Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Kiddush Club Is Not the Problem


 How are we still discussing banning alcohol when edibles are getting hechshers? A communal event without alcohol is unheard of. Rabbis ply congregants with alcohol, high school rebbeim knowingly look the other way (at best) as their students drink and vape. Can we afford not to counter these confusing messages in our communal spaces?

1 comment :

  1. There are two kinds of OTD's. There are the gutsy ones who take off the kippah and walk away. And then there are the ones who don't. Perhaps they can tolerate what they don't believe in. Perhaps they don't want to leave their community or upset their loved ones. Perhaps they like acting religious because they enjoy it, not because they believe in it. I'd bet a good number of these are in the kiddush club.


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