Friday, November 5, 2021

The Vilification of George Soros In Israel

 There are many reasons why Soros is vilified in Israel, and one of them is clearly the liberal focus of his philanthropy. Largely through his charitable organization, the OSF, Soros gives nearly $1 billion a year to organizations worldwide that support democracy and civil society. Only a tiny fraction of this annual largesse goes to Israel: From 2006 to 2016, OSF gave an average of around $3 million a year, an amount that pales in comparison to funds provided by other American mega-donors.


  1. The liberal focus of his philanthropy is to groups that want to destroy Israel. Funny how that gets left out.

  2. Netanyahu is not a tzaddik, and comes out with more rubbish even than soros.
    Bibi once idiotically said that Hitler didn't want to kill the jews, only when
    Al husseini told him to did he get the idea.
    But then again. He could have been reading that daas Torah piece by rav hutner in the "Jewish " observer.

  3. So when intermarried go to EJF or other group to convert their spouse, they are shaagetz. But when they fund communism, anti-Zionism, they are suddenly Tzaddikim?

  4. please stop making nonsense comments!
    No one has said Soros is a tzsadik

  5. cant stay on topic !
    With you it always comes down to an insult to chareidim.

  6. nope, not nonsense at all - you fail to see your own inconsistency-
    when it comes to regular chilonim/apikorsim/intermarried Jews, then you remove the chazakah of kashrus, and possibly hold that we are to be moridin v'lo maalin.
    when it comes to those who align with your political views, then you spend a lot of energy defending them.

    Do you ever defend reform, or women of the wall, or LGBTQXYZ?

  7. the uptick I have given you is not to suggest I agree with you, but just for the entertainment value you provide sometimes

  8. Clickbait-y video title aside, when I watch this video I start to understand the "philanthropy" that Soros gives to fund evil leftwing causes and Israel's enemies. No regret and no guilt, even back then. Have you ever seen another holocaust account like this?

  9. OK, I will try to focus more on textual contexts, rather than come across as attacking any particular viewpoint.

  10. Are you claiming i am slandering those i disagree with or are you simply saying I don't defend the people you like to vilify like Berland
    Or are you claiming I should not present information about perverts
    Who do you think are being unfairly portrayed on this blog?
    Soros is a clear case of slander. Not aware of another but you claim to know so who are they?
    The issue is honesty in reporting.

  11. So that justifies slandering him since you don't like his politics?!

  12. Honesty in reporting is fine.
    I'm not pointing to the perverts, they are and should be exposed, yashar koach.

    I'm talking about a regular, secular / intermarried Jew, whether in America or Israel. Or even someone like Bennett.
    Perhaps you could argue Bennett is harming the yeshiva world, so he is fair game.
    People like Kissinger, soros - who are very great intellects, but also secular and intermarried. But they are no different to Hollywood actors who are 80-90% intermarried.

    Berland is in a different category - he knew Torah, and was entrusted to pass it on, but chose to do its opposite. So very hard to defend him.

    My original point was ejf _ or other mass conversions of intermarried. I just think we need to see a consistent message about them. Are they posul, or do we have any obligation towards them as fellow jews?
    Regarding soros, there are different accusations made against him. I never made Nazi accusations, as I have not seen credible evidence. That he supports Palestinian rights more than Israeli rights is rather well known.

  13. No, it justifies slandering him because if he has his way, you're going to need to find another country to live in, assuming his allies don't catch you on the way to the airport.

  14. Why is it slander to point out his politics and what he's involved in?
    Again, he is proud of his work. There is no reason to pretend he isn't involved in what he's doing.

  15. Why was my post removed? It was literally a video of Soros being interviewed.
    If his comments are objectionable, that's on him, not me.

  16. No the title was a major distortion of truth!
    If you have a less biased copy will be glad to post it

  17. Slander or whatever, is one thing.
    Saying attacking him verbally for his positions is a antisemitic (per ADL, others) is something else.

  18. I literally pointed out that the title was click bait-y in my comment. The point was to watch the video, not to stare at the title of the video.

  19. You first insisted criticism of Soros at all was an antisemitic act. Multiple people replied by pointing out his organizations and actions are deserving of criticism and it has nothing to do with spreading hate against the Jewish people. (In fact, he and his causes damage the Jewish people). Are you now saying that you deny well known information about Soros, his activism, and the projects he funds, that is well-known, well-publicized, and readily available in the public domain? And this whole thing was based on ignorance because you didn't realize there could possibly something to criticize about this person's activities other than the fact that he is Jewish and rich? Is that what you're suggesting?
    I am not going to reinvent the wheel and post easily obtained information for you. And we both know that if I did, you would dismiss the info as coming from "unreliable sources," even from primary sources, as you've done on countless occasions to dismiss information that goes against your stance. I'm tired of these games.

  20. You have a reading comprehension problem

  21. it wasnt just the titlw - there were derogatory captions added

  22. What derogatory captions??????? Care to supply proof to your claims? I watched the whole video and there was no "derogatory caption" in the entire video. By definition, a caption transcribes what is said in the interview.


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