Friday, December 16, 2022

Democrats more likely than Republicans to see antisemitism in the US as a serious problem

 Democrats more likely than Republicans to see antisemitism in the US as a serious problem

A national survey found that Democrats are twice as likely as Republicans to believe that prejudice against Jews is a serious problem in the US and that antisemitism poses a growing threat to Jews.

The divide between Republicans and Democrats in the Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday tracks with previous polling — but it also comes after weeks of antisemitic invective from the rapper and designer Kanye West, who now identifies as a Christian conservative and who has courted Republicans.

It also comes after former President Donald Trump, a Republican, dined with West, who is now known as Ye, and Nick Fuentes, a prominent Holocaust denier, and after multiple government and nonprofit groups have reported spikes in reported attacks on Jews.


  1. Hah! And I repeat: Hah!
    Truth is that while Democrats might be more likely than Republicans to see antisemitism as a problem, Democrats are more likely than Republicans to actually be anti-Semites.

  2. Wow now I see where you get your opinions!

  3. But Pinknews is a heimischer source!

  4. The difference between right and left is honesty. The extreme right state that they hate Jews. They're honest. The left? Oh, we like Jews. Some of our best friends are Jews. Just condemn Israel and abandon all Jewish values and you can be our friend too!

  5. no, obviously for those who rely on it

  6. so you like your anti semitism from ehrliche Jew haters and not from those who feel conflicted or guilty about it?!

  7. So you only go to a doctor or lawyer or scientist who is frum?!

  8. If there is a choice, I would avoid feiglach. Their general behaviour is also somewhat distorted.

  9. And if they are the only available source you would use it?
    So you prefer unbiased sources such as Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Fox News, Yated

  10. and how did you determine that this one source is telling the truth? Did you use goral ha Gra? Or goral de Haan?

  11. Wow so you are the only one who can determine truth?!

  12. They don't feel conflicted or guilty. They are simply devious in order to preserve their sense of moral righteouness.

  13. If you can determine truth, then why do you need to bring a "source " ? Just print a pashkevil


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