Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Kabbala vs. Halacha


Ribbi Hayim Benveniste in Kenesset HaGedola[11], cited by the Mishna Berura[12], issues a detailed guideline as to when we follow the opinion of the Mekubalim and when we follow the opinion of the Poskim:

Regarding any matter that there is a dispute between the Mekubalim and the Zohar and the Gemara and Poskim, we must follow the Gemara and the Poskim. If the Mekubalim assume a stricter position, we must be strict as well. If the matter is not mentioned in the Gemara and Poskim, even if it is mentioned in the [writings of] Kabbala, we cannot enforce the Kabbala’s position. If the Halacha is not contradicted in the Talmud or Poskim, we must follow the Kabbala. Similarly, if there is a dispute among the Poskim, the Kabbala will decide”

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