Friday, August 16, 2024

Trump’s fury over Harris’ switch with Biden is increasingly driving his campaign

“Donald Trump is not the Donald Trump of 2016, he seemed slowed down, he seems meandering, he seems low energy and he really is struggling to make a point,” said former Trump White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin, who broke with the ex-president after he refused to accept his defeat in 2020. “He is somebody who is not performing at the caliber he once was and that might have worked when he was up against Joe Biden — the contrast did make him appear at times stronger and more vibrant. It’s not working against Kamala Harris who is the younger candidate and the one with more energy,” she said on CNN’s “AC360.”

1 comment :

  1. Oh please.
    Back in 1992, Time published interviews with both Bush I and Clinton during the presidential campaign. The pictures in the Clinton article showed him jogging, smiling, looking great and the highlights of the article emphasized his energy and drive. The pictures in the Bush I article showed him with his eys closed or looking down like he was taking a nap and the highlights emphasized how tired he looked.
    Total bovine faeces. Time wanted to portray their perferred candidate as amazing and his opponent as a tired old man unfit for the job.
    And the press is doing the same now. Harris can ramble incoherently to a mostly empty stadium and the headline will be "Brilliant speech to a capacity crowd!" Trump can speak clearly about issues and it'll be "Trump is mumbling and sounds demented"
    Again: Trump supports Israel. Harris supports Hamas. You support Harris. Gut Shabbos and think about it.


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