Thursday, September 9, 2021

After 9/11, the U.S. Got Almost Everything Wrong

 A mission to rid the world of “terror” and “evil” led America in tragic directions.

 At the time, some commentators politely noted the danger of tilting at such nebulous concepts, but a stunned American public appeared to crave a bold response imbued with a higher purpose. As the journalist Robert Draper writes in To Start a War, his new history of the Bush administration’s lies, obfuscations, and self-delusions that led from Afghanistan into Iraq, “In the after-shocks of 9/11, a reeling America found itself steadied by blunt-talking alpha males whose unflappable, crinkly-eyed certitude seemed the only antidote to nationwide panic.”


  1. Given enough time, liberal historians can destroy real history and replace it with their version of it.
    Kids today are taught that Ronald Reagan was a terrible president

  2. Hmmmm, sees Biden told a big lie about the Jewish community and so far I've not seen anything from you about it

  3. Do you have the story from a more objective source?

  4. “After 9/11, the U.S. Got Almost Everything Wrong” Mordecai Kedar claims that what the US got wrong was that in Afghan---all tribalism with different languages and long history of warfare tribe to tribe, as in Iran, Iraq, Syria etc.

    Torah thought on this week’s parsha האזנו that relates. “Do you thus requite the Lord, O dull and witless people? Is not He the Father who created you, Fashioned you and made you endure!” (Deuteronomy 32:6)
    דברים ל"ב ו'
    הֲ לַיְקֹוָק תִּגְמְלוּ זֹאת עַם נָבָל וְלֹא חָכָם הֲלוֹא הוּא אָבִיךָ קָּנֶךָ הוּא עָשְׂךָ וַיְכֹנְנֶךָ:
    הלה' תגמלו זאת - לשון תימה, וכי לפניו אתם מעציבין, שיש בידו ליפרע מכם ושהטיב לכם בכל הטובות:
    עם נבל - ששכחו את העשוי להם:
    ולא חכם - להבין את הנולדות שיש בידו להטיב ולהרע:
    הלא הוא אביך קנך - שקנאךת שקננךא בקן הסלעים ובארץ חזקה, שתקנך בכל מיני תקנה:
    הוא עשך - אומה באומות:
    ויכננך - אחרי כן בכל מיני בסיס וכן. מכם כהנים מכם נביאים ומכם מלכים כרך שהכל תלוי בו:
    Chullin 56b
    “ It was taught: R. Meir used to expound this verse [Deuteronomy 32:6] as follows: Hath He not made thee and established thee? [Israel is] a community wherein all [classes] are to be found: out of them come their priests, out of them their prophets, out of them their princes, out of them their kings, as it is written: “From them shall come cornerstone, From them tent pegs, From them the bows of combat, And every Captain shall also arise from them מִמֶּנּוּ פִנָּה מִמֶּנּוּ יָתֵד מִמֶּנּוּ קֶשֶׁת מִלְחָמָה מִמֶּנּוּ יֵצֵא כָל נוֹגֵשׂ יַחְדָּו .” .(Zecharia 10:4).”

    Hertz Chumash p. 897: “requite. Will ye thus treat your Father and Benefactor? gotten thee. lit. ‘acquired thee,” by delivering them out of Egypt. Hath He not made thee? Constituted thee a nation (Rashi). And established thee. Set thee upon a firm basis so as to play a great and lasting part in world-histpry.”

    My theory. Mordecai Kedar says in 2011 he presented a paper on Afghanistan on what the US had it wrong since 9/11. Representatives from the US State Dept walked out.

    In Deuteronomy 32:6 Moses addresses the people calling them dull and witless people. Why? The people don’t recognize that God is our Father who created us as a people in Egypt and fashioned us that we can endure (to last) forever. R. Meir comments God gave us priests, prophets, princes. A person building a building home for his family, wants the house to endure, to last. He must build the house properly and strong. All this is lacking in Afghanistan/Pakistan/Iran/Iraq etc.

    We, the Jewish people, are an established people with a single language, Hebrew, and with Torah, and rabbinical and political leaders. Thank you God..

  5. “After 9/11, the U.S. Got Almost Everything Wrong” Now, seems, the jihadists will not attack the USA. Allow me my letter Friday to the NYS Court of Appeals:
    “1.I request permission to make this Written Notice of Withdrawal. I'm acting {\em pro se}. I request the Court to hear my Written Notice of Withdrawal on a submission basis. I request leave to make this Written Notice of Withdrawal. I'm including an affidavit of service with attached UPS proof of mailing. I'm sending true copies to Susan and to TIAA by UPS for overnight delivery. I'm sending by UPS this Written Notice of Withdrawal and affidavit of service to the NYS Court of Appeals 20 Eagle Street Albany, New York 12207 USA Phone: (518) 455-7700. I request the Court to accept my papers without notarization since in Israel only the US Embassy does NYS court approved notarizations and US Embassy appointments are most difficult. I request exemption from companion digital filling. I request exemption from court fees.
    2.I'm not a lawyer. I'm 75 years old retired living with my dear wife Yemima and our daughters in an apartment owned by my dear wife Yemima, also retired. My assets are my 1985 SAAB and my 2006 Kawasaki 500. My income is USA and Israel social security and starting September 1, 2021 100\% of my TIAA pension. For 27 years TIAA paid my opposition 55% of my pension. In my court appearance August 1992 I came with copies of 22 letters I wrote to my opposition after I went to live permanently in Israel July 1991. In the August 1992 hearing before Rigler/Rothbart Attorney Popkin asked me if I have proofs of mailing. She knew that I didn't as these were my pleadings for my opposition to come to Israel even for a short visit. In my letter I argued that my salary would enable us to live well in Israel, in addition to my TIAA pension, the $750 monthly . I started collecting my full TIAA pension in 1993 after I married Yemima.
    3.At the moment I have no need for relief or involvement of the NYS Court of Appeals. I made have need for relief from the NYS Court of Appeals if any of the following: TIAA fails to pay me 100\% of my pension. Actions against me to enforce the \$25,000 Rigler/Rothbart/Garson fines against me. Actions against me concerning my property rights in my house at 498 E.\ 18 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11226 USA.
    4.Appendix A: Letter dated 3/24/1993 Attorney Popkin and letter dated 9/13/1996 Judge Pesce are two documents during the 1994-1997 illegal TIAA 100% freeze of my pension. These documents support all my many court letters these 30 years.”

    Will jihadists stop attacking America? Will I get my 100% TIAA pension? Can anyone tell me why TIAA suddenly paid me my 100% pension $2,117 on September 1, 2021? My wife Yemima says because I said I would stop writing UPS letters if I got my 100% pension.

  6. The website he linked to cites your favorite "very reputable" CNN.
    Why is the first instinct in response to any story that depicts a Democrat or the Democrat party in an unfavorable light to assume the story is a lie? When I read his link, I didn't see anything alarming in terms of bias or dishonesty in the whole piece, or anything to make me question the veracity of the story. What exactly is not believable about it? What do you consider an acceptable source of news?

  7. citing cnn is proof the story he tells is objective?!


  9. No, it is proof that another source, one that you cite frequently and therefore must hold in high esteem, also reported the story. It's a direct response to your question "Do you have the story from a more objective source?"
    But we all know that really what that means is, "This goes against my politics therefore I will say the source is not credible"


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