Monday, August 12, 2024

Re: Trump's Betrayal of Profamily Agenda & Supporters


Aug. 11. '24

My point is that we DO ACTUALLY HAVE A choice - right now. We can still decide about whether or not we render Trump even worse than he'd be without his base enabling his leftward plunge.

By continuing to pledge Trump support, money and votes, and by confirming Trump's perception that his conservative base is a herd of useful idiots - who will encourage him as he continues to betray them - we ourselves thereby render Trump even worse - ie., we render the Lesser Evil even more "Evil" - and less of a "Lesser"...

Rational consideration would mandate that we ought to loudly protest his betrayals on morality issues -- and condition any assistance to Trump, while he still needs us, on meaningful shifts in his morality policy and personnel, specifically on LGB issues.

And, at best, his Ever-Trumper Amen-Chorus ought to just remain silent, if they can't bring themselves to actually do anything productive. Right now, their self-adulatory hot air isn't convincing many of the fence-sitters, but it is encouraging Trump to disregard fears from his right flank.

Most of the pro-Trump ululations by (formerly) rightwing desperates do nothing -- but egg Trump on - ever leftward.

When we collectively grasp that obvious fact, we'll have some hope of gaining traction.

Rabbi Leiter

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