Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The claim: Almost 45,000 people who got the COVID-19 vaccinations died in 72 hours


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the agency tasked with tracking and preventing outbreaks, has not reported 45,000 vaccine-related deaths on any of its reporting systems.

Martha Sharan, a spokesperson for the agency’s vaccine task force, told USA TODAY the claim that 45,000 died has no merit.


  1. This is an outright lie but people also tell smaller lies like "I know a guy who got his shots and then had a heart attack." That's just basic statistics - if you take 10 million people and follow them for a month, hundreds of them will have heart attacks. Take the same 10 million and give them a shot at the beginning of the month and those hundreds of heart attacks will suddenly be blamed on that.

  2. The antivaxers keep upping the ante on their lies. First they claimed that 5000 people died from the vaccine based on VAERS (which records all deaths and almost all of them probably had nothing to do with the vaccine since if you vaccinate the entire elderly population rapidly, obviously the normal population death rate is going to persist as it always would have whether you gave them a vaccine shot, a sugar pill, or nothing at all. Some elderly people die every month).
    Then they started claiming that VAERS is 5x underreported, so therefore 45,000 must have died in that period! Where are the bodies and missing people? No one can really answer that question.


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