet. Thus using the bathroom there is no problem being there naked while changing clothing and this is also considered a need like taking a shower . This is also true for a bathhouse or mikve or toilet since there is no issue of being uncovered  However this is because there is an actual need it is permitted in these places where there is not a concern for dignity and respect.  The bathroom is preferable to a toilet. This leniency can be utilized since the issue of modesty is not an actual prohibition but proper conduct and desirable behavior. 

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