Monday, May 20, 2024

Biden has fought a pandemic before. It did not go smoothly.

It was April 2009 and the 3-month-old Obama administration was desperately grappling with the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression when homeland security adviser John Brennan arrived at the Oval Office to warn the president and Vice President Joe Biden of a new crisis: H1N1, the swine flu virus, was showing signs of rapid spread in Mexico, while cases were popping up in California and Texas.

Brennan pointed out that the Spanish flu — the deadliest pandemic in U.S. history — was an H1N1 strain. “It made their eyebrows go up,” Brennan says now, recalling Biden’s reaction in particular.


  1. Oh I remember that one. Not much of a pandemic. The vaccine showed up almost immediately and it was over.
    What I remember best was certain Chareidi papers and a certain Chareidi minister refusing to call it Swine Flu because apparently saying "swine" is assur.

    1. On an unrelated topic, what's ur take on Robert Kennedy and his implied attribution of Covid on China and Jews (stating that Chinese and Jews strangely have low casualty numbers relative to the white population).

    2. If you go to the Real Clear Politics website and look at the national polls, you see that Biden and Trump are running neck and neck in the popular vote. Yes, I know that doesn't matter because it's all electoral college but bottom line: if you look at those two, the country is split 50-50.
      Now, add in RFKJr and it swings dramatically. He sucks a bunch of the votes from Biden and hands Trump a nice margin.
      I suspect that if he makes it to the finish line, he'll do to Biden what Ross Perot did to Bush I.


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