Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Airstrike shrapnel hitting fuel tank likely caused Rafah fire - US official


Initial information suggests that the fire that broke in Rafah following the airstrike targeting two Hamas senior members on Sunday most likely occurred as a result of shrapnel hitting and igniting a fuel tank in the vicinity of the attack, ABC News reported on Monday, citing a US official.


  1. Hamas has figured out that even if they fire grenades at their own people in broad daylight, people will accept "The Israelis did it!" without questioning.
    My favourite is the stuff out of the encampment at University of Toronto where some idiot "AsAJews" have taken up residence with the Hamas supporters and call any criticism of their hateful attacks on Israel anti-Semitism.

  2. The only way I can digest the insanity is with the understanding that Godless individuals lack a purpose in life and are therefore irrationally drawn to extreme ideas to fill their void.

    1. Rav Steinsaltz, zt"l, has an article on faith in which he points out that everyone has faith. It's a natural thing for a human being. Those who believe in God have faith that He's there. Those who don't have faith that He's not (chalilah). But ultimately it's faith.
      When the Enlightment pushed back against the Church in Europe, belief in science replaced it. Then fascism and communism. When traditional religion retreated in North America, it was replaced by secular liberalism. But the bottom line is: it's religion.

    2. Faith is not identical with religion!

    3. Faith is the bedrock of religon. Religion is the serious of beliefs, behaviours and rituals that come out of that faith.

    4. The irrationality of most of these protestors can best be described as a religion (of whatever the cause), no?

    5. Are you claiming irrationality as an inherent quality of religion?~

    6. Faith in something doesn't mean of necessity religion

    7. To an extent, any religion is irrational. You pledge allegiance to a deity you can't see, whose never spoken with you or given you any proof of existence and you adjust your values and behaviours to accomodate it. Without any solid proof.


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