Monday, November 1, 2021

Vizhnitz bans single young men from weddings

 Single young men from the Vizhnitz hasidic sect may no longer participate in community weddings, their rebbe (hasidic leader) said, according to Kikar Hashabbat.

According to Kikar Hashabbat, the instruction follows a speech by the Vizhnitzer Rebbe on Shabbat (Saturday), in which he said that, "Everyone is familiar with the history of Vizhnitz over the past seventy years, when during the time that the Vizhnitz neighborhood was built in Bnei Brak, a situation was created in which everyone knew everyone else, and therefore everyone participated in the weddings as one family."

He also said that when his father, the "Yeshuot Moshe," Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager, became rebbe, he instructed that single young men not participate in weddings, since there are enough people who come to make the couple happy.


  1. I've said it before: the minute human parthenogenesis is perfected, the "Gedolim" will outlaw sex to ensure that only males can be reproduced.

  2. from Chairman Mao's bok? Or from IngSoc?

  3. No, just imagine someone comes to the "Gedolim" and says "Look, there's a new way to make babies. We can take cells from a man and produce another man from it. As many as we want! We never have to have another woman again! We can take family photos and not have to pay the guy to photoshop the women out!"

  4. Chassidim might accept it. Not misnagdim.

  5. In that long standing battle the Chasidim won. Look at all the areas of difference between the two and you find them fading away. Chasidim have their rebbes, Misnaghim have their gedolim. Uniformity in clothing, speech, rituals, the same on both sides. If the Chasidim come up with a way to eliminate females, the Misnagdim will adopt it for fear of being labelled as impure for using the old way to reproduce.

  6. in any case, your theory is unreal.
    They don't listen to each other anyway but these extreme measures will have unintended consequences.
    It could be more otd and shababniks. It could be a rise in homosexuality. Or violence.
    Just look at ponovezh today, which 25 years ago was the most orthodox place and only orthodox opinion in town. Today it is a churban. Eichah, how the place of learning is now a place of gratuitous violence.

  7. Now Rackman is a prophet!?
    No Chareidi society is not falling apart and nobody is disintegrating into chaos. Ponovitch is not a churban. Also the sky is not falling.
    Reminds me of the my early days in Israel when people told me I was brave/crazy living in Israel because everybody was being killef by Arab Terrorists and similarly that Jerusalem was the most dangerous place in the world - even though my young children traveled the city any time day and night much safer than they were in New York

  8. There’s nothing "dirty" about marital relations.

    God commanded mankind, "Be fruitful and multiply", and He didn't require them to use only a turkey baster.

  9. just look at these animals

  10. look at these dogs

    like Rav Edelstein says, Jews do not put gezeiros on other Jews. If it were soldiers or chilonim, beating up Yeshiva boys, then you would be in uproar.

  11. use of tear gas in the yeshiva, against other talmidim.

    the place is finished, it is no longer a functioning yeshiva

  12. "No Chareidi society is not falling apart and nobody is disintegrating into chaos."

    Yet many of your posts tell the story of various sectors of that society falling into chaos and antinomian, anti-halachic behavior.

  13. in the 70s, Bar Ilan University proposed to set up a modern Yeshiva on their university campus, so that people could learn talmud along with their university studies. The Chareidim did not take well to this, and rehashed their pashkevils that they used against Rav Goren, but now attacking the yeshiva at bar ilan, becasue the idea of "modern" is an attack on the traditional yeshivos.

    So this is the kind of "traditional Yeshiva" which was headed by one of the signatories against Bar Ilan:

  14. that is your spin on the stories.
    In fact the institution you claim are in chaos are actually thriving

  15. No. They may still be inflating their income to cover their student costs. But these regular "events " erode away any moral authority they used to hold.
    Your comments remind me of the berland sect apologists, who still maintain his "gadlus"


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