Friday, May 31, 2024

Trump Found Guilty in New York Trial. It's Not Enough |

Trump's conviction is something to be proud of because it affirms a fundamental American value—no one in this country is above the law. Trump seems to have lived his life thinking that the rules constraining ordinary mortals don't apply to him. His life has been soaked with scandals from which he, until recently, has walked away.

He has repeatedly been accused of cheating contractors, students at his unaccredited Trump University, donors to his charity, the Internal Revenue Service, and campaign donors. The public has watched as he made his way through serial failed enterprises to find genuine success on reality TV and to win the presidency. He was then accused of abusing that office in numerous ways ranging from subsidizing his hotels with government and foreign funds to advertising his wife's jewelry line on the White House website.


  1. No one is above the law?
    Tell that to serial rapist Bill Clinton.
    Tell that to all the criminals who strike plea deal and walk free.
    Tell that the shoplifters who aren't even charged anymore.
    No one is above the law? Plenty of people are - if they're rich and can afford a great lawyer, if they have connections to the judge in the case, if they're the right kind of "designated victim group" that DIE feels sorry for, lots of people are above the law.
    This is just like back in Europe where a bunch of thieves are caught, only the Jewish ones are sent to jail and the newspaper reports: Justice done!

    1. Trumps conviction is the equivalent of going after someone for going 10 mph over on the highway. Is it illegal, yes. Would you have been impeding traffic if u did not, yes. Inequitable application of justice is also injustice.

    2. Conrad Black has written on the corrupt state of US justice because of his experiences, again being harshly punished for a minor crime because it was politically expedient to do so.
      As I've told DT over and over, this isn't a team sport. The entire system is corrupt. Stop taking sides when each side is terrible.

    3. Are u suggesting that we don't vote or lobby?

    4. your generalization is absurd


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