Monday, August 9, 2021

Why Tucker Carlson went to Hungary

 That same sort of longing threads through conservative praise of Hungary, where immigration restriction and Hungary-first politics have been attained through pseudo-democratic authoritarian rule. But for right-wing activists in the US, who claim to be populists yet remain suspicious of democracy, that authoritarianism is a selling point rather than a flaw. As many on the right work to enact laws in the US to protect elections from voters, pack courts with partisan judges, and construct loyal propaganda outlets, they turn to Hungary as both inspiration and ally.

1 comment :

  1. As many on the right work to enact laws in the US to protect elections from voters

    By flooding districts with illegals and other undocumented immigrants...

    , pack courts with partisan judges

    By demanding the Supreme Court be expanded so that libeal judges can be appointed and make up a new majority

    and construct loyal propaganda outlets,

    Like CNN, MSNBC,...

    Oh wait, those are liberals who take places like Cuba, China, North Korea and Iran as their inspirations and allies.


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