Friday, June 25, 2021

NYC mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa said Orthodox Jews are trying to take over the city

 Video from 2018 surfaced this week of Curtis Sliwa, the Republican candidate for mayor of New York City, describing Orthodox Jews as a drag on the tax system.

“We’re not talking about poor, impoverished, disabled people who need help, we’re talking about able-bodied men who study Torah and Talmud all day and we subsidize them,” Sliwa says in the video. “And then all they do is make babies like there’s no tomorrow and who’s subsidizing that? We are.

“So are we the shmucks and putzes? Yes.”


  1. The same lines can be paraphrased regarding certain other segments of New York City's population, but these types of people can't be mentioned by name, since that would be considered "racist". Raise the double standard.

    Curtis Sliwa was in a relationship with a Jewish woman, Melinda Katz, the Queens County District Attorney, and separated from her in 2014; they have two children together.

    Over the years, Curtis has had trouble with his Jewish ex and kids, and I believe that his complicated life with his Jewish family, has colored his relationship with the Jewish community.

  2. So Curtis joins the tzionim in hating Torah Jews!

  3. So basically you've DiBlasio who we know is anti-Semitic up against this guy?

  4. Yes, he used to complain that he has to take his children to a kosher pizza 馃崟 store on his visitation, which he didn't really like.

    His mentor, Bob Grant, was known as a good friend of Jews, but those of us who used to listen to him regularly, would spot inconsistencies. When you listen too carefully, you'll hear things you don't want to hear.

    Yes I can't expect to agree 100% of the time. Unless you're a little 'meshug', to quote him.

    His presumptive opponent says when he retires, he wants to make aliyah to Ramat haGolan, of all places. No retired politician wants to live there, there's none else there, politicians need crowds. Another Brooklyn Boro President candidate (seems like he's not going to win) actually played basketball 馃弨 in Gush Dan for two years.

    Considering the opposition, he's the best candidate.

  5. If he wants to win, he's going to need to "schvitz" up a storm.


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