Friday, March 15, 2024

Outrage as Los Angeles synagogue hosting Muslim group covers up hostage posters

The Conservative synagogue in Los Angeles, HAMAKOM(formerly Temple Aliyah), which also operates a community center, school and kindergarten, rented out its premises to a local Muslim organization, the Islamic Society of West Valley (ISWV), for a Ramadan event, and ordered the hostages' posters to be covered.

"The fact that they felt the need to hide posters of hostages to make terrorists and their supporters feel more what? Comfortable? says it all. They want to bow down to those who hate us instead of standing up loud and proud in support and defense of Israel," a local community member told Ynet.


  1. First, remember the Reformatives believe in Wokism and in Wokism, Muslims are at the top of the victim heap. So no, we can't offend them!
    And then there's sensitivity. I recall Rav Slifkin talking about how, when his Biblical museum hosts Chareidi groups, they hide exhibits that might offend them. So it's not an unknown thing.

    1. And hareidi magazines, hide photos of women, and dinosaurs..

    2. Yes, but in that case, it's the community doing it for the community. This is outsiders trying to appease the sensitivities of a different community, in the American case, Jews trying not to offend people who sympathize with Jew-murderers.


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