Saturday, July 2, 2022

Trump Fails At Everything. So Why Does He Always End Up On Top?

Until recently casinos were illegal in almost every state because it was considered unfair to run an institution that parted people with their money so easily. But when Donald Trump launched one of his own he somehow managed to run it into the ground. Yet in his campaign for president one of his biggest selling points was that he was a business genius.


The perception Trump has managed to create around himself is vastly at odds with the cold realities of his track record. After a few early high-profile real estate wins that were largely funded by his family fortune, Trump’s business flops significantly outnumbered his successes. Trump Steak. Trump Airlines. Trump Vodka. Trump Mortgage. Trump Magazine. Trump University. All were debacles—characterized by disappointed customers, stiffed vendors, and confusion on the part of virtually everyone involved.

1 comment :

  1. Is he or isn't he a multi-millionaire? It takes sechel to hold onto your money.


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