Thursday, August 12, 2021

Back to School


  1. yes, and also ban children from driving in cars. Many thousands get seriously injured every year. Also ban them from pools. How many drowning deaths a year? Keep them in the basement watching video games all day long where they're safe. Yes.

  2. Do you seriously not see the difference? Are you that dense?

  3. Dude, there is no difference.
    CoVID is part of our environment now. Get it through your thick skull. It's never going away. All those folks who are saying "Let's stay in lockdown and keep the schools closed until CoVID goes away" are fools because this never ends.
    Get vaccinated, go back out into the real world. Yes, some people will get sick and die from CoVID. If vaccination rates reach 90% or more, it's likely that more American children will die from gunshots or car accidents than CoVID.
    But this is what the press is gaslighting us with: If even one child, just one child, winds up in the ICU from CoVID then we have failed as a society to properly protect because this was totally preventable. Just like car accidents are totally preventable if you ban cars.

  4. No, let's basically shut down the entire western free world for 10-20 years, USA, Europe, UK, Australia can close their economies, allow their research industries and academic institutions collapse. This will allow China, Russia, Iran to take over the world as they planned.
    BTW, flu also kills so we have to put everything hold till that disappears too.

    Since berel has stopped posting his freakshow conspiracy sites and pseudo science, that duty has been taken up by others.


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